delphi 求时间的间隔小记



function YearsBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Integer;
function MonthsBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Integer;
function WeeksBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Integer;
function DaysBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Integer;
function HoursBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;
function MinutesBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;
function SecondsBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;
function MilliSecondsBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;

function YearSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
function MonthSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
function WeekSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
function DaySpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
function HourSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
function MinuteSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
function SecondSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
function MilliSecondSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;

时间: 2024-08-27 13:48:16

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