NSArray(二) 、 NSMutableArray 、 NSSet 、 NSMutableSet

1 创建五个学生对象,放入数组并遍历

1.1 问题


1.2 步骤





  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. @interface TRStudent : NSObject
  3. @property(nonatomic,assign)int age;
  4. @property(nonatomic,copy)NSString* name;
  5. @end


  1. @property(nonatomic,assign)int age;
  2. @property(nonatomic,copy)NSString* name;




  1. #import "TRStudent.h"
  2. @implementation TRStudent
  3. -(NSString *)description{
  4. return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"age:%d",self.age];
  5. }
  6. @end


  1. -(NSString *)description{
  2. return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"student age:%d name:%@",self.age,self.name];
  3. }




  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. TRStudent* stu = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  8. stu.age = 18;
  9. stu.name = @"zhangsan";
  10. TRStudent* stu2 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  11. stu2.age = 20;
  12. stu2.name = @"lisi";
  13. TRStudent* stu3 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  14. stu3.age = 30;
  15. stu3.name = @"wangwu";
  16. TRStudent* stu4 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  17. stu4.age = 40;
  18. stu4.name = @"zhaoliu";
  19. TRStudent* stu5 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  20. stu5.age = 35;
  21. stu5.name = @"qianqi";
  22. }
  23. return 0;
  24. }



  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. TRStudent* stu = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  8. stu.age = 18;
  9. stu.name = @"zhangsan";
  10. TRStudent* stu2 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  11. stu2.age = 20;
  12. stu2.name = @"lisi";
  13. TRStudent* stu3 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  14. stu3.age = 30;
  15. stu3.name = @"wangwu";
  16. TRStudent* stu4 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  17. stu4.age = 40;
  18. stu4.name = @"zhaoliu";
  19. TRStudent* stu5 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  20. stu5.age = 35;
  21. stu5.name = @"qianqi";
  22. NSMutableArray* students = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:stu,stu2,stu3,stu4,stu5, nil];
  23. }
  24. return 0;
  25. }


  1. NSMutableArray* students = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:stu,stu2,stu3,stu4,stu5, nil];




  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. TRStudent* stu = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  8. stu.age = 18;
  9. stu.name = @"zhangsan";
  10. TRStudent* stu2 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  11. stu2.age = 20;
  12. stu2.name = @"lisi";
  13. TRStudent* stu3 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  14. stu3.age = 30;
  15. stu3.name = @"wangwu";
  16. TRStudent* stu4 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  17. stu4.age = 40;
  18. stu4.name = @"zhaoliu";
  19. TRStudent* stu5 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  20. stu5.age = 35;
  21. stu5.name = @"qianqi";
  22. NSMutableArray* students = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:stu,stu2,stu3,stu4,stu5, nil];
  23. NSLog(@"遍历学生内容..........");
  24. for (int i = 0; i<[students count]; i++) {
  25. TRStudent* stu = [students objectAtIndex:i];
  26. NSLog(@"stu age:%d name:%@",stu.age,stu.name);
  27. }
  28. }
  29. return 0;
  30. }


  1. for (int i = 0; i<[students count]; i++) {
  2. TRStudent* stu = [students objectAtIndex:i];
  3. NSLog(@"stu age:%d name:%@",stu.age,stu.name);
  4. }


1.3 完整代码


  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. @interface TRStudent : NSObject
  3. @property(nonatomic,assign)int age;
  4. @property(nonatomic,copy)NSString* name;
  5. @end


  1. #import "TRStudent.h"
  2. @implementation TRStudent
  3. -(NSString *)description{
  4. return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"age:%d",self.age];
  5. }
  6. @end


  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. TRStudent* stu = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  8. stu.age = 18;
  9. stu.name = @"zhangsan";
  10. TRStudent* stu2 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  11. stu2.age = 20;
  12. stu2.name = @"lisi";
  13. TRStudent* stu3 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  14. stu3.age = 30;
  15. stu3.name = @"wangwu";
  16. TRStudent* stu4 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  17. stu4.age = 40;
  18. stu4.name = @"zhaoliu";
  19. TRStudent* stu5 = [[TRStudent alloc]init];
  20. stu5.age = 35;
  21. stu5.name = @"qianqi";
  22. NSMutableArray* students = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:stu,stu2,stu3,stu4,stu5, nil];
  23. NSLog(@"遍历学生内容..........");
  24. for (int i = 0; i<[students count]; i++) {
  25. TRStudent* stu = [students objectAtIndex:i];
  26. NSLog(@"stu age:%d name:%@",stu.age,stu.name);
  27. }
  28. }
  29. return 0;
  30. }

