关于Linux Kernel 2.6.28 以上有缺陷,在第208.5天自行重啟的问题



Linux Kernel 2.6.28 以上有缺陷,在第208.5天自行重啟


sched_clock() overflow around 208.5 days in Linux Kernellast modified by Raghu Udiyar on 04/10/12 - 09:12Issue

  • Linux Kernel panics when sched_clock() overflows around 208.5 days
  • Does RHEL 6.1 have a reboot problem which is caused by sched_clock() overflow around 208.5 days?


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Kernel version earlier than kernel-2.6.32-220.4.2.el6
  • TSC clock source
  • Intel CPU

Linux Kernel 2.6.28 以上存有缺陷,啟動後經過208.5天就會自行重新啟動,此事浮出檯面。

sched_clock() overflow after 208.5 days in Linux

該缺陷是於實機運行 Pentium 4

此缺陷在 Linux Kernel / 3.0.13 / 3.1.5

Fedora 16: 已在 Fedora 16 Update: kernel-3.1.6-1.fc16

Vine Linux 6: 已用核心修補檔修正。

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6:

CentOS 6: 尚未發佈修正版核心。請於啟動後的200天內手動重啟來迴避。

Debian 6.0: 尚未發佈修正版核心。請於啟動後的200天內手動重啟來迴避。

Ubuntu 11.10: 尚未發佈修正版核心。請於啟動後的200天內手動重啟來迴避。

Ubuntu 11.04: 尚未發佈修正版核心。請於啟動後的200天內手動重啟來迴避。

Ubuntu 10.10: 尚未發佈修正版核心。請於啟動後的200天內手動重啟來迴避。

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS: 尚未發佈修正版核心。請於啟動後的200天內手動重啟來迴避。

SuSE 11 SP1: 可從支援服務獲得 PTF 。


Does Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or 5 have a reboot problem which is
caused by sched_clock() overflow around 208.5 days?

Updated 22 Aug 2012, 8:54 AM



Average: 5 (1vote)


  • Linux Kernel panics when sched_clock() overflows
    after an uptime of around 208.5 days.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 system reboots with sched_clock()
    overflow after an uptime of around 208.5 days


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2 are affected
    • several kernels affected, see below
    • TSC clock source
    • Intel CPU
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3, 5.6, 5.8: please refer to
      the resolution section
      for affected kernels
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0, 5,1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5 ,5.7: all kernels
    • TSC clock source
    • Intel CPU
  • An approximate uptime of around 208.5 days.



2.使用Intel CPU




时间: 2024-08-03 19:35:55

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