Mooc论文【Why is it so hard to learn programming?】

Why is it so hard to learn programming?

“Oh, programming is so hard!”, many friends said like that to me. But, does programming is as hard as they think? The answer is No.

In my opinion, programmer is similar to the pianist. Because, we both work with hands, we both need the “key”, we both create new things, we both make others happy(Programmer use the pretty programs, Pianist use the nice song.)

I also know there are really some difficulty in studying programming.

1.  perseverance

when I read the code(just a simple “Hello world” program) at the first time, I have some trouble. If I give up in that time, I will really be a loser. Luckily, I hold on to my dream. Now I can easily write many codes.

So we need perseverance!

2.  modesty

Every programmer will have trouble in debugging. Sometime we need try many times, we often say ”Oh ,NO! I think the program is perfect! Why do you give me a error!” , at this time, Why don’t you calm down and try to be modest?
Then you will find you are wrong.

3.  open to new things

Programmers need study all the time. If he/she don’t  keep up with things, he/she will be eliminated. But when I have learned the C programming language, and then I need study the python, I found so many difficulty. Because I fear to forget to C or mix them

So we must be open to new things, don’t fear to them,. If you want to get it well, do it. Nothing will stop you.

4.Use your program to prove yourself!

When you can program well, you will be interested in programming more programs. But maybe someone will do not recognise you, Never give up ,do yourself! Use your program to prove yourself!

This far, I have told you all the difficulty that I met in studying programming. I think the  secret in learning programming is : perseverance, modesty, open to new things, Use your programs to prove yourself! If you know and get them over, you will be the
best one

I’m a Chinese student, and my English is not very well. But I am sincerely to write this article, thank you for your reading. :)

Chinese student

Crown prince

Beijing time: 2015.2.24

时间: 2024-10-07 19:10:41

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