<person of interest>这是我史上最爱的一部美剧,没有之一。并因为该剧收获了一位新女神——AMY ACKER。
虽然我不满牺牲了root,更不满The machine took her voice,但是或许可以按照root说的那样来安慰自己(the world may be just a simulation, and every one of us represents a dynamic),
No one is worth more than anyone else.
People are not a thing that can be sacrificed for any reason.
Every person has free will and is not interchangeable, and we should respect that and we must.
讽刺的是finch的machine懂这个道理,并以此帮助地铁小分队拯救irrelevant number。但是很多人类自己却忽视生而为人该有的对生命的尊重滥杀无辜,更可笑的是他们还以正义之名。我始终不明白为什么AI会引起人们的恐慌,人类真正应该担心的不正是人类自己吗?真正的灾难是some people steers the AI go wrong or great evil。AI始终只是machine,purely black and whilte. 其实, 我们又何必那么贪心地一定要去control任何事物呢?
时间: 2024-10-23 02:46:31