数据结构之二叉树篇卷三 -- 二叉树非递归遍历(With Java)

Nonrecursive Traversal of Binary Tree

First I wanna talk about why should we use <code>Stack</code> to implement this algorithm. I think it is due to the FILO feature of Stack, and that really matters and makes sense when you get around with tree stuff. Cause in nonrecursive way we have to remember where we came from, which means we must figure out how should we go back to the root node as we finish visiting the whole subtree. The key to understand and get good command of nonrecursive traversal of binary tree is to demostrate the whole process by your hand. Don‘t be lazy. :)

I. Preorder Nonrecursive Traversal

1.1 Algorithm

  In recursive way it is easy and simple to go back to the root when we finish handling or visiting the subtree. But it seems more tricky while you‘re using nonrecursive way, which means you need to find some auxiliary data structure to help you implement those algorithm. So there we go.

  In preorder way of traversing binary tree, we should visit the root first, then go to visit left subtree and visit the right subtree at last. So the most important thing is to bear the visiting order in mind.

  • a. visit the node and push it into stack as you go down along the left subtree untill it reaches the deepest bottom left node.
  • b. pop a node from the top of stack and check whether it owns a right node, and go right if does.
  • c. loop a ~ b until the stack is empty

  Noticing that when to visit the node may help you interpret this algorithm better.

1.2 Code

Talk is cheap, show me the code!    -- Linus Benedict Torvalds

 1 public class Node<E> {
 2     public E data;
 3     public Node<E> lnode;
 4     public Node<E> rnode;
 6     public Node(){}
 7     public Node(E data) {
 8         this.data = data;
 9     }
10 }
 1     /**
 2      * preorder nonrecursive traversal with stack
 3      * @param node
 4      * @author sheepcore
 5      */
 6     public void preOrderStk(Node<E> node) {
 7         if(node == null)
 8             return;
 9         Node<E> root = node;
10         Stack<Node<E>> stack = new Stack<>();
11         while (root != null || !stack.isEmpty()){
12             while (root != null){
13                 visit(root);    //visit the root node first then go to left subtree
14                 stack.push(root);   //push left node into stack to go back
15                 root = root.lnode;
16             }
17             if(!stack.isEmpty()){
18                 root = stack.pop();
19                 if(root.rnode != null) {
20                     root = root.rnode;  //visit the right subtree
21                 } else {
22                     root = null;    //clear root when it is return from right subtree
23                 }
24             }
25         }
26     }

II. Inorder Nonrecursive Traversal

2.1 Algorithm

  • a. push the node into stack as you go down along the left subtree untill it reaches the deepest bottom left node.
  • b. pop a node from the top of stack and visit it. Then check whether it owns a right node, go right if does.
  • c. loop a ~ b until the stack is empty

2.2 Code

 1     /**
 2      * inorder non recursive traversal with stack
 3      * @param node
 4      * @author sheepcore
 5      */
 6     public void inOrderStk(Node<E> node) {
 7         if(node == null)
 8             return;
 9         Node<E> root = node;
10         Stack<Node<E>> stack = new Stack<>();
11         while (root != null || !stack.isEmpty()){
12             while (root != null){
13                 stack.push(root);   //go the left bottom of the tree
14                 root = root.lnode;
15             }
16             if(!stack.isEmpty()){
17                 root = stack.pop();
18                 visit(root);        //visit it
19                 if(root.rnode != null) {
20                     root = root.rnode;
21                 } else {
22                     root = null;    //clear root when it is return from right subtree
23                 }
24             }
25         }
26     }

III. Postorder Nonrecursive Traversal

3.1 Algorithm

  It is more tricky and tougher while traversing in postorder way than in preorder or inorder way. Cause we have no idea where it comes from when we go back to the root node. Therefore we got two common solutions: using tags or using two stacks.

  Using tags for each node can help us find out whether it comes from left subtree or right. Tag the node as "LEFT" while visiting the left subtree and change it to "RIGHT" as we finish. Then go right and go back the root and visit it.

  Using two stacks is prolly like this https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/iterative-postorder-traversal/ and check it out :).

