第2章 类模板:2.1 类模板Stack的实现

Chapter 2: Class Templates

第2章 类模板

Similar to functions, classes can also be parameterized with one or more types. Container classes, which are used to manage elements of a certain type, are a typical example of this feature. By using class templates, you can implement such container classes while the element type is still open. In this chapter we use a stack as an example of a class template.


2.1 Implementation of Class Template Stack

2.1 类模板Stack的实现

As we did with function templates, we declare and define class Stack<> in a header file as follows:


#include <vector>
#include <cassert>

template<typename T>
class Stack {
    std::vector<T> elems; //元素
    void push(T const& elem); //压入元素
    void pop(); // 弹出元素
    T const& top() const; // 返回栈顶元素

    bool empty() const { // 返回栈是否为空
        return elems.empty();

template<typename T>void Stack<T>::push(T const& elem)
    elems.push_back(elem); //拷贝elem元素并附加到末尾

template<typename T>
void Stack<T>::pop()
    elems.pop_back(); //删除最后一个元素

template<typename T>
T const& Stack<T>::top() const
    return elems.back(); // 返回最后一个元素的拷贝

As you can see, the class template is implemented by using a class template of the C++ standard library: vector<>. As a result, we don’t have to implement memory management, copy constructor, and assignment operator, so we can concentrate on the interface of this class template.


2.1.1 Declaration of Class Templates

2.1.1 类模板的声明

Declaring class templates is similar to declaring function templates: Before the declaration, you have to declare one or multiple identifiers as a type parameter(s).


Again, T is usually used as an identifier:


template<typename T>
class Stack {

Here again, the keyword class can be used instead of typename:


template<class T>
class Stack {

Inside the class template, T can be used just like any other type to declare members and member functions. In this example, T is used to declare the type of the elements as vector of Ts, to declare push() as a member function that uses a T as an argument, and to declare top() as a function that returns a T:


template<typename T>
class Stack {
    std::vector<T> elems; // 元素
    void push(T const& elem); // 压入元素
    void pop(); // 弹出元素
    T const& top() const; //返回栈顶元素

    bool empty() const { //判断栈是否为空
        return elems.empty();

The type of this class is Stack<T>, with T being a template parameter. Thus, you have to use Stack<T> whenever you use the type of this class in a declaration except in cases where the template arguments can be deduced. However, inside a class template using the class name not followed by template arguments represents the class with its template parameters as its arguments (see Section 13.2.3 on page 221 for details).


If, for example, you have to declare your own copy constructor and assignment operator, it typically looks like this:


template<typename T>
class Stack {

    Stack(Stack const&); //拷贝构造函数
    Stack& operator= (Stack const&); // 赋值运算符


which is formally equivalent to:


template<typename T>
class Stack {

    Stack(Stack<T> const&); // copy constructor
    Stack<T>& operator= (Stack<T> const&); // assignment operator


but usually the <T> signals special handling of special template parameters, so it’s usually better to use the first form.


However, outside the class structure you’d need:


template<typename T>
bool operator== (Stack<T> const& lhs, Stack<T> const& rhs);

Note that in places where the name and not the type of the class is required, only Stack may be used. This is especially the case when you specify the name of constructors (not their arguments) and the destructor.


Note also that, unlike nontemplate classes, you can’t declare or define class templates inside functions or block scope. In general, templates can only be defined in global/namespace scope or inside class declarations (see Section 12.1 on page 177 for details).


2.1.2 Implementation of Member Functions

2.1.2 成员函数的实现

To define a member function of a class template, you have to specify that it is a template, and you have to use the full type qualification of the class template. Thus, the implementation of the member function push() for type Stack<T> looks like this:


template<typename T>
void Stack<T>::push(T const& elem)
    elems.push_back(elem); // 抟贝elem并添加到末尾

In this case, push_back() of the element vector is called, which appends the element at the end of the vector.


Note that pop_back() of a vector removes the last element but doesn’t return it. The reason for this behavior is exception safety. It is impossible to implement a completely exception-safe version of pop() that returns the removed element (this topic was first discussed by Tom Cargill in [CargillExceptionSafety] and is discussed as Item 10 in [SutterExceptional]). However, ignoring this danger, we could implement a pop() that returns the element just removed. To do this, we simply use T to declare a local variable of the element type:

注意:vector的pop_back方法只是删除末尾的元素,并没有返回该元素。之所以如此,是考虑到了异常安全。因为要实现“一个绝对异常安全并返回被删除元素的pop()是不可能的(Tom Cargill在[CargilExceptionSafety]中首次讨论了这个话题,在[SutterExceptional]的Item10也提到这个问题)。然而,如果不考虑异常安全性,我们就可以实现一个返回被删除元素的pop()。事实上,只需要使用T声明一个局部变量,并保证该变量的类型就是vector元素的类型即可:

template<typename T>
T Stack<T>::pop()
    T elem = elems.back(); // save copy of last element
    elems.pop_back(); // remove last element
    return elem; // return copy of saved element

Because back() (which returns the last element) and pop_back() (which removes the last element) have undefined behavior when there is no element in the vector, we decided to check whether the stack is empty. If it is empty, we assert, because it is a usage error to call pop() on an empty stack. This is also done in top(), which returns but does not remove the top element, on attempts to remove a nonexistent top element:


template<typename T>
T const& Stack<T>::top() const
    return elems.back(); // 返回最后一个元素的拷贝

Of course, as for any member function, you can also implement member functions of class templates as an inline function inside the class declaration. For example:


template<typename T>
class Stack {
    void push(T const& elem) {
        elems.push_back(elem); // append copy of passed elem


时间: 2024-08-04 01:41:03

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