2 重构学生与学校的练习

2.1 问题







2.2 步骤





  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. @interface Book : NSObject<NSCopying>
  3. @property(nonatomic, copy)NSString *name;
  4. @property(nonatomic,assign)int price;
  5. @end


  1. @interface Book : NSObject<NSCopying>



  1. @property(nonatomic, copy)NSString *name;
  2. @property(nonatomic,assign)int price;




  1. #import "Book.h"
  2. @implementation Book
  3. -(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone
  4. {
  5. Book* book = [[Book allocWithZone:zone] init];
  6. book.name = self.name;
  7. book.price = self.price;
  8. return book;
  9. }
  10. -(void)dealloc{
  11. NSLog(@"书对象销毁了 price:%d",self.price);
  12. }
  13. @end


  1. Book* book = [[Book allocWithZone:zone] init];
  2. book.name = self.name;
  3. book.price = self.price;






  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "Book.h"
  3. @interface TRStudent : NSObject
  4. @property(nonatomic,assign)int age;
  5. @property(nonatomic,copy)NSString* name;
  6. @property(nonatomic,copy)Book *book;
  7. -(id)initWithAge:(int)age andName:(NSString*)name andBook:(Book*)book;
  8. +(id)studentWithAge:(int)age andName:(NSString*)name andBook:(Book*)book;
  9. -(void)print:(id)condition;
  10. @end



  1. @property(nonatomic,assign) int age;



  1. @property(nonatomic,copy)NSString* name;



  1. @property(nonatomic,copy)Book *book;



  1. -(id)initWithAge:(int)age andName:(NSString*)name andBook:(Book*)book;
  2. +(id)studentWithAge:(int)age andName:(NSString*)name andBook:(Book*)book;



  1. -(void)print:(id)condition;




  1. #import "TRStudent.h"
  2. @implementation TRStudent
  3. -(id)initWithAge:(int)age
  4. andName:(NSString*)name
  5. andBook:(Book*)book{
  6. self = [super init];
  7. if (self) {
  8. self.age = age;
  9. self.name = name;
  10. self.book = book;
  11. }
  12. return self;
  13. }
  14. +(id)studentWithAge:(int)age
  15. andName:(NSString*)name
  16. andBook:(Book*)book{
  17. return [[TRStudent alloc]initWithAge:age andName:name andBook:book];
  18. }
  19. -(void)print:(id)condition
  20. {
  21. bool a = [condition isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]];
  22. bool b = [condition intValue] == self.age;
  23. bool c = [condition isKindOfClass:[NSString class]];
  24. bool d = [self.name isEqualToString:condition];
  25. if ((a && b) || (c && d))
  26. NSLog(@"stu name:%@, age:%d", self.name, self.age);
  27. }
  28. @end


  1. bool a = [condition isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]];
  2. bool b = [condition intValue] == self.age;





  1. bool c = [condition isKindOfClass:[NSString class]];
  2. bool d = [self.name isEqualToString:condition];





  1. if ((a && b) || (c && d))
  2. NSLog(@"stu name:%@, age:%d", self.name, self.age);

