Intellij IDEA ShortCuts Key

Intellij IDEA ShortCuts Key

Help——》Default Keymap reference

To find any action inside the IDE use

Find Action (Ctrl+Shift+A/   A)

Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7  Find usages / Find usages in file

Ctrl + Shift + F7  Highlight usages in file

Ctrl + Alt + F7  Show usages

Compile and Run

Ctrl + F9  Make project (compile modifed and dependent)

Ctrl + Shift + F9  Compile selected file, package or module

Alt + Shift + F10  Select configuration and run

Alt + Shift + F9  Select configuration and debug

Shift + F10  Run

Shift + F9  Debug

Ctrl + Shift + F10  Run context configuration from editor


F8  Step over

F7  Step into

Shift + F7   Smart step into

Shift + F8  Step out

Alt + F9  Run to cursor

Alt + F8  Evaluate expression

F9  Resume program

Ctrl + F8  Toggle breakpoint

Ctrl + Shift + F8  View breakpoints


Ctrl + N  Go to class

Ctrl + Shift + N  Go to file

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N  Go to symbol

Alt + Right/Left  Go to next/previous editor tab

F12  Go back to previous tool window

Esc  Go to editor (from tool window)

Shift + Esc  Hide active or last active window

Ctrl?+?Shift?+?F4  Close active run/messages/find/... tab

Ctrl?+?G  Go to line

Ctrl?+?E  Recent files popup

Ctrl?+?Alt + Left/Right  Navigate back/forward

Ctrl?+?Shift?+?Backspace  Navigate to last edit location

Alt + F1  Select current file or symbol in any view

Ctrl + B or Ctrl + Click  Go to declaration

Ctrl + Alt + B  Go to implementation(s)

Ctrl + Shift + I  Open quick definition lookup

Ctrl + Shift + B  Go to type declaration

Ctrl + U  Go to super-method/super-class

Alt + Up/Down  Go to previous/next method

Ctrl + ] / [  Move to code block end/start

Ctrl + F12  File structure popup

Ctrl + H  Type hierarchy

Ctrl + Shift + H  Method hierarchy

Ctrl + Alt + H  Call hierarchy

F2 / Shift + F2  Next/previous highlighted error

F4 / Ctrl + Enter  Edit source / View source

Alt + Home  Show navigation bar

F11  Toggle bookmark

Ctrl + F11  Toggle bookmark with mnemonic

Ctrl + #[0-9]  Go to numbered bookmark

Shift + F11  Show bookmarks


F5  Copy

F6  Move

Alt + Delete  Safe Delete

Shift + F6  Rename

Ctrl + F6  Change Signature

Ctrl + Alt + N  Inline

Ctrl + Alt + M  Extract Method

Ctrl + Alt + V  Extract Variable

Ctrl + Alt + F  Extract Field

Ctrl + Alt + C  Extract Constant

Ctrl + Alt + P  Extract Parameter

VCS/Local History

Ctrl + K  Commit project to VCS

Ctrl + T  Update project from VCS

Alt + Shift + C  View recent changes

Alt + BackQuote (`)  ‘ VCS’ quick popup

Live Templates

Ctrl + Alt + J  Surround with Live Template

Ctrl + J  Insert Live Template

iter  Iteration according to Java SDK 1.5 style

inst  Check?object?type with instanceof and downcast it

itco  Iterate elements of java.util.Collection

itit  Iterate elements of java.util.Iterator

itli  Iterate elements of java.util.List

psf  public static final

thr  throw new


Alt + #[0-9]  Open corresponding tool window

Ctrl + S  Save all

Ctrl + Alt + Y  Synchronize

Ctrl + Shift + F12  Toggle maximizing editor

Alt + Shift + F  Add to Favorites

Alt + Shift + I  Inspect current file with current profile

Ctrl + BackQuote (`)  Quick switch current scheme

Ctrl + Alt + S  Open Settings dialog

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S  Open Project Structure dialog

Ctrl + Shift + A  Find Action

Ctrl + Tab  Switch between tabs and tool window


Ctrl + Space  Basic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable)

Ctrl + Shift + Space  Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)

Ctrl + Shift + Enter  Complete statement

Ctrl + P  Parameter info (within method call arguments)

Ctrl + Q  Quick documentation lookup

Shift + F1  External Doc

Ctrl +?mouse?over?code  Brief Info

Ctrl + F1  Show descriptions of error or warning at caret

Alt + Insert  Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)

Ctrl + O  Override methods

Ctrl + I  Implement methods

Ctrl + Alt + T  Surround?with…?(if..else,?try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.)

Ctrl + /  Comment/uncomment with line comment

Ctrl + Shift + /  Comment/uncomment with block comment

Ctrl + W  Select successively increasing code blocks

Ctrl + Shift + W  Decrease current selection to previous state

Alt + Q  Context info

Alt + Enter  Show intention actions and quick-fixes

Ctrl + Alt + L  Reformat code

Ctrl + Alt + O  Optimize imports

Ctrl + Alt + I  Auto-indent line(s)

Tab / Shift + Tab  Indent/unindent selected lines

Ctrl?+?X?or?Shift?+?Delete  Cut current line or selected block to clipboard

Ctrl?+?C?or?Ctrl?+?Insert  Copy current line or selected block to clipboard

Ctrl?+?V?or?Shift?+?Insert  Paste from clipboard

Ctrl?+?Shift + V  Paste from recent buffers...

Ctrl?+?D  Duplicate current line or selected block

Ctrl?+?Y  Delete line at caret

Ctrl?+?Shift + J  Smart line join

Ctrl?+?Enter  Smart line split

Shift + Enter  Start new line

Ctrl + Shift + U  Toggle case for word at caret or selected block

Ctrl + Shift + ] / [  Select till code block end/start

Ctrl + Delete  Delete to word end

Ctrl + Backspace  Delete to word start

Ctrl + NumPad+/-  Expand/collapse code block

Ctrl + Shift?+?NumPad+  Expand all

Ctrl + Shift?+?NumPad-  Collapse all

Ctrl + F4  Close active editor tab


Double Shift   Search everywhere

Ctrl + F  Find

F3  Find next

Shift + F3  Find previous

Ctrl + R  Replace

Ctrl + Shift + F  Find in path

Ctrl + Shift + R  Replace in path

Ctrl + Shift + S  Search structurally (Ultimate Edition only)

Ctrl + Shift + M  Replace structurally (Ultimate Edition only

时间: 2024-08-28 04:44:37

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