Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference E through H

debug eap through debug he-module subslot periodic

debug eap : to display information about Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eap

debug ecfmpal : to enable debugging of the data path of the Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management(CFM) function(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ecfmpal

debug eigrp address-family neighbor : to display debugging information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) address family neighbors (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp address-family neighbor

debug eigrp address-family notifications : to display debugging information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) address family event notifications(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp address-family notifications

debug eigrp frr : to display debugging information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routng Protocol(EIGRP) Fast Reroute(FRR) events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp frr

debug eigrp fsm : to display debugging information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) feasible successor metrics(FSMs) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp fsm

debug eigrp neighbor : to display neighbors discovered by the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp neighbor

debug eigrp notifications : to debug notifications sent from the L2L3 API interface(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp notifications

debug eigrp nsf : to display nonstop forwarding (NSF) events in the console of an NSF-aware or NSP-capable router(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp nsf

debug eigrp packets : to display debugging information about Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) packets(in privleged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp packets

debug eigrp service-family : to troubleshoot an Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP) service-family external client, client, neighbor, notification, topology, or a VRF instance(in privileged EXEC mode)

debug eigrp transmit : to display transmittal messages sent by the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eigrp transmit

debug elb-pal-pd : to display debugging information related to the Ethernet Data Plane Loopback feature(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug elb-pal-pd

debug emm : to debug Enbedded Menu Manager (EMM) Menu Definition Files(MDFs)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug emm

debug eou : to display information about Extensible Authentication Protocol over User Datagram Protocol(UDP)(EAPoUDP) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eou

debug epc : to enable debugging of embedded packet capture(EPC) infrastructure(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug epc

debug ephone alarm : to set SkinnyStation alarm messages debugging for the Cisco IP phone(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone alarm

debug ephone blf : to display debugging information for Busy Lamp Field(BLF) presence features(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone blf

debug ephone ccm-compatible : to display Cisco CallManager notification updates for calls between Cisco CallManager and Cisco CallManager Express(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone ccm-compatible

debug ephone detail : to set detail debugging for the Cisco IP phone(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone detail

debug phone error : to set error debugging for the Cisco IP phone(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone error

debug ephone extension-assigner : to display status messages produced by the extension assigner application(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone extension-assigner

debug ephone lpcor : to display debugging information for calls using the logical portioning class of restriction(LPCOR) feature(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone lpcor

debug ephone keepalive : to set keepalive debugging for the Cisco IP phone(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephong keepalive

debug ephone loopback : to set debugging for loopback calls(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone loopback

debug ephone message : to enable message tracing between euphonies(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone message

debug ephone mlpp : to display debugging information for Multilevel Precedence and Preemption(MLPP) calls to phones in a Cisco Unified CME system(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone mlpp

debug ephone moh : to set debugging for music on hold(MOH) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone moh

debug ephone mwi : to set message waiting indication(MWI) debugging for the Cisco IOS Telephony Service router(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone mwi

debug ephone pak : to provide voce packet level debugging and to print the contents of one voice packet in every 1024 voice packets(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone pak

debug ephone qov : to display quality of voice(QOV) statistics for calls when preset limits are exceeded(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone qov

debug ephone raw : to provide raw low-level protocol debugging display for all Skinny Client Control Protocol(SCCP) messages(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone raw

debug ephone register : to set registration debugging for the Cisco IP phone(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone register

debug ephone sccp-state : to set debugging for the SCCP call state(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone sccp-state

debug ephone state : to set state debugging for the Cisco IP phone(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone state

debug ephone statistics : to set call statistics debugging for the Cisco IP phone(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone statistics

debug ephone video : to set video debugging for ephones(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone video

debug ephone vm-integration : to display pattern manipulation information used for integration with voice-mail applications(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ephone vm-integration

debug ephone whisper-intercom : to display debugging messages for the Whisper Intercom feature(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug phone whisper-intercom

debug epmpal : to enable debugging of the Y.1731 Ethernet performance monitoring function(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug epmal

debug errors : to display errors(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug errors

debug eswilp : to enable debugging of Ethernet switch network module features(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug eswilp

debug ethernet cfm all : to enable all Ethernet connectivity fault management (CFM) debug messages(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet cfm all