如果条件(a && b)为真则表示形参condition为NSNumber类的对象并且将其拆箱后的值与当前对象age属性值相等。

如果条件(c && d)为真则表示形参condition为NSString类的对象并且与当前对象name属性值是同一字符串。



  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. //创建学生对象
  8. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  9. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  10. book1.price = 20;
  11. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];
  12. Book* book2 = [[Book alloc] init];
  13. book2.name = @"shuihu";
  14. book2.price = 18;
  15. TRStudent* stu2 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:19 andName:@"lisi" andBook:book2];
  16. Book* book3 = [[Book alloc] init];
  17. book3.name = @"xiyouji";
  18. book3.price = 28;
  19. TRStudent* stu3 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:20 andName:@"wangwu" andBook:book3];
  20. Book* book4 = [[Book alloc] init];
  21. book4.name = @"hongluomeng";
  22. book4.price = 24;
  23. TRStudent* stu4 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:21 andName:@"zhaoliu" andBook:book4];
  24. Book* book5 = [[Book alloc] init];
  25. book5.name = @"fengshenyanyi";
  26. book5.price = 22;
  27. TRStudent* stu5 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:22 andName:@"qianqi" andBook:book5];
  28. Book* book6 = [[Book alloc] init];
  29. book6.name = @"liaozhaizhiyi";
  30. book6.price = 15;
  31. TRStudent* stu6 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:23 andName:@"zhangfei" andBook:book6];
  32. Book* book7 = [[Book alloc] init];
  33. book7.name = @"sanxiawuyi";
  34. book7.price = 17;
  35. TRStudent* stu7 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:24 andName:@"guanyu" andBook:book7];
  36. Book* book8 = [[Book alloc] init];
  37. book8.name = @"yuefeizhuan";
  38. book8.price = 27;
  39. TRStudent* stu8 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:25 andName:@"zhaoyun" andBook:book8];
  40. }
  41. return 0;
  42. }


  1. //创建学生对象
  2. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  3. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  4. book1.price = 20;
  5. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];




  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. //创建学生对象
  8. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  9. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  10. book1.price = 20;
  11. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];
  12. Book* book2 = [[Book alloc] init];
  13. book2.name = @"shuihu";
  14. book2.price = 18;
  15. TRStudent* stu2 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:19 andName:@"lisi" andBook:book2];
  16. Book* book3 = [[Book alloc] init];
  17. book3.name = @"xiyouji";
  18. book3.price = 28;
  19. TRStudent* stu3 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:20 andName:@"wangwu" andBook:book3];
  20. Book* book4 = [[Book alloc] init];
  21. book4.name = @"hongluomeng";
  22. book4.price = 24;
  23. TRStudent* stu4 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:21 andName:@"zhaoliu" andBook:book4];
  24. Book* book5 = [[Book alloc] init];
  25. book5.name = @"fengshenyanyi";
  26. book5.price = 22;
  27. TRStudent* stu5 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:22 andName:@"qianqi" andBook:book5];
  28. Book* book6 = [[Book alloc] init];
  29. book6.name = @"liaozhaizhiyi";
  30. book6.price = 15;
  31. TRStudent* stu6 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:23 andName:@"zhangfei" andBook:book6];
  32. Book* book7 = [[Book alloc] init];
  33. book7.name = @"sanxiawuyi";
  34. book7.price = 17;
  35. TRStudent* stu7 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:24 andName:@"guanyu" andBook:book7];
  36. Book* book8 = [[Book alloc] init];
  37. book8.name = @"yuefeizhuan";
  38. book8.price = 27;
  39. TRStudent* stu8 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:25 andName:@"zhaoyun" andBook:book8];
  40. //班级
  41. NSSet* class1403A = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu1,stu2,nil];
  42. NSSet* class1403B = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu3,stu4,nil];
  43. NSSet* class1403C = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu5,stu6,nil];
  44. NSSet* class1403D = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu7,stu8,nil];
  45. }
  46. return 0;
  47. }


  1. //班级
  2. NSSet* class1403A = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu1,stu2,nil];
  3. NSSet* class1403B = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu3,stu4,nil];
  4. NSSet* class1403C = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu5,stu6,nil];
  5. NSSet* class1403D = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu7,stu8,nil];




