RBPF-SLAM algorithms (C++ library mrpt-slam)


1. pfStandardProposal: 基于标准提议分布的序贯重要性重采样算法&任意类型的度量地图

Description: The pfStandardProposal algorithm can be used with any metric map or combination of several of them simultaneously, provided that an observation likelihood function is implemented for the sensor observations in each map. This algorithm however is not recommendable since the “standard” proposal distribution is the motion model (the “actions“), and most of the particles will end up in areas incompatible with the observations, and thus, resampling will occur quite often. Only use this algorithm if the motion model is known to be very precise. Example config files:

2. pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal: 基于任意类型度量地图的近似最优提议分布算法

Description: The pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal algorithm (introduced in this and this papers) can be used with any metric map or combination of several of them simultaneously, provided that an observation likelihood function is implemented for the sensor observations in each map. The algorithm will automatically approximate the optimal proposal distribution disregarding the quality of the motion model. However, the worse the motion model, the longer it will take to run each iteration. Example config files:

Example of gridmapping with a RBPF (rbpf-slam app).

3. pfOptimalProposal: 基于栅格地图的最优提议分布算法

Description: The pfOptimalProposal algorithm for grid maps corresponds to the heuristic approximation of the optimal proposal introduced by G. Grisetti et al. in: “Improved Techniques for Grid Mapping With Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters”, Grisetti, G. Stachniss, C. Burgard, W. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS (2007) – PDF The implementation in MRPT relies on a version of ICP for gridmaps. An alternative implementation (independent of MRPT) is the popular gmappingNote: pfOptimalProposal requires setting the parameter pfOptimalProposal_mapSelection (see example config files for details). Example config files:

4. pfOptimalProposal: 基于点图的最优提议分布算法

Description: The pfOptimalProposal algorithm for point maps is a version of the Grisetti et al.’s idea, but applied to point clouds (faster to update than grid maps). AFAIK, this method hasn’t been published in the literature, but works quite fine. Note: pfOptimalProposal requires setting the parameter pfOptimalProposal_mapSelection (see example config files for details). Example config files:

时间: 2024-10-11 07:25:18

RBPF-SLAM algorithms (C++ library mrpt-slam)的相关文章


转自 http://www.cnblogs.com/wenhust/ 书籍: 1.必读经典 Thrun S, Burgard W, Fox D. <Probabilistic robotics>[M]. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 2005 <Principles of Robot Motion Theory,Algorithms and Implementation> 2.有很多期,跟着会议一起出的文集 <Robotics: Science and


原文出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/wenhust/p/5942893.html 书籍: 1.必读经典 Thrun S, Burgard W, Fox D. <Probabilistic robotics>[M]. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 2005 <Principles of Robot Motion Theory,Algorithms and Implementation> 2.有很多期,跟着会议一起出的文集 <Robot


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下载<视觉SLAM十四讲:从理论到实践>源码:https://github.com/gaoxiang12/slambook 第二讲:初识SLAM 2.4.2 Hello SLAM(书本P27) 1.从github上下载源码,并解压 Ubuntu上,解压zip,先找到zip文件所在位置,然后运行下面代码,进行解压. unzip slambook-master.zip 解压后,找到ch2文件夹,在文件夹中找到helloSLAM.cpp文件 运行cpp文件 g++ helloSLAM.cpp 如未安


引言:视觉SLAM 是指用相机解决定位和建图问题.本文以一个小机器人为例形象地介绍了视觉SLAM的功能及特点.本文选自<视觉SLAM十四讲:从理论到实践>. SLAM 是Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 的缩写,中文译作"同时定位与地图构建".它是指搭载特定传感器的主体,在没有环境先验信息的情况下,于运动过程中建立环境的模型,同时估计自己的运动.如果这里的传感器主要为相机,那就称为"视觉SLAM". 假设我们组装


自主移动机器人同时定位与地图创建(SLAM)方法 1.引言: 机器人的研究越来越多的得到关注和投入,随着计算机技术和人工智能的发展,智能自主移动机器人成为机器人领域的一个重要研究方向和研究热点.移动机器人的定位和地图创建是自主移动机器人领域的热点研究问题.对于已知环境中的机器人自主定位和已知机器人位置的地图创建已经有了一些实用的解决方法.然而在很多环境中机器人不能利用全局定位系统进行定位,而且事先获取机器人工作环境的地图很困难,甚至是不可能的.这时机器人需要在自身位置不确定的条件下,在完全未知环