
KDK -- Knockdown kit --成套散件

reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knock-down_kit

BIK -- Board in KDK

BKC -- Best Known Configuration

APL -- Automatic Package Loader

时间: 2024-12-24 18:52:54


[转]How expensive are page splits in terms of transaction log?

How expensive are page splits in terms of transaction log? By: Paul Randal Page splits are always thought of as expensive, but just how bad are they? In this post I want to create an example to show how much more transaction log is created when a pag


今天同事使用ES查询印地语的文章.发现查询报错,查询语句和错误信息如下: 查询语句:{    "query":{        "bool":{            "must":[                {                    "range":{                        "update_time":{                            

Elasticsearch聚合 之 Terms

本篇着重讲解的terms聚合,它是按照某个字段中的值来分类: 比如性别有男.女,就会创建两个桶,分别存放男女的信息.默认会搜集doc_count的信息,即记录有多少男生,有多少女生,然后返回给客户端,这样就完成了一个terms得统计. Terms聚合 { "aggs" : { "genders" : { "terms" : { "field" : "gender" } } } } 得到的结果如下: { ..

Qt官方教程翻译——Glossary Of QML Terms

附网址:http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-glossary.html Glossary Of QML Terms -- QML各术语词汇表 Common Terms -- 通用术语 术语 定义 QML 编写QML应用程序所使用的语言,由Qt QML组件实现语言架构和引擎. Qt Quick QML语言的标准类型与功能库,由Qt Quick组件提供,并通过"importQtQuick 2.0"来使用. Type 在QML中,一个type有可能是一种Ba

Unsupervised Learning and Text Mining of Emotion Terms Using R

Unsupervised learning refers to data science approaches that involve learning without a prior knowledge about the classification of sample data. In Wikipedia, unsupervised learning has been described as "the task of inferring a function to describe h

SharePoint自动化系列——创建MMS terms

PowerShell脚本实现MMS group.termSet.terms的自动化创建: Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell function CreateTerms{ param($siteUrl,$groupName,$termSetName,$termsCount) #Connect to the Metadata Service $taxSite = Get-SPSite $siteUrl $taxonomySession = Get

App Store Keywords – How To Choose The Right Terms

http://www.bluecloudsolutions.com/blog/app-store-keywords-choose-terms/# KEYWORDS Here are some helpful tips in picking keywords for your app: The keywords field in iTunes Connect is limited to 100 characters so make sure to maximize this.You can use

【FI 收付款条件】Payment Terms 收付款条件

一.相关概念 SAP Payment Terms 中文翻译为收付款条件,他的用途是应收和应付的财务凭证中账期的管理,顾名思义即手动录入和自动生成的财务文档多少天内冲销处理则为正常,否则为超期应收应付文档,它包含的内容是:账期计算基准日(开始计算过期日的日期),账期到期日(未过期的最晚日期)或者周期天数(基准日+周期天数即为最晚未过期日),同时SAP系统还引申扩充应用为分期付款阶段日期管理,提前付款折扣管理. 基准日期缺省值: 基准日期的作用是,根据此日期加上付款条款中定义的天数,就是逾期日,有四


主要知识点 terms搜索多个值,并和term的比较 一.term和terms terms是在这个字段中搜索多个值,相当于sql中的in语法 (select * from tbl where col in ("value1", "value2")) term: {"field": "value"} terms: {"field": ["value1", "value2"

elasticserch Terms Set Query 查询 put delete

Returns any documents that match with at least one or more of the provided terms. The terms are not analyzed and thus must match exactly. The number of terms that must match varies per document and is either controlled by a minimum should match field