



Michael Jackson was born in August 1958. So was I.

Michael Jackson grew up in the suburbs(郊区) of the Midwest. So did I.

Michael Jackson had eight brothers and sisters. So do I.

When Michael Jackson was six, he became a superstar. And was perhaps the world’s most beloved(心爱的) child.

When I was six, my mother died. I think he got the shorter end of the stick(更惨). I never had a mother, but he never had a childhood. And when you never get to have something, You become obsessed/?b‘sest/着迷的) by it.

I spent my childhood searching for my mother figures(外形,形象), Sometimes I was successful.

But how do you recreate your childhood when you are under the magnifying glass(放大镜) of the world for you entire life?

There is no question(毫无疑问) that Michael Jackson is one of the greatest talents(天才) the world has ever known. That when he sang a song at the ripe old age of(在。。的年纪) eight, he could make you feel like an experienced adult. Was squeezingsqueeze/skwi?z/挤压、压榨) your heart with his words.

That when he moved he had the elegance/?el?ɡ?ns/ 优雅 、高雅) of Fred Astaire and packed the punchPack a punch 强而有力) of Muhammad Ali. That his music had an extra layer of inexplicable(费解的;法说明的) magic. That didn’t just make you want to dance. But actually made you believe you could fly , dare to (敢于)dream. Be anything that you wanted to be.

Because that is what heroes do . And Michael Jackson was a hero. He performed in soccer stadiumsstadium /?ste?di?m/ 体育场) around the world. And sold hundreds of millions of records. And dined with prime ministers(首相) and presidents(总统). Girls fell in love with him. Boys fell in love with him. Everyone wanted to dance like him. He seemed otherworldly(超脱尘俗的).

But he was also a human being(人、凡人). Like most performers(表演者、演员), He was shy and plaguedplague /ple?ɡ/ 使折磨;使苦恼; with insecuritiesinsecurity不安全).

I can’t say we were great friends, But in 1991 I decided I wanted to try to get to know him better. I asked him out to dinner, I said “My treat(我请客), I’ ll drive – just you and me ”. He agreed and showed up to my house without any bodyguards(保镖). We drove to the restaurant in my car. It was dark out(漆黑,黑暗), but he was still wearing sunglasses.

I said, “Michael, I feel like I’ m talking to a limousine/?l?m?zi?n/ 豪华轿车). Do you think you can take off your glasses so I can see your eyes?”

He paused for a moment then he tossedtoss 扔、抛) the glasses out the window. Looked at me with a wink(眨眼、闪烁) and a smile and said. ”Can you see me now ? Is that better?“

In that moment, I could see both his vulnerability/?v?ln?r??b?l?ti/ 脆弱,弱点) and his charm/t?ɑ?m/ 魅力). The rest ofthe rest of 其余的;剩下的) the dinner, I was hellbent/‘helbent/拼命的; 坚决的) on getting him to eat French fries, Drink wine, have dessert and say bad words. Things he never seemed to allow himself to do. Later we went back to my house to watch a movie,and sat on the couch/ka?t?/长沙发) like two kids. And somewhere in the middle of the film, His hand snuck oversneak over 溜过来) and held mine. It felt like he was looking for more of a friend than a romance, and I was happy to oblige/??bla?d?/ 帮忙,施恩惠). In that moment, He didn’t feel like a superstar. He felt like a human being. We went out a few more times together. And then for one reason or another we fell out offall out of 失去) touch.

Then the witch hunt(政治迫害) began, and it seemed like one negative story after another was coming out about Michael. I felt his pain. I know what it’s like to walk down the street and feel like the whole world is turned against(背叛,与。。为敌) you. I know what it’s like to feel helpless and unable to defend yourselfdefend oneself 自卫,自我辩护). Because the roar/r??(r)/咆哮;吼叫;轰鸣) of the lynch mob(行私刑的暴民) is so loud. That you are convinced(说服;使确信,使信服) your voice can never be heard. But I had a childhood. And I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way. In the world without the glare(眩光,怒视) of the spotlight(聚光灯).

When I first heard that Michael had died. I was in London, days away from(距离、远离) the opening(开始,开模) of my tourn. 旅行;巡回演出). Michael was going to perform in the same venue/?venju?/ 地点、场地) as me a week later. All I could think about in this moment was , “I had abandoned him.” That we had abandoned him. That we had allowed this magnificent(壮丽的、杰出的、华丽的) creature(人;创造物) who had once set the world on fire to somehow(不知怎么的,某种方式) slip through the cracks(丢三落四,被遗漏). While he was trying to build a family and rebuild his career(生涯;职业;事业), We were all busy passing judgment(判断、评断). Most of us had turned our backs on(拒绝,不理睬) him. In a desperate 不顾一切的;令人绝望的) attempt to hold onto his memory, I went on the internet to watch old clips of him dancing and singing. On TV and on stage(在台上) and I thought, ”my God, he was so unique, so original( /??r?d??nl/独创、新颖), so rare(罕见)“ And there will never be anyone like him again. He was a king. But he was also a human being. And alas we are all human beings. And sometimes we have to lose things before we can appreciate(重视;领会;欣赏;感激) them.

I want to end this on a positive note and say that my sons, age nine and four, are obsessed(着迷的;无法摆脱的) with Michael Jackson. There ‘ s a whole lot of crotch(胯部,分叉处) grabbing and moon walking going on in my house. And, it seems like a whole new generation of kids have discovered his genius(/?d?i?ni?s/ 天赋、天才). And are bringing him to life again. I hope that wherever Michael is right now. He is smiling about this. Yes, Michael Jackson was a human being. But dammit(该死,他妈的), he was a king. Long live the king.