  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. //创建学生对象
  8. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  9. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  10. book1.price = 20;
  11. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];
  12. Book* book2 = [[Book alloc] init];
  13. book2.name = @"shuihu";
  14. book2.price = 18;
  15. TRStudent* stu2 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:19 andName:@"lisi" andBook:book2];
  16. Book* book3 = [[Book alloc] init];
  17. book3.name = @"xiyouji";
  18. book3.price = 28;
  19. TRStudent* stu3 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:20 andName:@"wangwu" andBook:book3];
  20. Book* book4 = [[Book alloc] init];
  21. book4.name = @"hongluomeng";
  22. book4.price = 24;
  23. TRStudent* stu4 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:21 andName:@"zhaoliu" andBook:book4];
  24. Book* book5 = [[Book alloc] init];
  25. book5.name = @"fengshenyanyi";
  26. book5.price = 22;
  27. TRStudent* stu5 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:22 andName:@"qianqi" andBook:book5];
  28. Book* book6 = [[Book alloc] init];
  29. book6.name = @"liaozhaizhiyi";
  30. book6.price = 15;
  31. TRStudent* stu6 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:23 andName:@"zhangfei" andBook:book6];
  32. Book* book7 = [[Book alloc] init];
  33. book7.name = @"sanxiawuyi";
  34. book7.price = 17;
  35. TRStudent* stu7 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:24 andName:@"guanyu" andBook:book7];
  36. Book* book8 = [[Book alloc] init];
  37. book8.name = @"yuefeizhuan";
  38. book8.price = 27;
  39. TRStudent* stu8 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:25 andName:@"zhaoyun" andBook:book8];
  40. //班级
  41. NSSet* class1403A = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu1,stu2,nil];
  42. NSSet* class1403B = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu3,stu4,nil];
  43. NSSet* class1403C = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu5,stu6,nil];
  44. NSSet* class1403D = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu7,stu8,nil];
  45. //学院
  46. NSSet* college3G = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403A,class1403B,nil];
  47. NSSet* collegeTest = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403C,class1403D,nil];
  48. //学校
  49. NSSet* tarena = [NSSet setWithObjects:college3G,collegeTest,nil];
  50. }
  51. return 0;
  52. }


  1. //学院
  2. NSSet* college3G = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403A,class1403B,nil];
  3. NSSet* collegeTest = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403C,class1403D,nil];
  4. //学校
  5. NSSet* tarena = [NSSet setWithObjects:college3G,collegeTest,nil];




  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. //创建学生对象
  8. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  9. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  10. book1.price = 20;
  11. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];
  12. Book* book2 = [[Book alloc] init];
  13. book2.name = @"shuihu";
  14. book2.price = 18;
  15. TRStudent* stu2 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:19 andName:@"lisi" andBook:book2];
  16. Book* book3 = [[Book alloc] init];
  17. book3.name = @"xiyouji";
  18. book3.price = 28;
  19. TRStudent* stu3 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:20 andName:@"wangwu" andBook:book3];
  20. Book* book4 = [[Book alloc] init];
  21. book4.name = @"hongluomeng";
  22. book4.price = 24;
  23. TRStudent* stu4 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:21 andName:@"zhaoliu" andBook:book4];
  24. Book* book5 = [[Book alloc] init];
  25. book5.name = @"fengshenyanyi";
  26. book5.price = 22;
  27. TRStudent* stu5 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:22 andName:@"qianqi" andBook:book5];
  28. Book* book6 = [[Book alloc] init];
  29. book6.name = @"liaozhaizhiyi";
  30. book6.price = 15;
  31. TRStudent* stu6 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:23 andName:@"zhangfei" andBook:book6];
  32. Book* book7 = [[Book alloc] init];
  33. book7.name = @"sanxiawuyi";
  34. book7.price = 17;
  35. TRStudent* stu7 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:24 andName:@"guanyu" andBook:book7];
  36. Book* book8 = [[Book alloc] init];
  37. book8.name = @"yuefeizhuan";
  38. book8.price = 27;
  39. TRStudent* stu8 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:25 andName:@"zhaoyun" andBook:book8];
  40. //班级
  41. NSSet* class1403A = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu1,stu2,nil];
  42. NSSet* class1403B = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu3,stu4,nil];
  43. NSSet* class1403C = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu5,stu6,nil];
  44. NSSet* class1403D = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu7,stu8,nil];
  45. //学院
  46. NSSet* college3G = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403A,class1403B,nil];
  47. NSSet* collegeTest = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403C,class1403D,nil];
  48. //学校
  49. NSSet* tarena = [NSSet setWithObjects:college3G,collegeTest,nil];
  50. //遍历学校
  51. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  52. {
  53. //遍历学院
  54. for (NSSet* class in college)
  55. {
  56. //遍历班级
  57. for (TRStudent* stu in class)
  58. {
  59. NSLog(@"stu name:%@, age:%d", stu.name, stu.age);
  60. }
  61. }
  62. }
  63. }
  64. return 0;
  65. }


  1. //遍历学校
  2. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  3. {
  4. //遍历学院
  5. for (NSSet* class in college)
  6. {
  7. //遍历班级
  8. for (TRStudent* stu in class)
  9. {
  10. NSLog(@"name:%@, age:%d", stu.name, stu.age);
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }


  1. //遍历学校
  2. for (NSSet* college in tarena)



