soundtouch change rate matlab implementation

soundtouch implement of changing rate in a way same with resample(SRC).

%calc low pass filter coefficient. The low pass filter based on sinc function with hamming window.

function coeff = calCoeffs(cutoffFreq, len)

coeff = zeros(len ,1);

wc = 2 * pi * cutoffFreq;

tempCoeff = 2 * pi / len;

sum = 0;

for i = 0 : 1 : len -1

  cntTemp = (i - len/2);

  temp = cntTemp  * wc;

  % sinc function

  if temp ~=0

    h = sin(temp) / temp;


    h = 1;


  %hamming window

  w = 0.54 + 0.46 * cos(tempCoeff * cntTemp);

  coeff(i+1) = w * h;

  sum = sum + coeff(i+1);


coeff = coeff / sum;


function output = firfilter(input, coeff)

inputLen = length(input(:, 1));

filterLen = length(coeff(:, 1));

output = zeros(inputLen ,1 );

outputLen = inputLen - filterLen;

for i = 1: 1: outputLen

  inpos = i;

  sum = 0;

  for j = 1:1:filterLen

    sum = sum + input(inpos ,1) * coeff(j, 1);

    inpos = inpos + 1;


  output(i, 1) = sum;



function output = cubicInterpolation(input, rate)

inputLen = length(input(:,1));

outputLen = floor(inputLen / rate);

output = zeros(outputLen ,1);

inputIdx = 1;

fract = 0;

outputIdx = 1;

while inputIdx < inputLen - 4

  x1 = fract;

  x2 = x1 * x1;

  x3 = x1 * x2;

  p0 = input(inputIdx , 1);

  p1 = input(inputIdx + 1 , 1);

    p2 = input(inputIdx + 2, 1);

  p3 = input(inputIdx + 3, 1);

  output(outputIdx ,1) = (-0.5*p0 + 1.5*p1 -1.5 *p2 + 0.5*p3) * x3 +(p0 - 2.5*p1 + 2*p2 -0.5*p3) *x2 + (-0.5*p0 + 0.5*p2) * x1 + p1;

  outputIdx = outputIdx + 1;

  fract = fract + rate;

  whole = floor(fract);

  fract = fract - whole;

  inputIdx = inputIdx + whole;



function output = linearInterpolation(input, rate)

inputLen = length(input(:,1));

outputLen = floor(inputLen / rate);

output = zeros(outputLen ,1);

inputIdx = 1;

fract = 0;

outputIdx = 1;

while inputIdx < inputLen - 4

  p0 = input(inputIdx , 1);

  p1 = input(inputIdx + 1 , 1);

  output(outputIdx ,1) = (1-fract) * po + fract * p1;

  outputIdx = outputIdx + 1;

  fract = fract + rate;

  whole = floor(fract);

  fract = fract - whole;

  inputIdx = inputIdx + whole;



function output = changeRate(input, rate, interpMethod)

inputLen = length(input(:, 1));

outputLen = floor(inputLen / rate);

output = zeros(outputLen, 1);

if rate > 1

  cutoffFreq = 0.5 / rate;


  cutoffFreq = 0.5 * rate;


filterLen = 64;

coeff = calCoeffs(cutoffFreq, filterLen);

if rate < 1

  %slow down, need interpolation first;

  if strcmp(interMethod, ‘cubic‘)

    output = cubicInterpolation(input, rate);


    output = linearInterpolation(input, rate);


  output = firfilter(output, coeff);


  %fast, need filter out the high freqency, then delete samples

  output = firfilter(input, coeff);

  if strcmp(interMethod, ‘cubic‘)

    output = cubicInterpolation(output, rate);


    output = linearInterpolation(output, rate);






clear all;

[input fs] = wavread(‘input.wav‘);

%if do SRC, rate = inputfs / outputfs;

rate = 0.5;

output = changeRate(input, rate, ‘cubic‘);

wavwrite(output, fs, ‘output.wav);


时间: 2024-11-08 00:52:07

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