
How to Find Happiness Without Buying It
Our materialistic
society has led us to believe that happiness cannot be obtained without having


Rather than learning to be satisfied with what we have, we are taught to want
more. We learn from advertising, and from the media, that we need to buy
trinkets and toys in order to make ourselves happy, or to fulfill emotional
needs, and that the purchases they are trying to talk us into will provide us
with the psychological comfort we are looking for.


Unfortunately, as a society we have bought into these misguided messages and
have come to believe that spending money on certain items will bring us fame,
fortune, happiness, beauty, or popularity. We end up using money as a crutch to
provide us with something we ultimately must find within ourselves. As we become
caught up in this charade, we trade precious hours of our lives trying to earn
the money we have been taught to covet so much.


We trade hours of our lives working, sacrificing time that could have been
spent with our families, for the pursuit of the almighty dollar.


In order to find true happiness, we first must learn to change our attitudes
about money. We must learn that money, and the spending of it, provides only a
temporary relief but does not present us with any real long lasting benefits. We
end up owning something we either do not really want or do not really need, and
the underlying emotional issues remain.


Rather than focus on the temporary satisfaction you may feel from spending
money, try the following to bring you happiness without it.


Imagine Having no Money


Imagine what you would do for happiness if you had no money at all. Think
about how you would spend your time, and what you would do for enjoyment. Change
your focus from material possessions to other things that bring you enjoyment,
such as spending quality time with your family and friends. Rather than focusing
on the accumulation of possessions, concentrate instead on playing with or
reading to your children, or spending time out enjoying nature.


Want What you Already Have


Society teaches us to want what others have. Instead, shift your thinking so
that you are satisfied with, or want, what is already yours. What tends to
happen is once we reach our goals in terms of owning personal possessions, we
trade those old goals in for a set of new ones that involves bigger, better, and
grander objects.


Goals are good to have because they motivate us to work, and to continue to
strive for self improvement. The key is to find a balance between having worthy
goals and recognizing when we are allowing the desire for possessions to
overwhelm the importance of other aspects of our lives. Rather than constantly
striving for things we do not have, we need to shift our focus to being thankful
for the things we already possess.


Volunteer Your Time


One way to appreciate what you have is to work with others who have nothing,
or who have disabilities that no amount of money can overcome. Volunteering time
to work in a food bank, or to work with underprivileged children, can really
alter your perspective on where you are in life, and can create a deeper
appreciation for the gifts you do have in your life.


Helping others can boost your spirits as well. There is a great deal of
personal satisfaction to be gained from giving aid to those who are in need of
it, leaving you with a sense of satisfaction that will carry over into your own
life. Use the experiences of helping others to teach your children compassion
and civic responsibility.


There are a number of ways to enjoy life without the need for a great deal of
money. Certainly, it is important to work and earn enough to provide for our
basic needs and the needs of our families, but it is important to recognize when
the desire for personal possessions becomes overly consuming. There needs to be
a balance between a satisfying work life and a rich home life, and the best way
to achieve such a balance is to ensure the drive for material possessions does
not become all consuming.




时间: 2024-08-07 08:37:38



(一)一些闲言碎语 刚才在搜索的时候,看到别人说的一句话,大体意思如下:自从学习Python之后,就不想在学习其他语言了,只想抓紧时间写些有用的东西.细想一下,果真如此. 唉,Python魅力如此之大.感觉比Java容易的多,也可能是小众语言,因为足够小才显得足够强大.算了,不愿多想,还是多写些有意思的东西吧,哈哈. (二)一些有趣的代码 (1)一句话文件服务器 [email protected]:~$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer Serving HTTP on 0.0


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H3 BPM循环子表相关方法介绍

在表单中,控件类型为子表的数据项,其对于的前台代码其实就是Table 下面简单介绍遍历子表的方法 循环子表取.赋值方法: //此方法的功能是将子表TravelExpensesList复制到子表FinancialAudit中 //步骤解析: //1.取到子表FinancialAudit的总行数 //2.由于是将子表TravelExpensesList复制到子表FinancialAudit中,也就是子表TravelExpensesList是有值的,而子表FinancialAudit是刚初始化的,没有


    最大连续子数组和 1. 题目描述 输入一个整形数组,数组里有正数也有负数.数组中连续的一个或多个整数组成一个子数组,每个子数组都有一个和. 求所有子数组的和的最大值,要求时间复杂度为O(n). 例如输入的数组为1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5,和最大的子数组为3, 10, -4, 7, 2, 因此输出为该子数组的和18. 2. 解法一:三层搜索 这个解法使用了3层搜索,时间复杂度为O(n^3). 第一层搜索:i遍历数组中所有数,作为子数组的起始点: 第二层搜索:j遍历


NSString上一章我们讲解了如何在父字符串中提取它的一部分作为一个新的子字符串而存在, 今天我们就来讲讲怎么知道子字符串在父字符串中的位置, 以及长度是多少. 这里使用的方法: NSRange: 前面我们说过, NSRange是作为一个结构体一样的存在, 它里面是由两个长整数类型构成的, 而rangOfString:就是把要判断的子字符串在这声明, 由它来返回给NSRange来判断子字符串所在父字符串的位置以及长度. 下面是简单例子: #import <Foundation/Foundati