  1. //遍历学院
  2. for (NSSet* class in college)



  1. //遍历班级
  2. for (TRStudent* stu in class)




  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. //创建学生对象
  8. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  9. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  10. book1.price = 20;
  11. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];
  12. Book* book2 = [[Book alloc] init];
  13. book2.name = @"shuihu";
  14. book2.price = 18;
  15. TRStudent* stu2 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:19 andName:@"lisi" andBook:book2];
  16. Book* book3 = [[Book alloc] init];
  17. book3.name = @"xiyouji";
  18. book3.price = 28;
  19. TRStudent* stu3 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:20 andName:@"wangwu" andBook:book3];
  20. Book* book4 = [[Book alloc] init];
  21. book4.name = @"hongluomeng";
  22. book4.price = 24;
  23. TRStudent* stu4 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:21 andName:@"zhaoliu" andBook:book4];
  24. Book* book5 = [[Book alloc] init];
  25. book5.name = @"fengshenyanyi";
  26. book5.price = 22;
  27. TRStudent* stu5 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:22 andName:@"qianqi" andBook:book5];
  28. Book* book6 = [[Book alloc] init];
  29. book6.name = @"liaozhaizhiyi";
  30. book6.price = 15;
  31. TRStudent* stu6 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:23 andName:@"zhangfei" andBook:book6];
  32. Book* book7 = [[Book alloc] init];
  33. book7.name = @"sanxiawuyi";
  34. book7.price = 17;
  35. TRStudent* stu7 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:24 andName:@"guanyu" andBook:book7];
  36. Book* book8 = [[Book alloc] init];
  37. book8.name = @"yuefeizhuan";
  38. book8.price = 27;
  39. TRStudent* stu8 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:25 andName:@"zhaoyun" andBook:book8];
  40. //班级
  41. NSSet* class1403A = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu1,stu2,nil];
  42. NSSet* class1403B = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu3,stu4,nil];
  43. NSSet* class1403C = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu5,stu6,nil];
  44. NSSet* class1403D = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu7,stu8,nil];
  45. //学院
  46. NSSet* college3G = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403A,class1403B,nil];
  47. NSSet* collegeTest = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403C,class1403D,nil];
  48. //学校
  49. NSSet* tarena = [NSSet setWithObjects:college3G,collegeTest,nil];
  50. //遍历学校
  51. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  52. {
  53. //遍历学院
  54. for (NSSet* class in college)
  55. {
  56. //遍历班级
  57. for (TRStudent* stu in class)
  58. {
  59. NSLog(@"name:%@, age:%d", stu.name, stu.age);
  60. }
  61. }
  62. }
  63. //遍历学校
  64. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  65. {
  66. //遍历学院
  67. for (NSSet* class in college)
  68. {
  69. //输出年龄为18岁的学生信息
  70. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:18]];
  71. //输出姓名为“张三”的学生信息
  72. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:@"zhangsan"];
  73. }
  74. }
  75. }
  76. return 0;
  77. }


  1. //输出年龄为18岁的学生信息
  2. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:18]];

显示class集合中年龄为18岁的学生信息。通过向集合对象class发送NSSet类的makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject:消息,使集合对象class中的每个元素(即TRStudent类的对象)均调用第一个实参@selector(print:)指定的TRStudent类中print方法,在控制台上输出满足条件(年龄为18岁)的学生的信息。条件(年龄为18岁)是通过makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject:消息的第二个实参[NSNumber numberWithInt:18]传入给print方法的。


  1. //输出姓名为“张三”的学生信息
  2. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:@"zhangsan"];





