
rising star in the business world, Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) — when a third-party installs and maintains blockchain networks for a company’s technologies — helps businesses develop and host blockchain apps and smart contracts in a blockchain ecosystem that‘s managed and administered by cloud-based service providers.

BaaS has gained significant traction recently because it can “resolve complex issues around transparency, efficiency and cost” in a simplistic and straightforward manner. The quickest adopters have been in the software, fintech and logistics industries. BaaS has become so popular, in fact, that some of the largest tech companies in the world — including IBM, Microsoft and Oracle — all have divisions dedicated to the integration and evangelism of BaaS.


  • Dragonchain
  • Factorm
  • Bloq
  • Skuchain
  • LeewayHertz
  • Altoros
  • Appinventiv
  • Fluence
  • Innominds

For many companies, pairing cloud services with BaaS could be enormously valuable. The personalized flexibility of BaaS technology allows businesses to combat pain points by tailoring integrations. Whether it’s acting as a smart contracts platform for a real estate company or a payment processing service for a retailer, BaaS is making waves across a variety of industries.

Here are 19 Blockchain-as-a-Service companies that integrate these game-changing ledgers into everyday tech.



Location: Seattle, Washington

How it’s using blockchain: Starting as a company within Disney, Dragonchain’s BaaS platform focuses on the protection of vital business assets and data. The company uses serverless cloud architecture to improve interoperability, and privacy, between blockchains that share a businesses’ most important information, like finances.



Location: Chicago, Illinois

How it’s using blockchain: Bloq offers a suite of BaaS tools that focus on key issues in business reconciliation, authentication and security. The software platform helps businesses build and personalize the BaaS technology that suits their current needs. Some of their specific blockchain products include a smart wallet, a smart contract platform and a decentralized cloud to help businesses store and manage data.



Location: Austin, Texas

How it’s using blockchain: Factom has two tools dedicated to BaaS for managing and securing important documents. “Factom Harmony” is a ledger tool that converts documents to a singular digitized platform to reduce audit times and costs. Factom’s “dLoc” uses encryption to authenticate and verify personal documents like land titles and birth certificates.



Location: New York, New York

How it’s using blockchain: Symbiont lends its BaaS to fintech companies in a variety of  sectors. Fintech companies and banks that lend for mortgages and loans use the company’s blockchain to verify origination of records and transparently record all payments on a ledger. Private equity firms and crowdfunding platforms can use Symbiont to secure private documents and show ownership of securities in real-time.



Location: Mountain View, California

How it’s using blockchain: Blockstream’s BaaS creates scalable solutions for the Bitcoin ecosystem and protocol. The company’s Bitcoin processing software creates a larger peer-to-peer financial system that eliminates the need for third parties.



Location: San Francisco, California

How it’s using blockchain: PayStand incorporates blockchain into payment and documenting processes to ensure immutability and auditability. The company’s BaaS installs networks that notarize certificates (like diplomas, deeds and receipts). It also provides an admin platform that gives users an in-depth and real-time look into their data. Additionally, the PayStand network automates parts of the end-to-end financial process, including cash management, accounting and reconciliation.



Location: Midvale, Utah

How it’s using blockchain: tZERO integrates its BaaS ledger into financial platforms to create traceable, real-time movements in the finance industry. The company’s tZERO security token, paired with its “Digital Locate Receipt” platform, helps financial institutions distribute cryptocurrency and trace it throughout the end-to-end spending process.



Location: Mountain View, California

How it’s using blockchain: The Skuchain EC3 Platform installs blockchain-based infrastructure in current IT processes for the shipping and logistics industry. The company’s ledger enables businesses to simultaneously access a cloud environment, blockchain protocol and in-house applications. Compatible with any supply chain process, Skuchain’s BaaS immediately installs smart contracts and chain-of-custody tools.

Amazon AWS


Location: Seattle, Washington

How it’s using blockchain: Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a BaaS leader in many industries. The company integrates blockchain-based networks and business processes for some of the largest companies in the world (including T-Mobile and PwC) to improve IT infrastructure, business processes, human resources, financial transactions and supply chains. The company’s BaaS deploys Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric frameworks so the blockchain is flexible enough to adapt to almost every environment.



Location: San Francisco, California

How it’s using blockchain: LeewayHertz offers a full suite of blockchain-based services, including blockchain consulting, hybrid ledger installation and maintenance. At LeewayHertz, the end-to-end BaaS offerings range from ideation to installation. The company has already developed decentralized applications (dApps) for industry leaders like Disney, Budweiser and 3M.



Location: San Francisco, California

How it’s using blockchain: VironIT offers a multitude of BaaS services, including consulting and blockchain-based mobile app development. Specific examples of the company’s BaaS include everything from smart contract development and auditing to development of cryptocurrencies and digital wallets.



Location: Sunnyvale, California

How it’s using blockchain: Altoros uses blockchain to automate workflow processes, fortify identity security and manage records. The company has installed blockchain in a variety of industries, including telecommunications, finance, energy, supply chain and manufacturing. The permissioned blockchains in these industries do everything from mitigate fraud to detect faulty parts.



Location: New York, New York

How it’s using blockchain: Appinventiv offers a full suite of blockchain-based tools and solutions for almost every industry. The company builds dApps for healthcare, entertainment, logistics, fintech and more. Over the last four years, Appinventiv has produced more than 700 dApps that feature everything from smart contracts to crypto wallet developments.



Location: New York, New York

How it’s using blockchain: BlockApps develops security-focused, permission-based BaaS solutions for enterprise customers. The company’s blockchain development environment is designed to run a node locally or on the cloud, and can be launched in a matter of minutes. The BlockApps BaaS platform has been used to develop blockchain solutions for everything from smart insurance contracts to fraud prevention in ticketing tools.



Location: San Francisco, California

How it’s using blockchain: Fluence is an API for businesses to deploy, integrate and manage smart contracts and blockchains in their own environments. The Fluence API lets companies do everything from create dApps to deploy public net nodes.



Location: San Mateo, California

How it’s using blockchain: Cryptowerk’s Blockchain-as-a-Service helps businesses create ledger-based tools that seal off important data and create a tamper-proof chain-of-custody. The Cryptowerk Seal — a blockchain API that uses ledgers to verify the authenticity of data and digital assets — has been use for everything from shipment ID codes and GPS telemetry in cars to gathering data from smart energy meters.



Location: New York, New York

How it’s using blockchain: Clovyr is an ecosystem of blockchain applications that allows teams to experiment, iterate and deploy products quickly and safely. Employing a hybrid of permissioned and public networks, Clovyr offers its users upgraded immutability and authentication standards.



Location: Raleigh, North Carolina

How it’s using blockchain: Designed with business networks in mind, Kaleido‘s full-stack BaaS platform helps enterprises quickly build and run cloud-based blockchain networks. Kaleido clients can manage multiple clouds using blockchains that span the Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services networks, as well as, any geographic regions.




Location: San Jose, California

How it’s using blockchain: Innominds’ Blockchain-as-a-Service creates products for smart contracts and cryptocurrencies that allow businesses to build and test blockchain products, develop crypto solutions using Ripple and maintain interledgers — protocols used for payments between blockchain networks.   

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Images via Shutterstock and social media


时间: 2024-10-29 15:07:55



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