debug ethernet cfm diagnostic : to enable low-level diagnostic debugging of Ethernet connectivity fault management(CFM) general events or packet-related events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet cfm diagnostic

debug ethernet cfm error : to enable debugging of Ethernet connectivity fault management (CFM) errors(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet cfm error

debug ethernet cfm errors : to enable debugging of Ethernet connectivity fault management(CFM) errors(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet cfm errors

debug ethernet cfm ha : to enable debugging of Ethernet connectivity fault management (CFM) high availability(HA) features(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet cfm ha

debug ehternet cfm packets : to enable debugging of Ethernet connectivity fault management(CFM) message packets(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet cfm packets

debug ethernet cfm pm : to enable debug messages for Ethernet connectivity fault management(CFM) performance monitoring(in privielged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet cfm pm

debug ethernet event microwave : enables debugging for Ethernet microwave events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet event microwave

debug ethernetl2ctrl : to enable debugging messages for Ethernet Layer2Control(L2ctrl)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet l2ctrl

debug ethernet lmi : to enable debugging of Ethernet Local Management Interface(LMI) messages on all interfaces or on a specified interface(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet lmi

debug ehternet nid : to display detailed debugging information related to the Network Interface Device(NID) functionality(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet nid

debug ethernet oam : to enable all Ethernet operations, administration, and maintenance(OAM) debugging(in privieged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet oam

debug ethernet ring g8032 errors : to enable debugging of Ethernet Ring Protocol(ERP) errors(in privileged EXEC mode)

debug ethernet ring g8032 events : to enable debugging of Ethernet Ring Protocol(ERP) events(in privileged EXEC mode)

debug ethernet ring g8032 fsm : to enable debugging of Finite State Machine(FSM) state changes for Ethernet Ring Protocol (ERP) instances(in privileged EXEC mode)

debug ethernet ring g8032 packets : to enable debugging of Ethernet Ring Protocol(ERP) packets(in privileged EXEC mode)

debug ethernet service : to enable debugging of Ethernet customer service instances(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet service

debug ethernet service instance dynamic : to enable debugging of Ethernet Layer2(L2) context service instances(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ethernet service

debug event manager : to turn on the debugging output of Embedded Event Manager (EEM) process(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug event manager

debug events : to display events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug events

debug fax dmsp : to troubleshoot the fax Document Media Service Provider (DMSP)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fax dmsp

debug fax fmsp : to troubleshoot the Fax Media Service Provider (FMSP)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fax fmsp

debug fax foip : to troubleshoot fax mail(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fax foip

debug fax mmoip aaa : to display output relating to authentication, authorization, and accounting(AAA) services using multimedia mail over IP(MMoIP) for the Store and Forwarding Fax feature(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fax mmoip aaa

debug fax mspi : to troubleshoot the fax Mail Service Provider Interface(MSPI)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fax mspi

debug fax mta : to troubleshoot the fax Mail Transfer Agent(MTA) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fax mta

debug fax relay t30 : to display debugging messages for T.30 real-time fax(in privielged EXEC mode)

no debug fax relay t30

debug fddi smt-packets : to display information about Station Management(SMT) frames received by the router(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fddi smt-packets

debug filesystem : to enable ATA ROM monitor library (monlib)debugging messages(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug filesystem

debug firewall : to enable debugging for events, errors and SCP communication of ASA SM( in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug firewall

debug flow exporter : to enable debugging output for Flexible NetFlow flow exporters(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug flow exporter

debug flow monitor : to enable debugging output for Flexible NetFlow flow monitors(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug flow monitor

debug flow record : to enable debugging output for Flexible NetFlow flow records(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug flow record

debug flow-sampler : to enable debugging output for NetFlow sampler activity(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug flow-sampler

debug fm ipv6 pbr : to enable debugging of IPv6 policy-based routing information(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fm ipv6 policy

debug fm regard : to display information about router advertisement (RA) guard debugging activity(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fm reguard

debug fmsp receive : to display debugging messages for Fax Media Services Provider (FMSP) receive(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fmsp receive

debug fmsp send : to display debugging messages for Fax Media Services Provider (FMSP) send(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fmsp send