  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. //创建学生对象
  8. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  9. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  10. book1.price = 20;
  11. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];
  12. Book* book2 = [[Book alloc] init];
  13. book2.name = @"shuihu";
  14. book2.price = 18;
  15. TRStudent* stu2 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:19 andName:@"lisi" andBook:book2];
  16. Book* book3 = [[Book alloc] init];
  17. book3.name = @"xiyouji";
  18. book3.price = 28;
  19. TRStudent* stu3 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:20 andName:@"wangwu" andBook:book3];
  20. Book* book4 = [[Book alloc] init];
  21. book4.name = @"hongluomeng";
  22. book4.price = 24;
  23. TRStudent* stu4 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:21 andName:@"zhaoliu" andBook:book4];
  24. Book* book5 = [[Book alloc] init];
  25. book5.name = @"fengshenyanyi";
  26. book5.price = 22;
  27. TRStudent* stu5 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:22 andName:@"qianqi" andBook:book5];
  28. Book* book6 = [[Book alloc] init];
  29. book6.name = @"liaozhaizhiyi";
  30. book6.price = 15;
  31. TRStudent* stu6 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:23 andName:@"zhangfei" andBook:book6];
  32. Book* book7 = [[Book alloc] init];
  33. book7.name = @"sanxiawuyi";
  34. book7.price = 17;
  35. TRStudent* stu7 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:24 andName:@"guanyu" andBook:book7];
  36. Book* book8 = [[Book alloc] init];
  37. book8.name = @"yuefeizhuan";
  38. book8.price = 27;
  39. TRStudent* stu8 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:25 andName:@"zhaoyun" andBook:book8];
  40. //班级
  41. NSSet* class1403A = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu1,stu2,nil];
  42. NSSet* class1403B = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu3,stu4,nil];
  43. NSSet* class1403C = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu5,stu6,nil];
  44. NSSet* class1403D = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu7,stu8,nil];
  45. //学院
  46. NSSet* college3G = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403A,class1403B,nil];
  47. NSSet* collegeTest = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403C,class1403D,nil];
  48. //学校
  49. NSSet* tarena = [NSSet setWithObjects:college3G,collegeTest,nil];
  50. //遍历学校
  51. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  52. {
  53. //遍历学院
  54. for (NSSet* class in college)
  55. {
  56. //遍历班级
  57. for (TRStudent* stu in class)
  58. {
  59. NSLog(@"name:%@, age:%d", stu.name, stu.age);
  60. }
  61. }
  62. }
  63. //遍历学校
  64. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  65. {
  66. //遍历学院
  67. for (NSSet* class in college)
  68. {
  69. //输出年龄为18岁的学生信息
  70. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:18]];
  71. //输出姓名为“张三”的学生信息
  72. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:@"zhangsan"];
  73. }
  74. }
  75. //遍历学校
  76. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  77. {
  78. //遍历学院
  79. for (NSSet* class in college)
  80. {
  81. //遍历班级
  82. for (TRStudent* stu in class)
  83. {
  84. NSLog(@"book name:%@, price:%d", stu.book.name, stu.book.price);
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. }
  89. return 0;
  90. }


2.3 完整代码


  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. @interface Book : NSObject<NSCopying>
  3. @property(nonatomic, copy)NSString *name;
  4. @property(nonatomic,assign)int price;
  5. @end


  1. #import "Book.h"
  2. @implementation Book
  3. -(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone
  4. {
  5. Book* book = [[Book allocWithZone:zone] init];
  6. book.name = self.name;
  7. book.price = self.price;
  8. return book;
  9. }
  10. -(void)dealloc{
  11. NSLog(@"书对象销毁了 price:%d",self.price);
  12. }
  13. @end


  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "Book.h"
  3. @interface TRStudent : NSObject
  4. @property(nonatomic,assign)int age;
  5. @property(nonatomic,copy)NSString* name;
  6. @property(nonatomic,copy)Book *book;
  7. -(id)initWithAge:(int)age andName:(NSString*)name andBook:(Book*)book;
  8. +(id)studentWithAge:(int)age andName:(NSString*)name andBook:(Book*)book;
  9. -(void)print:(id)condition;
  10. @end


  1. #import "TRStudent.h"
  2. @implementation TRStudent
  3. -(id)initWithAge:(int)age
  4. andName:(NSString*)name
  5. andBook:(Book*)book{
  6. self = [super init];
  7. if (self) {
  8. self.age = age;
  9. self.name = name;
  10. self.book = book;
  11. }
  12. return self;
  13. }
  14. +(id)studentWithAge:(int)age
  15. andName:(NSString*)name
  16. andBook:(Book*)book{
  17. return [[TRStudent alloc]initWithAge:age andName:name andBook:book];
  18. }
  19. -(void)print:(id)condition
  20. {
  21. bool a = [condition isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]];
  22. bool b = [condition intValue] == self.age;
  23. bool c = [condition isKindOfClass:[NSString class]];
  24. bool d = [self.name isEqualToString:condition];
  25. if ((a && b) || (c && d))
  26. NSLog(@"stu name:%@, age:%d", self.name, self.age);
  27. }
  28. @end


