[LeetCode&Python] Problem 836. Rectangle Overlap

A rectangle is represented as a list [x1, y1, x2, y2], where (x1, y1) are the coordinates of its bottom-left corner, and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of its top-right corner.

Two rectangles overlap if the area of their intersection is positive.  To be clear, two rectangles that only touch at the corner or edges do not overlap.

Given two (axis-aligned) rectangles, return whether they overlap.

Example 1:

Input: rec1 = [0,0,2,2], rec2 = [1,1,3,3]
Output: true

Example 2:

Input: rec1 = [0,0,1,1], rec2 = [1,0,2,1]
Output: false


  1. Both rectangles rec1 and rec2 are lists of 4 integers.
  2. All coordinates in rectangles will be between -10^9 and 10^9.
class Solution(object):
    def isRectangleOverlap(self, rec1, rec2):
        :type rec1: List[int]
        :type rec2: List[int]
        :rtype: bool
        if rec1[0]<=rec2[0]:
            if rec2[0]>=rec1[2] or rec2[1]>=rec1[3] or rec2[3]<=rec1[1]:
                return False
            return True
            if rec2[2]<=rec1[0] or rec2[3]<=rec1[1] or rec2[1]>=rec1[3]:
                return False
            return True



时间: 2024-07-29 15:00:56

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【Leetcode_easy】836. Rectangle Overlap

problem 836. Rectangle Overlap 参考 1. Leetcode_easy_836. Rectangle Overlap; 完 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/happyamyhope/p/11214867.html

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