015_NGINX作为WebSocket Proxy的设置




The WebSocket protocol is different from the HTTP protocol,但是websocket握手是兼容http的,用TTP Upgrade方式更新从HTTP到websock的连接。This allows WebSocket applications to more easily fit into existing infrastructures.例如,websock应用能使用标准的http端口80和443进行通信。

A WebSocket application keeps a long?running connection open between the client and the server, facilitating the development of real?time applications. 这个 HTTP Upgrade 机制通过使用" the Upgrade and Connection headers." 来更新从HTTP到websocket的连接。There are some challenges that a reverse proxy server faces in supporting WebSocket. 一个是websocket是一个中hop-by-hop(逐跳)协议, so when a proxy server intercepts an Upgrade request from a client it needs to send its own Upgrade request to the backend server, including the appropriate headers. 还有,websocket连接是长连接,相反使用http时典型的短连接,即反向代理server需要在它们在空闲的时候需要保持这些连接保持open,而不是关闭它们。

NGINX supports WebSocket by allowing a tunnel to be set up between a client and a backend server. 对于nginx发送upgrade请求从client到后端的server, the Upgrade and Connectionheaders must be set explicitly, as in this example:

location /wsapp/ {
    proxy_pass http://wsbackend;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

Once this is done, NGINX deals with this as a WebSocket connection.



时间: 2025-01-04 13:19:24

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