  1. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  2. #import "TRStudent.h"
  3. int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  4. {
  5. @autoreleasepool {
  6. // insert code here...
  7. //创建学生对象
  8. Book* book1 = [[Book alloc] init];
  9. book1.name = @"sanguo";
  10. book1.price = 20;
  11. TRStudent* stu1 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:18 andName:@"zhangsan" andBook:book1];
  12. Book* book2 = [[Book alloc] init];
  13. book2.name = @"shuihu";
  14. book2.price = 18;
  15. TRStudent* stu2 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:19 andName:@"lisi" andBook:book2];
  16. Book* book3 = [[Book alloc] init];
  17. book3.name = @"xiyouji";
  18. book3.price = 28;
  19. TRStudent* stu3 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:20 andName:@"wangwu" andBook:book3];
  20. Book* book4 = [[Book alloc] init];
  21. book4.name = @"hongluomeng";
  22. book4.price = 24;
  23. TRStudent* stu4 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:21 andName:@"zhaoliu" andBook:book4];
  24. Book* book5 = [[Book alloc] init];
  25. book5.name = @"fengshenyanyi";
  26. book5.price = 22;
  27. TRStudent* stu5 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:22 andName:@"qianqi" andBook:book5];
  28. Book* book6 = [[Book alloc] init];
  29. book6.name = @"liaozhaizhiyi";
  30. book6.price = 15;
  31. TRStudent* stu6 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:23 andName:@"zhangfei" andBook:book6];
  32. Book* book7 = [[Book alloc] init];
  33. book7.name = @"sanxiawuyi";
  34. book7.price = 17;
  35. TRStudent* stu7 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:24 andName:@"guanyu" andBook:book7];
  36. Book* book8 = [[Book alloc] init];
  37. book8.name = @"yuefeizhuan";
  38. book8.price = 27;
  39. TRStudent* stu8 = [TRStudent studentWithAge:25 andName:@"zhaoyun" andBook:book8];
  40. //班级
  41. NSSet* class1403A = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu1,stu2,nil];
  42. NSSet* class1403B = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu3,stu4,nil];
  43. NSSet* class1403C = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu5,stu6,nil];
  44. NSSet* class1403D = [NSSet setWithObjects:stu7,stu8,nil];
  45. //学院
  46. NSSet* college3G = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403A,class1403B,nil];
  47. NSSet* collegeTest = [NSSet setWithObjects:class1403C,class1403D,nil];
  48. //学校
  49. NSSet* tarena = [NSSet setWithObjects:college3G,collegeTest,nil];
  50. //遍历学校
  51. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  52. {
  53. //遍历学院
  54. for (NSSet* class in college)
  55. {
  56. //遍历班级
  57. for (TRStudent* stu in class)
  58. {
  59. NSLog(@"stu name:%@, age:%d", stu.name, stu.age);
  60. }
  61. }
  62. }
  63. //遍历学校
  64. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  65. {
  66. //遍历学院
  67. for (NSSet* class in college)
  68. {
  69. //输出年龄为18岁的学生信息
  70. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:18]];
  71. //输出姓名为“张三”的学生信息
  72. [class makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(print:) withObject:@"zhangsan"];
  73. }
  74. }
  75. //遍历学校
  76. for (NSSet* college in tarena)
  77. {
  78. //遍历学院
  79. for (NSSet* class in college)
  80. {
  81. //遍历班级
  82. for (TRStudent* stu in class)
  83. {
  84. NSLog(@"book name:%@, price:%d", stu.book.name, stu.book.price);
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. }
  89. return 0;
  90. }
时间: 2024-10-02 06:45:44

NSArray(二) 、 NSMutableArray 、 NSSet 、 NSMutableSet的相关文章


开始编写应用程序的代码时,可以利用大量的 Objective-C 框架.其中,为所有应用程序提供基本服务的 Foundation 框架尤为重要.Foundation 框架包括表示基本数据类型的值类(如字符串和数字)以及用于储存其他对象的集 (collection) 类.ToDoList 应用程序中的大量代码都可以依靠值类和集类来编写. 值对象 Foundation 框架提供了为字符串.二进制数据.日期与时间.数字以及其他值产生值对象的类. 值对象是指封装了基本值(属于 C 数据类型)且提供与该值