debug foip off-ramp : to display debugging messages for off-ramp fax mail(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug foip off-ramp

debug foip on-ramp : to display debugging messages for on-ramp fax mail(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug foip on-ramp

debug format : to verify the syntax of eXtensible Markup Language Programmatic Interface(XML-PI) spec files(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug format

debug fpm event : to display protocol information from the designated protocol header description(PHDF)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fpm event

debug frame-relay adjacency : to display information pertaining to an adjacent node that has one or more Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit(PVC) bundles(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay adjacency

debug frame-relay callcontrol : to display Frame Relay Layer 3 (network layer) call control information(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay callcontrol

debug frame-relay end-to-end keepalive : to display debug messages for the FrameRelay End-to-End Keepalive feature(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay end-to-end keepalive

debug frame-relay events : to dispay debugging information about Frame Relay Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) replies on networks that support a multicast channel and use dynamic addressing(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay events

debug frame-relay foresight : to observe Frame Relay traces relating to traffic shaping with router ForeSight enabled(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay foresight

debug frame-relay fragment : to display information related to Frame Relay fragmentation on a permanent virtual circuit(PVC)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay fragment

debug frame-relay hqf : to display debug messages for FrameRelay )FR) hierarchical queueing framework(HQF) events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay hqf

debug frame-relay informationelements : to display information about FrameRelay Layer3 (network layer)information element parsing and construction(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay informationelements

debug frame-relay ip tcp header-compression : to display debugging information about TCP/IP header compression on Frame Relay interfaces(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay ip tcp header-compression

debug frame-relay lapf : to display Frame Relay switched virtual circuit(SVC) Layer 2 information(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay lapf

debug frame-relay lmi : to display information on the local management interface(LMI) packets exchanged by the router and the Frame Relay service provider(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay lmi

debug frame-relay multilink : to display debug messages for multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay multilink

debug frame-relay networklayerinterface : to display Network Layer Interface(NLI) information(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay networklayerinterface

debug frame-relay packet : to display information on packets that have been sent on a Frame Relay interface(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay packet

debug frame-relay ppp : to display debugging information(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay ppp

debug frame-relay pseudowire : to display events and error conditions that occur when binding a FrameRelay data-link connection identifier (DLCI) to a pseudowire(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay pseudowire

debug frame-relay redundancy : to debug Frame Relay and Multilink Frame Relay redundancy on the networking device(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay recundancy

debug frame-relay switching : to display debugging messages for switched Frame Relay permanent virtual circuits(PVCs) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay switching

debug frame-relay vc-bundle : to display information about the Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundles that are configured on a router (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug frame-relay vc-bundle

debug frame-relay virtual : to display debugging messages for the virtual FrameRelay interface(in privileged EXEC mode)

debug fras error : to display information about Frame Relay access support (FRAS) protocol errors(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fras error

debug fras-host activation : to display the Logical Link Control, Type 2 (LLC2) session activation and deactivation frames (such as XID, SABME, DISC, UA) that are being handled by the Frame Relay access support(FRAS) host(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fras-host activation

debug fras-host error : to enable the Frame Relay access support (FRAS) Host to send error messages to the console(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fras-host error

debug fras-host packet : to see which Logical Link Control, type 2 (LLC2) session frames are being handled by the Frame Relay access support (FRAS) Host(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fras-host packet

debug fras-host snmp : to display messages to the console describing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) requests to the Frame Relay access support (FRAS) Host MIB) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fras-host snmp

debug fras message : to display general information about Frame Relay access support (FRAS) messages(in privilegede EXEC mode)

no debug fras message

debug fras state : to display information about Frame Relay access support (FRAS) data-link control link-state changes(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug fras state

debug ftpserver : to display information about the FTP server process(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug ftpserver

debug gatekeeper gup : to display the Gatekeeper Update Protocol(GUP) events or Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) details(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gatekeeper gup

debug gatekeeper load : to display gatekeeper load-balancing debug events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gatekeeper load events

debug gatekeeper server : to trace all the message exchanges between the Cisco IOS Gatekeeper and the external applications(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gatekeeper server

