1343. Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to Threshold

Given an array of integers arr and two integers k and threshold.

Return the number of sub-arrays of size k and average greater than or equal to threshold.

Example 1:

Input: arr = [2,2,2,2,5,5,5,8], k = 3, threshold = 4
Output: 3
Explanation: Sub-arrays [2,5,5],[5,5,5] and [5,5,8] have averages 4, 5 and 6 respectively. All other sub-arrays of size 3 have averages less than 4 (the threshold).

Example 2:

Input: arr = [1,1,1,1,1], k = 1, threshold = 0
Output: 5

Example 3:

Input: arr = [11,13,17,23,29,31,7,5,2,3], k = 3, threshold = 5
Output: 6
Explanation: The first 6 sub-arrays of size 3 have averages greater than 5. Note that averages are not integers.

Example 4:

Input: arr = [7,7,7,7,7,7,7], k = 7, threshold = 7
Output: 1

Example 5:

Input: arr = [4,4,4,4], k = 4, threshold = 1
Output: 1


  • 1 <= arr.length <= 10^5
  • 1 <= arr[i] <= 10^4
  • 1 <= k <= arr.length
  • 0 <= threshold <= 10^4
class Solution {
    public int numOfSubarrays(int[] arr, int k, int threshold) {
        int res = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i <= arr.length - k; i++){
            if(helper(arr, i, k) >= threshold) res++;
        return res;
    public int helper(int[] arr, int l, int k){
        int res = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){
            res += arr[l + i];
        return res / k;
class Solution {
    public int numOfSubarrays(int[] arr, int k, int threshold) {
        int n = arr.length, ans = 0, s = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < k - 1; i++) s += arr[i];
        for(int i = k - 1; i < n; i++) {
            s += arr[i];
            if(s / k >= threshold) ans++;
            s -= arr[i - k + 1];
        return ans;



时间: 2024-08-30 18:09:41

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