GGSCI (db11) 4> view param lhremd1 EXTRACT lhremd1 setenv(NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK) USERID ogg, PASSWORD ogg ReportCount Every 30 Minutes, Rate Report at 01:00 ReportRollover at 01:15 DiscardFile dirrpt/LHREMD1.dsc, Append DiscardRollover at 02:00 ON SUNDAY DBOPTIONS ALLOWNOLOGGING EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/l1 TABLE hr.T;
ReportCount --- 从启动开始,每30分钟自动统计被抽取进程或者装载进程处理的记录数具体用法:说明:
Rate = # of records processed since startup / total time since startup
Delta = # of records since last report / time since last report
Report --- 每天1点形成自进程启动以来所做的操作数使用方法:
ReportRollover ---为了防止日志太大,设置切换日志的时间,例子中为每天1点05切换一次日志使用方法:
DiscardRollover--防止discard文件太大,定期新建,旧的discard文件改名为:<group name><n>.<extension>
● <group name> is the name of the Extract or Replicat group
● <n> is a number that gets incremented by one each time a new file is created, for
example: myext0.dsc, myext1.dsc, myext2.dsc, and so forth.
GGSCI (pmahdb01) 2> edit params mgr /*在参数文件中添加如下内容 port 7839 /* mgr所用端口号 DYNAMICPORTLIST 7840-7845 /* mgr可用的端口范围 AUTOSTART EXTRACT * /* 自动启动抽取进程 AUTORESTART EXTRACT * /* 启动重启抽取进程 PURGEOLDEXTRACTS ./dirdat/*,usecheckpoints, minkeepdays 7 /* 队列传递结束后,依然保留本地队列7天 LAGREPORTHOURS 1 /* 每隔1小时检查延迟报告 LAGINFOMINUTES 30 /* 每隔30分钟检查延迟,如果超过延迟阈值,将写入错误日志 LAGCRITICALMINUTES 45 /*延迟阈值45分钟 GGSCI (pmahdb01) 3> start mgr /* 启动mgr管理器
时间: 2024-12-23 17:32:42