.net 反编译利器 dnspy


Latest release: https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/releases

Latest build (possibly unstable): https://ci.appveyor.com/project/0xd4d/dnspy/build/artifacts


  • Assembly editor
  • Decompiler
  • Debugger
  • Tabs and tab groups
  • Themes (blue, dark, light and high contrast)


dnSpy looks for *.dntheme files in the <dnSpy-bin-dir>\dntheme directory and the user‘s %APPDATA%\dnSpy\dnthemedirectory. If you wish to override a standard theme, copy the file to %APPDATA%\dnSpy\dntheme and edit the file.

Keyboard shortcuts

Key Description
Ctrl+F (Text view) Search
F3 (Text view) Find next match
Shift+F3 (Text view) Find previous match
ESC (Text view) Remove selected markers or close search box
Backspace Navigate back in history
Alt+Left Arrow Navigate back in history
Alt+Right Arrow Navigate forward in history
F5 (Debugger) Debug an assembly
Ctrl+F5 (Debugger) Start without debugging
F5 (Debugger) Continue debugging
Shift+F5 (Debugger) Stop debugging
Ctrl+Shift+F5 (Debugger) Restart debugged program
F9 (Text view) Toggle breakpoint at caret
Ctrl+F9 (Text view) Toggle enable/disable breakpoint at caret
Ctrl+Shift+F9 Delete all breakpoints
F10 (Debugger) Step over
Ctrl+Shift+F10 (Debugger) Set next statement
F11 (Debugger) Step into next method
Shift+F11 (Debugger) Step out of current method
Ctrl+Pause (Debugger) Break
Alt+* (Debugger) Show next statement
Ctrl+D (Text view) Go to token
Ctrl+Shift+D (Text view) Go to MD table row
Shift+Alt+R (Text view) Go to highlighted reference‘s MD table row
Ctrl+G (Text view) Go to line
Ctrl+X (Text view) Show current instruction in hex editor or open hex editor
Ctrl+T Open a new tab
Ctrl+W Close current tab
Ctrl+F4 Close current tab
Ctrl+Tab Go to next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Go to previous tab
Ctrl+K Open search pane
Ctrl+T (Search pane) Select Type
Ctrl+M (Search pane) Select Member
Ctrl+S (Search pane) Select Literal
Alt+Enter (Text view, Tree view) Edit current type, method, field, etc
F12 (Text view) Follow reference at caret
Enter (Text view) Follow reference at caret
Ctrl+F12 (Text view) Follow reference at caret in a new tab
Ctrl+Enter (Text view) Follow reference at caret in a new tab
Ctrl+Click (Text view) Follow the clicked reference in a new tab
Ctrl+Alt+W (Text view) Toggle word wrap
Shift+Dbl Click (BP/Call stack/Search/etc windows) Open BP/method/etc in a new tab
Ctrl+C (Text view) Copy selected text
Ctrl+B (Text view, IL language) Copy selected lines as IL hex bytes
Ctrl+E (Text view) Edit IL instructions
Ctrl+S Save code
Ctrl+Shift+S Save all modified assemblies and netmodules
Ctrl+O Open assembly
Ctrl+Z (Assembly Editor) Undo
Ctrl+Y (Assembly Editor) Redo
Ctrl+Shift+Z (Assembly Editor) Redo
Ctrl++ (Text view) Zoom In
Ctrl+- (Text view) Zoom Out
Ctrl+0 (Text view) Zoom Reset
Ctrl+Scroll Wheel (Text view) Zoom In/Out
Alt+Click (Text view) Don‘t follow the clicked reference so it‘s possible to start selecting text without being taken to the definition. References are only followed if none of Ctrl, Alt and Shift are pressed or if Ctrl is pressed.
F7 Give text editor keyboard focus
Ctrl+Alt+0 Give text editor keyboard focus
Ctrl+Alt+L Give tree view keyboard focus
Ctrl+Alt+B (Debugger) Show Breakpoints window
Alt+F9 (Debugger) Show Breakpoints window
Ctrl+Alt+C (Debugger) Show Call Stack window
Alt+7 (Debugger) Show Call Stack window
Ctrl+Alt+H (Debugger) Show Threads window
Ctrl+Alt+U (Debugger) Show Modules window
Ctrl+Alt+E (Debugger) Show Exceptions window
Alt+4 (Debugger) Show Locals window
Alt+6 (Debugger) Show Memory 1 window
Ctrl+Alt+1 (Debugger) Show Memory 1 window
Ctrl+Alt+2 (Debugger) Show Memory 2 window
Ctrl+Alt+3 (Debugger) Show Memory 3 window
Ctrl+Alt+4 (Debugger) Show Memory 4 window
Shift+Alt+Enter Toggle full screen mode
Tab (Text view) Move to the next reference. Does nothing if the caret is not on a reference.
Shift+Tab (Text view) Move to the previous reference. Does nothing if the caret is not on a reference.
N (Method Editor) Nop instruction
I (Method Editor) Invert branch
B (Method Editor) Convert to unconditional branch
P (Method Editor) Remove instruction and add an equal number of pops that the original instruction popped
S (Method Editor) Simplify instructions, eg. convert ldc.i4.8 to ldc.i4 with 8 as operand
O (Method Editor) Optimize instructions, eg. convert ldc.i4 with 8 as operand to ldc.i4.8
F (Method Editor) Add a new instruction before selection
C (Method Editor) Add a new instruction after selection
A (Method Editor) Append a new instruction
U (Method Editor) Move selection up
D (Method Editor) Move selection down
Del (Method Editor) Remove selected instructions
Ctrl+Del (Method Editor) Remove all instructions
Ctrl+T (Method Editor) Copy selection as text
Ctrl+X (Method Editor) Cut selected instructions
Ctrl+C (Method Editor) Copy selected instructions
Ctrl+V (Method Editor) Paste instructions
Ctrl+Alt+V (Method Editor) Paste instructions after selection
Ctrl+M (Method Editor) Copy operand‘s MD token
Ctrl+R (Method Editor) Copy RVA of instruction
Ctrl+F (Method Editor) Copy file offset of instruction
Ctrl+R (Text view) Analyze reference at caret
Tab (Hex editor) Switch caret from hex bytes to ASCII or back
Ctrl+C (Hex editor) Copy binary data
Ctrl+Shift+8 (Hex editor) Copy UTF-8 encoded data
Ctrl+Shift+U (Hex editor) Copy Unicode encoded data
Ctrl+Shift+P (Hex editor) Copy data as a C# array
Ctrl+Shift+B (Hex editor) Copy data as a VB array
Ctrl+Shift+C (Hex editor) Copy hex editor screen contents
Ctrl+Alt+O (Hex editor) Copy offset
Ctrl+G (Hex editor) Go to offset
Ctrl+8 (Hex editor) Paste (UTF-8)
Ctrl+U (Hex editor) Paste (Unicode)
Ctrl+B (Hex editor) Paste (#Blob data with compressed length)
Ctrl+L (Hex editor) Show ‘Select‘ dialog box
Ctrl+D (Hex editor) Show only the selected bytes
Ctrl+Shift+D (Hex editor) Show all bytes
Ctrl+Alt+S (Hex editor) Save selection


