Citrix XenMobile 10 基本配置流程

一直不是很喜欢citrix的原因还是配置很复杂。不过XMS 10相比9,有了不少的进步。在自己的lab做了一个测试。记录了些设置的流程。基本还是涵盖的大部分配置过程中的难点。与大家分享及共勉!

Xenmobile Setup

  • Deploy the XMS.
  • Prepare APNS certificate.
  • Prepare google play account and use an android phone to get the device ID.
  • Prepare domain root certificate and wildcard certificate
  • Install the SQL DB
  • Boot the vm and launch the setup. Configure the network settings

  • If you would like to enable FIPS, you have to copy and paste the domain wildcard certificate. If you would like to keep it simple, just disable it first

  • Double check you database server, make sure the port is open and the service is running

  • Enter DB connection. I am using MS SQL here.

  • Enter hostname FQDN and make sure you create a DNS entry in your DNS server

  • Use default and enter

  • Finish the configuration

  • Login xenmobile console

  • Click Start

  • Use Evaluation license

  • Generate APNS cert

Go to any IIS web server and generate a CSR

Go to link below

Sign the CSR

Go to

Download the Push Certificate

The certificate is valid for one year

Download the .pem certificate and copy to IIS server

Export the APNS cert to .pfx format

  • Import SSL certificate

  1. Import APNS cert

  1. Import domain wildcard cert

  2. Import again for listener

  1. Import the root cert if it is not there

  • NS Gateway configuration

Don‘t configure NS Gateway first. Do it after NS has been configured for Xenmobile. The External URL will be the URL mapped to NS Gateway VIP

  • Configure LDAP. Requires ladp account to query AD database

  • Done.

  • Initial Policy configuration

    Configure policy below

Create Google play credential. Suggest customer to have a company google account and login to one of android phone

Create Delivery Group if you would like to assign specific policies to specific group of users

时间: 2025-01-02 11:19:24

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