How to search an AAA+ movie on the internet?

[Idea Case]

How to search an AAA+ movie on the internet?


Design and implement a special search-engine(SE) for it. I have a good mean for the design of this idea is to improve my MSQL parser and SE, and make it  easy to implement this idea, i think it also may make some AI
solutions during implementing this idea, and maybe it would make MSQL upgraded to be a big-data-and-ai language which may include the basic features of the database, search-engine, lisp-language and also web script. And once that day coming, i would be glad
to call MSQL "a hackable language" and consistently call this idea of this article as "an amazing idea".


2015 would be a lucky year, really? i think so, just beleive yourself as beleiving your belevive, so good luck for all the real people !


January 1st, 2015

时间: 2024-08-03 10:50:27

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相同点: 都返回找到的第一个匹配对象 >>> import re >>> m ='(\w+) (\w+)', 'aaa bbb ccc ddd') >>> 'aaa bbb' >>> m = re.match('(\w+) (\w+)', 'aaa bbb ccc ddd') >>> 'aaa bbb' 不同点: re.match从字符串的起始位置开始

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