


The following procedure will build and install the GPSTk.

  1. Ensure that prerequisites such as CMake have been installed.
  2. Download the GPSTk source distribution.
  3. Extract the GPSTk tarball. For example, using GNU tar

    tar xvzf gpstk.tar.gz
  4. Create a directory for your build. For example, change into the gpstk/directory and type

    mkdir build
  5. Change into the gpstk/build directory, this will be where all of the build files will reside.
  6. If GPSTk Core will be installed as a system library in /usr/local, execute the following commands:

    cmake ../devmake

    To install to a different directory, the install directory must be set-up when CMake configures the makefiles, add the following command:


    To build GPSTk with Ext, in addition to Core, add the following command:


    To turn on processing of python extension package, add the following command:


    To turn on test mode, add the following command:


    Example - Command for building GPSTk with core, ext, python, and test code and installing to sytem library in /usr/local:

    [[email protected] gpstk-2.5.src]$ sudo mkdir /opt/gpstk-2.5.linux.x86_64[[email protected]-centos7 gpstk-2.5.src]$ cd build
    [[email protected]-centos7 build]$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/gpstk-2.5.linux.x86_64 -DBUILD_EXT=ON -DBUILD_PYTHON=ON -DTEST_SWITCH=ON ../dev
    -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
    -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
    system = Linux-3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64
    system_name = Linux
    Notice: Will install GPSTk to the path /opt/gpstk-2.5.linux.x86_64
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    CMake Warning:
      Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/She/Downloads/GPSTK/gpstk-2.5.src/build
  7. To install GPSTk, execute

    sudo make install
  8. To test GPSTk (if Test_Switch=ON), execute

    sudo make test
  9. To build the source documentation using doxygen: Change into the gpstk/dev directory (if using Developer repo) or the gpstk/directory (if using the tarball), and type



时间: 2024-10-01 11:27:07



参考链接:linux下安装blas和lapack BLAS 和 LAPACK 这两个数学库是很多 Linux 科学计算软件需要调用的,所以经常会用到. LAPACK,其名为Linear Algebra PACKage的缩写,是一以Fortran编程语言编写,用于数值计算的函式集.LAPACK提供了丰富的工具函式,可用于诸如解多元线性方程式.线性系统方程组的最小平方解.计算特征向量.用于计算矩阵QR分解的Householder转换.以及奇异值分解等问题. LAPACK的源码可以从http://ww


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在 Linux 系统上源码安装 GTK+ 2.0

在 Linux 系统上源码安装 GTK+ 2.0==================================================Keywords: GTK+, Install, Linux, SourceAuthor:       whyglinux (whyglinux AT hotmail DOT com)Date:          2007-01-07==================================================目录0. 前言1.

CentOS7 上源码安装KVM(qemu--kvm)

在centos7下已经集成了kvm 环境:centos7 检查/dev/kvm这个文件,它是kvm内核模块提供给用户空间的qemu-kvm程序使用的一个控制接口,它提供了客户机(Guest)操作系统运行所需要的模拟和实际的硬件设备环境. 确定KVM模块确实全部安装好,下面来看一下qemu-kvm的编译和安装. 源码安装qemu-kvm 除了在内核空间的KVM模块之外,在用户空间需要QEMU来模拟所需要CPU和设备模型以及用于启动客户机进程,这样才有了一个完整的KVM运行环境. 参考文档:http


版本 操作系统:CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) PHP:5.6.33 Nginx:1.12.2 MySQL:5.6.38(的Windows) Zentao禅道:9.7.stable 安装路径 源码路径:/usr/local/src PHP:/usr/local/php Nginx:/usr/local/nginx Zentao禅道:/opt/zentao 安装PHP 安装php依赖 yum install gcc libxml2


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