3.2 Code

  1.Using tags

 1     /**
 2      * postorder nonrecursive traversal of binary tree
 4      * The key to understand and get good command of this algorithm is to demonstrate the whole processes
 5      * of each step and figure out how the nodes‘ status changed and for what that will make sense
 6      * to you to permanently beat the algorithm. And you must know that each nodes should be pushed into
 7      * stack twice which seems to be sort of time-consuming, so we can also check whether the nodes has
 8      * right node when we go down alongside the left subtree and that could make the performance better. :)
 9      * @param node
10      * @author sheepcore
11      */
12     public void postOrderStk(Node<E> node){
13         if(root == null)
14             return;
15         Node<E> root = node;
16         stkNode<E> s;
17         Stack<stkNode<E>> stack = new Stack<>();
18         do {
19             while (root != null){       //go down along the left branches of the bitree
20                 s = new stkNode<>();
21                 s.node = root;
22                 s.tag = tag.L;
23                 stack.push(s);
24                 root = root.lnode;
25             }//while-root
26             boolean continual = true;   //flag for continue
27             while (continual && !stack.isEmpty()) {
28                 s = stack.pop();
29                 root = s.node;
30                 switch (s.tag){
31                     case L: s.tag = tag.R;      //return from left subtree
32                             stack.push(s);
33                             continual = false;
34                             root = root.rnode;
35                             break;
36                     case R: visit(root); break;  //return from right subtree
37                 }
38             }//while-continual-stack
39         }while (!stack.isEmpty());
40     }

  2.Using two stacks

 1     /**
 2      * post-order nonrecursive traversal with two stacks
 3      * @param node
 4      */
 5     public void postOrderStk2(Node<E> node){
 6         if(root == null)
 7             return;
 8         Node<E> root = node;
 9         Stack<Node<E>> s1 = new Stack<>();
10         Stack<Node<E>> s2 = new Stack<>();
11         s1.push(root);
12         while (!s1.isEmpty()){
13             root = s1.pop();
14             s2.push(root);
15             if (root.lnode != null) { s1.push(root.lnode); }
16             if (root.rnode != null) { s1.push(root.rnode); }
17         }
18         while (!s2.isEmpty()){
19             visit(s2.pop());
20         }
21         System.out.println();
22     }

IV. Levelorder Nonrecursive Traversal

4.1 Algorithm

  In levelorder you need to visit the nodes from left to right and from top to bottom of the tree. Using a queue to implement the algorithm is way more simple as you think.

4.2 Code

 1    /**
 2      * level order traversal using queue
 3      * 1. check and visit the root node remove from the queue
 4      * 2. add its left and right nodes if does
 5      * 3. loop 1 ~ 2 while queue is empty
 6      * @param root
 7      * @author sheepcore
 8      */
 9     public void levelOrder(Node<E> root){
10         if(root == null)
11             return;
12         LinkedList<Node<E>> q = new LinkedList<>();
13         Node<E> cur;
14         q.addLast(root);
15         while (!q.isEmpty()) {
16             cur = q.removeFirst();
17             visit(cur);
18             if(cur.lnode != null) {
19                 q.addLast(cur.lnode);
20             }
21             if(cur.rnode != null){
22                 q.addLast(cur.rnode);
23             }
24         }
25     }

V. Summary


Sometimes people call you an idiot when you do something stupid, keep doing that until you change that stupid things to glory things. And then you can stare at those people‘s eyes and say, "I made it bitch!". 


时间: 2024-10-15 06:26:30

数据结构之二叉树篇卷三 -- 二叉树非递归遍历(With Java)的相关文章


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/* No recusive to realize the travle of tree */ void NoPreOrder( BiTree root ) {/*{{{*/ Stack S; BiTree P; P = root; S = CreateStack(); while( P!=NULL || !IsEmpty(S) )//判断条件分别对应着 //1,S is not empty && P = NULL 当前节点为上一节点的右子树,右子树为空,但还有上一节点的上一节点的右子树


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前一段时间,学习数据结构的各种算法,概念不难理解,只是被C++的指针给弄的犯糊涂,于是用java,web,javascript,分别去实现数据结构的各种算法. 二叉树的遍历,本分享只是以二叉树中的先序遍历为例进行说明,中序遍历和后序遍历,以此类推! 二叉树递归与非递归遍历的区别,虽然递归遍历,跟容易读懂,代码量少,运算快,但是却容易出现溢出的问题,所以所以非递归遍历,在处理千万级的运算量时会先的很有用处. 二叉树的先序遍历:先访问根节点,再访问先后访问左右节点.如图: 二叉树的递归遍历之java


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