


Everything in the UML has its own semantics. Generalization (usually, if you know what’s
good for you) implies the LisKov substitution principle, and multiple associations connected to one class denote distinct relationships. With constraints, you can add new semantics or extend existing rules. A constraint specifies conditions that a run-time
configuration must satisfy to conform to the model. For example, as Figure 6-8 shows, you might want to specify that, across a given association, communication is secure; a configuration that violates this constraint is inconsistent with the model. Similarly,
you might want to specify that among a set of associations connected to a given class, a particular instance may have links of only one association in the set.


may be written as free-form text. If you want to specify your semantics more precisely, you can use the UML’s
Object Constraint Language (OCL), described further in The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual.


A constraint is rendered as a string enclosed by brackets and placed near the associated element. This notation is also used as an adornment to the basic notation of an element to visualize
parts of an element’s specification that have no graphical cue. For example, some properties of associations
(order and changeability) are rendered using constraint notation.


Standard Elements


The UML defines a number of standard stereotypes for classifiers, components, relationships, and other modeling elements. There is one standard stereotype, mainly of interest to tool builders,
that lets you model stereotypes themselves.


lStereotype                Specifies
that the classifier is a stereotype that may be applied to other elements.


You’ll use this stereotype when you want
to explicitly model the stereotypes you’ve defined for your project.




Often it is useful to define a version of UML tailored to a particular purpose or domain area. For example, if you want to use a UML model for code generation in a particular language, it
is helpful to define stereotypes that can be applied to elements to give hints to the code generator (like an Ada pragma). The stereotypes you define would be different for Java and C++, however. As another example, you might want to use UML for modeling databases.
Some of the UML capabilities, such as dynamic modeling, are less important, but you want to add concepts such as candidate keys and indexes. You can tailor UML using profiles.


A profile
is a UML model with a set of predefined stereotypes, tagged values, constraints, and base classes. It also selects a subset of the UML element kinds for use so that a modeler is not confused
by element kinds that are not needed for the particular application area. A profile defines, in effect, a specialized version of UML for a particular area. Because it is built on ordinary UML elements, it does not represent a new language, and it can be supported
by ordinary UML tools.


Most modelers will not construct their own profiles. Most profiles will be constructed by tool builders, framework builders, and similar designers of generic capabilities. Many modelers will
use profiles, however. It is the same as traditional subroutine libraries ----a few experts built them but many programmers used them. We expect profiles to be constructed for programming languages and databases, for different implementation platforms, for
different modeling tools, and for various business domain application areas.


时间: 2024-08-24 01:30:14



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