Push Notification Doc

Baidu Push Notification Service

Google Push Notification Service

Apple Push Notification Service

Invoking custom Javascript from AMX pages


时间: 2024-10-12 02:23:40

Push Notification Doc的相关文章

Mobile Push Notification

In one embodiment, a method includes sending to a mobile client computing device a first notification through a real-time push service, the first notification including content and being associated with a stateful object; the method also includes, in

"Missing Push Notification Entitlement"警告-----以及解决方法

最近开发的cordova应用,要做ios的适配,并且发布版本,但是有一次在发测试版本的时候,突然收到一封邮件警告,原文如下: Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to include API used to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature’s entitlements do not include the

Send push notification on Apple (APNS) on c#.net

原文: http://apns-c-sharp-net-vikram-jain.blogspot.com ======================= Please, Install your certificate *.p12 on pc, and take firend name use here for refernce. Please, set configuration file : <appSettings> <add key="FriendName"

iOS 8 Apple Push Notification Service

Apple Configuration 1. create Apple ID in Apple Developer Website 2. check on "Push Notification" in the functionality 3. configure for Push Notification in Development: create certificate 3.1 upload the certificate file which is generated by ke

iOS推送通知(Push Notification)的Erlang实现

本文来自:瑞仙的Erlang开发博客 原文链接:http://blog.csdn.net/zhongruixian/article/details/39528765 一.前言 关于cer/pem证书转换,网上很多资料,我这就不说了, 网上有PHP实现的Push Notification,可以参考, 为了更好的做PUSH服务定制,我这里以Erlang(gen_server)实现iOS Push Notification 二.协议 1.协议分析 表1 名称 长度 描述 Command 1 字节 固定

Android Push Notification实现信息推送使用

本贴在http://www.cnblogs.com/hanyonglu/archive/2012/03/16/2399655.html下略为改动. Apndroid Push Notification的特点:  快速集成:提供一种比C2DM更加快捷的使用方式,避免各种限制. 无需架设服务器:通过使用"云服务",减少额外服务器负担. 可以同时推送消息到网站页面,android 手机 耗电少,占用流量少. 具体配置过程:  首先, 我们需要下载androidpn-client-0.5.0.

iOS上简单推送通知(Push Notification)的实现

http://blog.csdn.net/daydreamingboy/article/details/7977098 iOS上简单推送通知(Push Notification)的实现 根据这篇很好的教程(http://www.raywenderlich.com/3443/apple-push-notification-services-tutorial-part-12),结合自己的实践,写下一点笔记,仅供参考:) 由于篇幅较长,我列出简单的目录,如下 1) 理解Apple推送通知的机制 2)

在mac上配置push notification的问题

在代码的deletegater中写: - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; // Override point for customization after

资料整理:基于node push server实现push notification

chat example based on ionic/ socket.io/ redis https://github.com/jbavari/ionic-socket.io-redis-chat http://jbavari.github.io/blog/2014/06/17/building-a-chat-client-with-ionic/ socket.io example: http://socket.io/get-started/chat/ how node.js interact