github删除自己的库--Deleting a repository

You can delete any repository or fork if you‘re either an organization owner or have admin permissions for the repository or fork. Deleting a forked repository does not delete the upstream repository.

Only members with owner privileges for an organization or admin privileges for a repository can delete an organization repository. If Allow members to delete or transfer repositories for this organization has been disabled, only organization owners can delete organization repositories. For more information, see "Repository permission levels for an organization."

Warning: These steps will permanently delete the repository, wiki, issues, and comments. This action cannot be undone.

Please also keep in mind that:

Deleting a private repository will delete all of its forks.

Deleting a public repository will not delete its forks.

On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.

Under your repository name, click Settings.

Repository settings button

Under Danger Zone, click Delete this repository.

Repository deletion button

Read the warnings.

To verify that you‘re deleting the correct repository, type the name of the repository you want to delete.

Deletion labeling

Click I understand the consequences, delete this repository.



时间: 2024-10-08 20:03:25

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我们有时候可能需要清理 GitHub 中一些不维护的或不需要的项目,此时就要用到delete操作了,很多新手可能不知道如何删除已有仓库,下面将简单介绍下,需要注意的是删除操作不能恢复,一旦执行此操作,则意味着永远消失,一定要谨慎次操作!!!! 1. 进入该仓库页面,选择 setting 选项,如图 1 所示. 图1 setting选项 2. 进入setting 选项后,一直向下滑动,直至最下面,如图 2 所示. 图2 点击Delete this repository 3. 进入Delete th


第一步,登陆github,一定要点开要删除的repository,再选择相应的setting: 第二步,下拉选择,delete this repository 第三步,输入删除的仓库名,删除repository  ps : 此仓库删除完成,自己创建的仓库和fork的仓库是同样的删除方法 原文地址:

github 删除仓库 repository

1.点开想要删除的仓库 2点击setting 3.拉到最下面 4.点击 Delete this repository 5.输入想删除仓库的名字 点击


最近在github上浏览,不小心fork了一个项目.想删除,费了一点周折.现在记录下来. 1.点击选择fork的项目.我的fork项目已经删掉了.以es-ik为例. 2.进入后,点击Settings 3.进入页面后,点击Delete this repository 4.输入awnuxkjy/es-ik,选择"I understand the consequences,delete this repository" ok,搞定!