Dreamweaver 扩展开发: Calling a C++ function from JavaScript

After you understand how C-level extensibility works in Dreamweaver and its dependency on certain data types and functions, it’s useful to know how to build a library and call a function.

The following example requires the following five files, located in the Dreamweaver-application-folder/ Tutorial_assets/Extending folder as archives for both the Macintosh and Windows platforms:

  • The mm_jsapi.h header file includes definitions for the data types and functions that are described in C-level extensibility and the JavaScript interpreter.
  • The mm_jsapi_environment.h file defines the MM_Environment.h structure.
  • The MMInfo.h file provides access to the Design Notes API.
  • The Sample.c example file defines the computeSum() function.
  • The Sample.mak make file lets you build the Sample.c source file into a DLL with Microsoft Visual C++; Sample.mcp is the equivalent file for building a Mach-O Bundle with Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Sample.xcode is the equivalent file for Apple Xcode. If you use another tool, you can create the makefile.

Build the DLL in Windows using VS.Net 2003

  1. Use File > Open, and select Sample.mak with Files Of Type set to All Files (*.*). (VS.Net 2003 does not open MAK files directly). You are then prompted to verify that you want to convert the project to the new format.
  2. Select Build > Rebuild Solution.

When the build operation finishes, the Sample.dll file appears in the folder that contains Sample.mak (or one of its subfolders).

Build the DLL in Windows using Microsoft Visual C++

  1. In Microsoft Visual C++, select File > Open Workspace, and select Sample.mak.
  2. Select Build > Rebuild All.

When the build operation finishes, the Sample.dll file appears in the folder that contains Sample.mak (or one of its subfolders).

Build the shared library on the Macintosh using Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9 or later

  1. Open Sample.mcp.
  2. Build the project (Project > Make) to generate a Mach-O Bundle.

When the build operation finishes, the Sample.bundle file appears in the folder that contains Sample.mcp.

Note:The Mach-O Bundle that is generated can only be used in Dreamweaver 8 and later. Earlier versions of Dreamweaver do not recognize it.

Build the shared library on the Macintosh using Apple Xcode 1.5 or later

  1. Open Sample.xcode.
  2. Build the project (Build > Build) to generate a Mach-O Bundle.

When the build operation finishes, the Sample.bundle file appears in the build folder that is next to the Sample.xcode file.

Note:The Mach-O Bundle that is generated can only be used in Dreamweaver 8 and later. Earlier versions of Dreamweaver do not recognize it.

Call the computeSum() function from the Insert Horizontal Rule object

  1. Create a folder called JSExtensions in the Configuration folder within the Dreamweaver application folder.
  2. Copy Sample.dll (Windows) or Sample.bundle (Macintosh) to the JSExtensions folder.
  3. In a text editor, open the HR.htm file in the Configuration/Objects/Common folder.
  4. Add the line alert(Sample.computeSum(2,2)); to the objectTag() function, as shown in the following example:

    function objectTag() {
        // Return the html tag that should be inserted
        return "<HR>";
  5. Save the file and restart Dreamweaver.

To execute the computeSum() function, select Insert > HTML > Horizontal Rule.

A dialog box that contains the number 4 (the result of computing the sum of 2 plus 2) appears.

标题:Calling a C function from JavaScript


时间: 2024-12-11 23:55:36

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