时间: 2024-08-30 09:37:06



我为什么想做一场英文演讲 上一篇iOS如何入门,讲到 iOS 入门中,最重要的是把英语掌握好,因为这样才可以获得全球第一手的 iOS 学习资料.但是我不知道应该怎么做,才能让大家真正重视,并且搞定英语.在我思考这个问题的时候,出现了几件事情. 第一件事情,我的好朋友 txx 去日本 Try! Swift 大会,事后他在他的公众号「 糖炒小虾」上写道: 虽然内容相对较水,但是大家都非常努力的去准备演讲材料.日本的演讲者最明显,除了最后一个讲 UX 的妹子,清一色使用英文演讲.众所周知日本人英语口音


I don’t know what that dream is that you have, I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you've been working toward that dream, but that dream that you’re holding in your mind, that it’s possible! 我不管你的梦想是什么,也不管你在追求梦想的途中经历了多少挫折和痛苦,只要你始终坚持自


1.Didi Chuxing's Jean Liu on The Future of Cities  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9uPGoN0dvQ 2.Didi-Chuxing's Jean Liu Charlie Rose video https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2017-10-10/didi-chuxing-s-jean-liu-charlie-rose-video 3.Pioneering the S


所谓即兴演讲,就是在事先没有任何准备的情况下,自发或被要求立刻进行的当众发言,是一种不凭借演讲稿来表情达意的口语交际活动,完全是随想随说,由感而发.即兴演讲是一种少数人掌握的艺术,但是对于每一个奋斗在职场的人而言,无论是作为员工,还是作为团队领导者,做好不同场合的即兴演讲都是必要的. 在本书中,作者汉弗莱女士提供了多种场合的即兴演讲脚本,并告诉我们如何运用不同的技巧来应对各种即兴时刻.跟随本书的指引,刻意练习即兴演讲技巧,我们就能自如掌控每一个沟通瞬间,获得他人尊重和认可,赢得更多机会,乃至改变

【转】构建可扩展的微博架构(qcon beijing 2010演讲) by Tim Yang

在使用Twitter几年的时间里面,经常思考微博如何更好的实现,恰好最近几个月也参与了相关工作,大部分都是工程实践,总结实践会促生更具实际价值的理论.因此在QCon Beijing 2010这次演讲参考了不少网友的意见后选择了<构建可扩展微博架构>的题目.   由于在决定选题时知道来自Twitter总部有30万followers的@nk也会讲一个类似的题目,心中当时有点忐忑,最大的顾虑就是要讲的领域更他重叠,如果他讲得更深入,我就没必要班门弄斧了.后来考虑到以下几个原因还是决定继续 Twitt


“欲平其事,先平其心.”演讲也不例外,想要做一场精彩的演讲,就要先克服自己自己紧张的情绪.做到以下10个小技巧,基本上已经克服掉紧张. 1.熟悉场地.争取熟悉你要发表演讲的环境.提早到达并巡视讲台,练习使用麦克风和其他辅助视觉设施. 2.熟悉听众.在听众进入会场时向他们致意.向一群友好的人演讲总比对一群陌生人演讲来得容易些. 3.熟悉你的讲稿.如果你不熟悉你的稿子或者对它不满意,你的紧张感就会增强.演练你的演讲稿,并且做必要的修改. 4.放松自己.做些准备活动松弛紧张的神经 5.设想你自己演讲时

【 ECUG 演讲分享】吴海黎:CODING 微服务架构演进之路

近日,CODING 平台技术总监吴海黎参加了由 ECUG 社区举办的技术大会,与听众一同分享了 CODING 微服务架构的演进历程.让我们一起来欣赏精彩的演讲内容吧. 大家好!我是来自 CODING 的吴海黎,今天我给大家分享的内容是微服务拆分的实践,微服务几乎可以说是当下的一个主流架构,希望今天的分享能给大家落地微服务带来帮助.整个分享分为三个部分: 第一是单体架构的简介,第二是微服务架构落地方案,第三是 DevOps 之于微服务的重要性. 一.单体架构简介 虽然第一部分是介绍单体架构的主要痛


作者:范军 (Frank Fan)新浪微博:@frankfan7  Twitter:@franfan7 在正视你的弱点一文后有网友一针见血指出我的那篇文章指讲了怎么弥补弱点,并没有说怎么善用弱点.本文我借竿就爬,再深入分享我的个人小感想.正视弱点加以改进是第一步,如何才能善用弱点,而有意想不到的收获呢? 卸下盔甲 当我和孩子们在一起的时候,他们的一笑一颦都自然而生,毫不掩饰.瞬间笑靥如花,瞬间雷鸣闪电,不亦快乎!随着年龄渐长,他们也会成为我们一样的成年人.也会带上各式各样的面具,穿上刀枪不入的盔

我上了985,211,才发现自己一无所有 | 或者,也不能这么说

我是在很久以后才意识到原来那些看起来光鲜亮丽的人心里也是在自卑的. 这个发现很偶然,是有一次我的学霸舍友回来,非常非常不开心,趴在桌子上很久很久没有起来. 我打着炉石呢,觉得不对劲回过头说你怎么了.她抬起头来说,哎,我才发现人与人的差距这么大.你不知道我今天参加讨论课,有个女生全英文演讲多精彩,那么流利,轮到我就磕磕巴巴的. 我说没事你也挺厉害,天天回来就学习,演讲不行,咱考试还考不了高分吗? 我那很厉害的舍友说,不是这样的,你知道吗,不光英文,那个女生长得也特别好看,妆容也精致,站在台上那么的