Google's Hybrid Approach to Research



  (i) aims to generate scientific and engineering advances in fields of import to Google, (目标)

(ii) does so in a way that tends to factorize longer projects (perhaps with very challenging goals) into discrete, achievable steps (each of which may be of commercial value), (步骤)

(iii) we maximally leverage our cloud computing models and large user base to support in vivo research,  (工具)

(iv) we allow for the maximal amount of organizational flexibility so that we can support both projects that require some room to grow unfettered by current constraints, as well as projects that require close integration with existing products,   (组织)

(v) we emphasize knowledge dissemination using a flexible collection of different approaches.  (影响)

Google's Hybrid Approach to Research

时间: 2024-10-13 20:48:24

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