Datables 服务端分页for DJango

  1. 安装


    pip install django-datatables-view

  2. 前端配置-JS部分


    "paging": true,

    "lengthChange": true,

    "searching": true,

    "ordering": true,

    "info": true,

    "autoWidth": true,

    "lengthMenu": [[20,50,100, -1], [20,50,100, "All"]],

    "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",

    "bProcessing": true, //开启读取服务器数据时显示正在加载中……特别是大数据量的时候,开启此功能比较好

    "bServerSide": true, //开启服务器模式

    "sAjaxSource": "{% url ‘proxy_list_json‘ %}", //给服务器发请求的url


  3. django 后台响应部分

    from django_datatables_view.base_datatable_view import BaseDatatableView

    def proxyAdmin(req):


    return render_to_response(‘data/proxyadmin.html‘)

    class ProxyListJson(BaseDatatableView):

    # The model we‘re going to show

    model = Proxy #要分页的类

    # define the columns that will be returned

    columns = [‘ip‘, ‘description‘, ‘score‘, ‘logdate‘] #需要显示的字段

    # define column names that will be used in sorting

    # order is important and should be same as order of columns

    # displayed by datatables. For non sortable columns use empty

    # value like ‘‘

    order_columns = [‘ip‘,‘description‘, ‘score‘, ‘logdate‘] #排序

    # set max limit of records returned, this is used to protect our site if someone tries to attack our site

    # and make it return huge amount of data

    max_display_length = 500

    def render_column(self, row, column):

    return super(ProxyListJson, self).render_column(row, column)

    def filter_queryset(self, qs):

    # use parameters passed in GET request to filter queryset

    qs_params = None

    search = self.request.GET.get(u‘sSearch‘, None)

    if search: #模糊搜索

    q = Q(ip__contains=search)|Q(description__contains=search)

    qs_params = qs_params | q if qs_params else q

    qs = qs.filter(qs_params)

    return qs

  4. URLS配置

    url(r‘^paging_proxy/$‘, ProxyListJson.as_view(), name=‘proxy_list_json‘),

时间: 2024-10-11 22:41:11

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