WARNING [Project: :app] To shrink resources you must also enable ProGuard

新版本的Android Gradle plugin中,对于resource有了更加一步的管理,可以把unused resource移除,不仅是自己工程,并且library里面也可以没有用到的,也可以移除。


android {

    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            shrinkResources true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android.txt‘), ‘proguard-rules.pro‘




Removed unused resources: Binary resource data reduced from 2570KB to 1711KB: Removed 33%
Note: If necessary, you can disable resource shrinking by adding
android {
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            shrinkResources false


如果需要查看更详细的具体哪些resource被移除了,可以在Gradle command输入一下命令:--info

$ ./gradlew clean assembleDebug --info | grep "Skipped unused resource"
Skipped unused resource res/anim/abc_fade_in.xml: 396 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/anim/abc_fade_out.xml: 396 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/anim/abc_slide_in_bottom.xml: 400 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/anim/abc_slide_in_top.xml: 400 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/anim/abc_slide_out_bottom.xml: 400 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/anim/abc_slide_out_top.xml: 400 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/color/rating_bar_label.xml: 472 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/big.png: 866901 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_action_add_schedule.png: 282 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_action_remove_schedule.png: 368 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_livestream_pause.png: 1694 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_livestream_play.png: 2141 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_media_route_on_holo_light.png: 1594 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/actionbar_icon.png: 2002 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_action_overflow.png: 330 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_action_play_dark.png: 331 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable/photo_banner_scrim.xml: 620 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable/session_detail_photo_gradient.xml: 620 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/drawable/transparent_background_pattern.xml: 436 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/layout/activity_letterboxed_when_large.xml: 360 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/menu/sessions_context.xml: 1088 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/raw/keep.xml: 262 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/transition-v21/shared_element.xml: 1008 bytes
Skipped unused resource res/transition-v21/window_enter_exit.xml: 108 bytes



时间: 2024-12-13 02:05:09

WARNING [Project: :app] To shrink resources you must also enable ProGuard的相关文章

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