debug ggsn quota-server : to display debug information related to quota server processing on the GGSN(in privileged EXEC mode)

debug glbp errors : to display debugging messages about Gateway Load Balancing Protocol(GLBP) error conditions(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug glbp errors

debug glbp events : to display debugging messages about Gateway Load Balancing Protocol(GLBP) events that are occuring (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug glbp events

debug glbp packets : to display summary information about Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) packets being sent or received (in privielged EXEC mode)

no debug glbp packets

debug glbp terse : to display a limited range of debugging messages about Gateway Load Balancing Protocol(GLBP) errors, events, and packets(in privielged EXEC mode)

no debug glbp terse

debug gprs category fsm event : to display debug information related to service-aware GGSN category events, and state transactions(in privielged EXEC mode)

debug gprs charging : to display information about general packet radio service(GPRS) charging functions on the gateway GPRS) support node(GGSN) (in privieged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs charging

debug gprs dcca : to display troubleshooting information about Diameter Credit Control Application(DCCA) processing on the gateway GPRS support node(GGSN) (in privileged EXEC mode)

debug gprs dfp : to display debug messages for GPRS DFP weight calculation(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs dfp

debug gprs dhcp : to display information about Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) processing on the GGSN(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs dhcp

debug gprs gtp : to display information about the GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs gtp

debug gprs gtp parsing : to display information about the parsing of Gprs Tunneling Protocol (GTP) information elements(IEs) in signaling request(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs gtp parsing

debug gprs gtp ppp : to display information about PPP PDP type processing on the GGSN(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs gtp ppp

debug gprs gtp ppp-regeneration : to display information about PPP regeneration processing on the GGSN(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs gtp ppp-regeneration

debug gprs gtp-director : to display information about the GTP Director Module(GDM)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs gtp-director

debug gprs radius : to display information about Remote Acess Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) processing on the GGSN(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs radius

debug gprs redundancy : to display debug messages, errors, or packets related to GTP session redundancy (GTP-SR)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gprs redundancy

debug gvrp : to display GVRP debugging information (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug gvrp

debug h225 : to display additional information about the actual contents of H.225 Registration, Admission, and Status Protocol(RAS) messages(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug h225

debug h225 asn1 : to display ASN1 contents of RAS and Q.931 messages (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug h225 asn1

debug h225 events : to display Q.931 events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug h225 events

debug h245 asn1 : to display Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) contents of H.245 messages(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug h245 asn1

debug h245 events : to display H.245 events(in privielged EXEC mode)

no debug h245 events

debug h245 srtp : to display Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) messages(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug h245 srtp

debug h323-annexg : to display all pertinent Annex G messages that have been transmitted and received (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug h323-annexg

debug hccp timing : to display debug messages for the timing of HCCP events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hccp timing

debug hpi : to enable debugging for Host Port Interface(HPI) messages events(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hpi

debug http client : to display debugging messages for the HTTP client(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug http client

debug http client cookie : to display debugging traces for cookie-related process, including sending, receiving, validating, storing, and expiring a cookie(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug http client cookie

debug hw-module all upgrade : to enable debug messages for field-programmable devices(FPDs) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module all upgrade

debug hw-module subslot : to debug a shared port adapter SPA and all of its interfaces(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot

debug hw-module subslot commands : to enable debug messages for control plane configuration and commands on a shared port adapter(SPA)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot

debug hw-module subslot errors : to enable debug messages for error handling and race conditions on a shared port adapter(SPA) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot

debug hw-module subslot events : to enable debug messages for control plane events notifications on a shared port adapter (SPA)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot events

debug hs-module subslot interrupts : to enable debug messages for interrupt handling on a shared port adapter(SPA)(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot interrupts

debug hw-module subslot ipcshim : to enable debug messages for Inter-Process Communication(IPC) shim application processing for all supported modules in the system(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot all ipcshim

debug hw-module subslot oir : to enable debug messages for online insertion and removal (OIR) processing on a shared port adapter(SPA) (in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot

debug hw-module subslot periodic : to enable debug messages for periodic processing on a shared port adapter(in privileged EXEC mode)

no debug hw-module subslot periodic

时间: 2025-01-18 10:09:45

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