For license info, authors and other credits, see README.txt.

Build instructions

First grab the code using git:

git clone https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy.git
cd dnSpy
git submodule update --init --recursive

Use Visual Studio 2010 or later or run debugbuild.bat / releasebuild.bat to build it once you have all dependencies. You probably don‘t need Visual Studio installed to run the *.bat files. The C# compiler is usually installed if you have the .NET Framework installed. Otherwise, download and install Microsoft Build Tools.


The git command above should‘ve downloaded the correct versions. If you can‘t use git, grab the code from these links. dnlib must have THREAD_SAFE defined when you compile it.

时间: 2024-12-28 20:30:50

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一.前言 在之前的破解过程中可以看到我们唯一离不开的一个神器那就是apktool了,这个工具多强大就不多说了,但是如果没有他我们没法涉及到后面的破解工作了,这个工具是开源的,也是使用Java语言开发的,代码相对简单,我们今天就来分析一下他的大体逻辑,注意是大体逻辑哦,因为如果要一行一行代码分析,首先觉得没必要,其次浪费时间,有了源码,谁看不懂呢.至于为什么要分析这个工具其实原因只有一个,就是我们在之前的反编译过程中会发现,总是有那么几个apk应用不让我们那么容易的反编译,他们就利用apktool

[转] .net软件反编译笔记

原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/three_bird/article/details/51433734 在软件的破解及源码获取及重新编译的道路上会遇到一些问题,书此备查. 大名鼎鼎的Reflector以及开源的ILSPY都是.NET程序集的反编译利器,但是它们不能为你做全部的工作. 0x01: 遇到反编译所得源码里面调用类的属性时多出set_Name或者get_Name之类的说明程序集引用没有加载完全, 因为反编译工具在没有元数据的情况下无法判断这丫的到底是个方法还是个属性.


大家知道app 有安卓和ios 安卓是apk 现在基本上apk都是经过加密的 想动态脱壳没一定的技术是搞不定的 IOS是ipa 今天我主要讲的是这个 准备好反编译设备 1.一套越狱的ios手机 我的设备是iphone6 ios8.3 已越狱 2.一个mac系统 可以是vmware上的mac 黑苹果 或者直接用自己的mac电脑 我为了方便就用了黑苹果(如何搞黑苹果可以看我之前发表的博客) 给大家看下我的环境吧: 准备反编译环境 1. 越狱手机上 1.1 Cydia上面安装 OpenSSH 安装成功


在软件的破解及源码获取及重新编译的道路上会遇到一些问题,书此备查. 大名鼎鼎的Reflector以及开源的ILSPY都是.NET程序集的反编译利器,但是它们不能为你做全部的工作. 0x01: 遇到反编译所得源码里面调用类的属性时多出set_Name或者get_Name之类的说明程序集引用没有加载完全, 因为反编译工具在没有元数据的情况下无法判断这丫的到底是个方法还是个属性. 有时候反编译得到的源码里的-1实际上可能是某个数的最大值,因为反编译时没有加载依赖的程序集,工具将类似int.MaxVal


dnSpy应该是目前使用最多的.net反编译工具.很多情况下反编译C#代码非常方便,特别是查找基类,子类.搜索一些class,方法.接口,非常方便.比ILspy好很多.而且dnspy是可以配置的. 如果要dnSpy非常干净地显示反编译之后的代码,可以看我具体的配置: 第一张是效果图,过滤一个具体的关键词筛选的时候可以使用[全词匹配],可以在所有的.net framework中查找你需要寻找的那个关键字,不区分大小写. 右侧底部的这个搜索框是可以配置的,而且有时候很容易被隐藏掉,需要"上拉&quo