Objective-C 下用 NSArray 和 NSMutableArray 定义二维数组跟多维数

Objective-C 下用 NSArray 和 NSMutableArray 定义二维数组跟多维数组 目录 问题描述 Objective-C 中的数组对像 NSArray 和 NSMutableArray 简介 二维数组:嵌套两次的 NSMutableArray 多维数组:嵌套多次的 NSMutableArray 问题描述 说实话,不太习惯面向对象编程,所以在操作 Objective-C 中数组对象时,总是忍不住跟 C 中的数组做比较,正好要建立一个二维数组,需要根据二维数组的下标来做相应的设


NSArray:有序的集合,NSSet:无序的集合,散列存储. 但是NSSet保证数据的唯一性.当插入相同的数据时,不会有任何效果.从内部实现来说是hash表.NSMutableSet是NSSet的子类,是NSSet的可变形式. NSSet.NSMutableSet NSSet的使用[NSSet setWithSet:(NSSet *)set]; 用另外一个set对象构造[NSSet setWithArray:(NSArray *)array];用数组构造[NSSet setWithObject


一:NSArray 和NSMutableArray 1: NSArray:不可变数组 NSArray是OC中使用的数组,只能用来存放OC对象,不能存放非OC对象如基本数据类型 它使不可变的,一旦初始化完毕,内容不能改变,也不能添加元素. 而C语言中的数组只能存放一种数据类型 (1) 普通数组的用法 // 普通数组的创建 // int arr[5] = {1,3,4}; // 对象数组的创建 // Person *p = [[Person alloc] init]; // Person *arrP

IOS阶段学习第15天笔记(NSArray与NSMutableArray 数组)

IOS学习(OC语言)知识点整理 一.OC中的数组 1)数组:也是一个对象,数组中存放的是对象的地址,可以存放任意类型对象的地址,只能是对象不能是具体的数值,数组是有序的,      可以存放重复的元素,数组也分为不可变数组和可变数组.       1.不可变数组NSArray:初始化之后不能修改数组的内容       2.可变数组NSMutableArray:可以随时修改数组的内容(增加元素.删除元素.修改元素) 二.NSArray数组的操作 1)NSArray数组的创建 1.创建方法一:使用


第一讲 NSArray.NSMutableArray 一.NSArray 概述:NSArray是OC中的数组类,开发中建议尽量使用NSArray替代C语言中的数组,C语言中数组的弊端,int array[4] = {10, 89, 27, 76};只能存放一种类型的数据.(类型必须一致),不能很方便地动态添加数组元素.不能很方便地动态删除数组元素(长度固定). 使用注意:只能存放任意OC对象, 并且是有顺序的,不能存储非OC对象, 比如int\float\double\char\enum\str


=================== NSArray ====================(不可变数组,一旦建立就不能被更改) Ordered collection of objects. Immutable(you cannot add or remove objects to it once it’s created)Important methods:+ (id)arrayWithObjects:(id)firstObject, ...;    // nil terminated -

[Objective-C] 008_Foundation框架之NSArray与NSMutableArray

在Cocoa Foundation中NSArray和NSMutableArray 用于对象有序集合,NSArray和NSMutableArray类最大的区别是:NSArray是不可变,NSMutableArray是可变的.它们只能存储Cocoa对象(NSObject对象),如果想保存一些原始的C数据(如:int,float,double,BOOL等),则需要将这些原始的C数据封装NSNumber类型,它们的下标是从0开始,下面是NSArray和NSMutableArray类的一些常用初级操作.

NSArray与NSMutableArray 数组与可变数组的创建和遍历 复习

1.NSArray 是一个父类,NSMUtableArray是其子类,他们构成了OC的数组. 2.NSArray的创建 NSArray * array = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"one",@"two",@"three",@"four good",nil];//用对象初始化一个数组,这里是任意四个对象,不一定是字符串.//OC中的数组,不是真正的数组,这是一个链表,nil的作用正是表


不可变数组 --NSArray 常用的初始化一个数组:       NSArray *array1 = [[NSArray alloc] init];       NSArray *array2 = [NSArray array]; //对于上述两个方法,在NSArray中用的很少,因为这是一个空数组,它的值是不可改变的,意味着一旦创建,就永远为空       NSArray *array3 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt: