
原材料来自AWS官方白皮书 https://aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/

  1. Amazon S3 is used to store and distribute static web content and media 静态网站内容和媒体文件。
  2. Amazon S3 is used to host entire static websites. 静态网站托管。
  3. Amazon S3 is used as a data store for computation and large-scale analytics, such as financial transaction analysis, clickstream analytics, and media transcoding. 大型计算和分析类任务的数据存储,例如金融类,点击流(不知道是不是该这么翻)还有媒体文件转码。
  4. Amazon S3 is often used as a highly durable, scalable, and secure solution for backup and archiving of critical data.关键数据的备份和归档。
    Organizations are using Amazon Glacier to support a number of use cases. These use cases include archiving offsite enterprise information, media assets, and research and scientific data, and also performing digital preservation and magnetic tape replacement.
    Amazon EFS supports highly parallelized workloads and is designed to meet the performance needs of big data and analytics, media processing, content management, web serving, and home directories.
    EBS: 变化量大,持久存储,块存储。
    Amazon EBS is meant for data that changes relatively frequently and needs to persist beyond the life of EC2 instance. Amazon EBS is well-suited for use as the primary storage for a database or file system, or for any application or instance (operating system) that requires direct access to raw block-level storage.
    Instance storage:极高的IO,临时存储。
    EC2 local instance store volumes are ideal for temporary storage of information that is continually changing, such as buffers, caches, scratch data, and other temporary content, or for data that is replicated across a fleet of instances, such as a load-balanced pool of web servers. EC2 instance storage is well-suited for this purpose.
    Storage gateway:企业级文件共享,备份文件至S3,灾备,归档。
    Organizations are using AWS Storage Gateway to support a number of use cases. These use cases include corporate file sharing, enabling existing on-premises backup applications to store primary backups on Amazon S3, disaster recovery, and mirroring data to cloud-based compute resources and then later archiving it to Amazon Glacier.
    Snowball is ideal for transferring anywhere from terabytes to many petabytes of data in and out of the AWS Cloud securely.Common use cases include cloud migration, disaster recovery, data center decommission, and content distribution.
    CloudFront is ideal for distribution of frequently accessed static content that benefits from edge delivery, such as popular website images, videos, media files or software downloads. Amazon CloudFront can also be used to deliver dynamic web applications over HTTP. These applications can include static content, dynamic content, or a whole site with a mixture of the two. Amazon CloudFront is also commonly used to stream audio and video files to web browsers and mobile devices.


时间: 2025-01-17 15:21:44


笨办法学Python 练习13和14

原题: 1 from sys import argv 2 3 script, first, second, third = argv 4 5 print "The script is called:", script 6 print "Your first variable is:", first 7 print "Your second variable is:", second 8 print "Your third variabl

笨办法学 Python (Learn Python The Hard Way)

最近在看:笨办法学 Python (Learn Python The Hard Way) Contents: 译者前言 前言:笨办法更简单 习题 0: 准备工作 习题 1: 第一个程序 习题 2: 注释和井号 习题 3: 数字和数学计算 习题 4: 变量(variable)和命名 习题 5: 更多的变量和打印 习题 6: 字符串(string)和文本 习题 7: 更多打印 习题 8: 打印,打印 习题 9: 打印,打印,打印 习题 10: 那是什么? 习题 11: 提问 习题 12: 提示别人

[IT学习]Learn Python the Hard Way (Using Python 3)笨办法学Python3版本

黑客余弦先生在知道创宇的知道创宇研发技能表v3.1中提到了入门Python的一本好书<Learn Python the Hard Way(英文版链接)>.其中的代码全部是2.7版本. 如果你觉得英文版看着累,当当网有中文版,也有电子版可以选择. 我试着将其中的代码更新到Python 3.同时附上一些自己的初学体会,希望会对你有帮助. 中文版有人把书名翻译为<笨办法学python>,其实我觉得叫做<学Python,不走寻常路>更有意思些. 作者的意思你可以在序言中详细了解

习题 5: 更多的变量和打印 | 笨办法学 Python

一. 简述 “格式化字符串(format string)” -  每一次你使用 ' ’ 或 " " 把一些文本引用起来,你就建立了一个字符串. 字符串是程序将信息展示给人的方式. 二. 代码 1 #!usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 4 # Author: xixihuang 5 # Date : 2016/08/31 09:52 AM 6 # Desc : 习题5:更多的变量与打印 7 # 键入更多的变量并且将它们打印出来.这


习题 20: 函数和文件 回忆一下函数的要点,然后一边做这节练习,一边注意一下函数和文件是如何在一起协作发挥作用的. 1 from sys import argv 2 3 script, input_file = argv 4 5 def print_all(f): 6 print f.read() 7 8 def rewind(f): 9 f.seek(0) 10 11 def print_a_line(line_count, f): 12 print line_count, f.readli


习题 13: 参数.解包.变量 在这节练习中,我们将讲到另外一种将变量传递给脚本的方法(所谓脚本,就是你写的 .py 程序).你已经知道,如果要运行 ex13.py,只要在命令行运行 python ex13.py 就可以了.这句命令中的 ex13.py 部分就是所谓的"参数(argument)",我们现在要做的就是写一个可以接受参数的脚本. 将下面的程序写下来,后面你将看到详细解释. 1 from sys import argv 2 3 script, first, second, t


习题 31: 作出决定 这本书的上半部分你打印了一些东西,而且调用了函数,不过一切都是直线式进行的.你的脚本从最上面一行开始,一路运行到结束,但其中并没有决定程序流向的分支点.现在你已经学了 if, else, 和 elif ,你就可以开始创建包含条件判断的脚本了. 上一个脚本中你写了一系列的简单提问测试.这节的脚本中,你将需要向用户提问,依据用户的答案来做出决定.把脚本写下来,多多鼓捣一阵子,看看它的工作原理是什么. 1 print "You enter a dark room with tw


习题 25: 更多更多的练习 我们将做一些关于函数和变量的练习,以确认你真正掌握了这些知识.这节练习对你来说可以说是一本道:写程序,逐行研究,弄懂它. 不过这节练习还是有些不同,你不需要运行它,取而代之,你需要将它导入到 python 里通过自己执行函数的方式运行. 首先以正常的方式 python ex25.py 运行,找出里边的错误,并把它们都改正过来.然后你需要接着下面的答案章节完成这节练习. 你应该看到的结果 这节练习我们将在你之前用来做算术的 python 编译器里,用交互的方式和你的.


习题 14:提示和传递 让我们使用 argv 和 raw_input 一起来向用户提一些特别的问题.下一节习题你会学习如何读写文件,这节练习是下节的基础.在这道习题里我们将用略微不同的方法使用 raw_input,让它打出一个简单的 > 作为提示符.这和一些游戏中的方式类似,例如 Zork 或者 Adventure 这两款游戏. 1 from sys import argv 2 3 script, user_name = argv 4 prompt = '> ' 5 6 print "