
proTeXt - MiKTeX-based distribution for Windows

proTeXt aims to be an easy-to-install TeX distribution for Windows, based on MiKTeX. After downloading, a wizard (available in several languages) guides the installation.

Download and install

You can download the self-extracting protext.exe file from CTAN; it is well over 1GB. That link will automatically choose a nearby CTAN mirror. If problems with the download, please manually choose a mirror from the list.

If such a large download is problematic for you, proTeXt is also included in the TeX Collection, which you can get by becoming a TeX user group member. On the other hand, if you have plenty of bandwidth and want to burn your own DVD, you can download proTeXt as a giant ISO image.

Once you have the distribution, you can start the installation by running Setup.exe (if it does not open automatically). At present, proTeXt includes only 32-bit binaries, but runs fine on 64-bit systems.

New users can find starting points for actually using TeX in this introduction to the TeX system.

Other tools

proTeXt adds the TeXStudio front end to MiKTeX. If you want to see the exact contents of the distribution, the .exe file is also a zip file; you can inspect it via unzip (on any platform).

To use ConTeXt within proTeXt or MiKTeX, you also need to install a Perl for Windows such as ActivePerl, and Ruby. (Later versions than the ones linked to here will most likely work too.) The contextgarden wiki has more information on MiKTeX and ConTeXt.

All past releases of proTeXt have been publicly archived.

How you can help

  1. Please report problems and suggestions to the (public) [email protected] mailing list, after checking the list of known bugs. Before posting, please be aware that although email addresses are obscured, the archives of the mailing list are publicly viewable, so others can learn from the history.
  2. We encourage proTeXt users to join their local TeX user group to support this and other TeX activities. We also encourage a donation to MiKTeX development if possible. And Thomas would be grateful for any donations to AIDS-Hilfe Hagen, an AIDS support organization in his city.
  3. If you like, you can also review this list of general tasks in the TeX community, not specific to proTeXt.


proTeXt‘s creator and principal maintainer is Thomas Feuerstack, while MiKTeX was created and continues to be maintained by Christian Schenk. Many thanks to both.

$Date: 2014/04/22 20:51:39 $;

TUG home page; contact webmaster;  (via Google)

时间: 2024-10-05 12:07:53



0. 什么是Latex? LaTEX(英语发音:/?le?t?k/ lay-tek或英语发音:/?lɑ?t?k/ lah-tek,音译"拉泰赫"),文字形式写作LaTeX,是一种基于TEX的排版系统,由美国电脑学家莱斯利·兰伯特在20世纪80年代初期开发,利用这种格式,即使使用者没有排版和程序设计的知识也可以充分发挥由TEX所提供的强大功能,能在几天,甚至几小时内生成很多具有书籍品質的印刷品.对于生成复杂表格和数学公式,这一点表现得尤为突出.因此它非常适用于生成高印刷质量的科技和数学类


A picture is worth a thousand words(一图胜千言).图在论文中的重要性不言而喻,本文主要讲解图的制作与插入. 1.图像的插入 图像可以分为两大类:位图和向量图. 位图:也就是点阵图,使用像素的小方块组成网格来表示图像.每个像素都有自己特定的位置和颜色值.一幅图像的像素数量的大小不变,当放大或缩小时,改变的只是像素尺寸的大小.因此放大或缩小时会出现锯齿现象,造成失真.位图还分为:无损压缩和有损压缩.其中,TIFF.PNG.GIF是无损压缩,JPG是有损压缩. 向量


经过两个多星期,毕业论文终于写完了.由于自己对Word软件并不是很熟悉,再加上在数模时见识过LaTex的强大之处,于是就决定用LaTex进行论文的排版.使用LaTex可以避免像Word那样换台机器而出现格式错乱的问题. 首先,我们来讲一讲LaTex的优缺点: 优点: 1.排版质量高: 通过LaTex可以对字距.词距.行距.段距以及版面的精确控制.当插入公式时,不会出现Word中出现的行距不同的情况. 2.具有注释功能:在写作和修改论文时,有时会将某些语句.段落和公式删除,可以事后有觉得不妥,这样


1.在命令之后留一个空格有下列方式: 源文件如下: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{book}%采用book类型(中篇论文一般采用这种类型),A4纸,字体为12磅,默认为10磅 \usepackage{ctexcap}%采用中文标题宏包(标题是中文的) %\usepackage{ctex}%采用中文字体宏包(标题是英文的)与ctexcap不能同时使用 \begin{document} {\LaTeX} 是一个排版工具 %命令行后保留空格的三种方法 \par %另起一段,


Latex排版全解 LATEX(英语发音:/?le?t?k/ LAY-tek或英语发音:/?lɑ?t?k/ LAH-tek,音译"拉泰赫"),是一种基于TEX的排版系统,由美国电脑学家莱斯利?兰伯特在20世纪80年代初期开发,利用这种格式,即使用户没有排版和程序设计的知识也可以充分发挥由TEX所提供的强大功能.对于生成复杂表格和数学公式,这一点表现得尤为突出.因此它非常适用于生成高印刷质量的科技和数学类文档.这个系统同样适用于生成从简单的邮件到完整书籍的所有其他种类的文档. 和Micr


0.说明 本文使用的LATEX排版工具为CTEX套件,具体可参看上一篇博文. 1.排版实练 1)换行 每行最后加“\\”可进行换行,也可以使用\newline指令.\\换行还可以进行行距控制. this is a line \\[1cm] this is a new line 上述内容表示在原来行间距上加上1cm,值可以是负数,表示减去对应的行间距.不使用换行控制,即使进行回车(enter)也不会进行换行. 2)文档类别 先主要介绍“article”与“report",article没有章(ch

用LATEX 排版编程技术书籍的一些个人经验模板

format.cls 1 \usepackage[centering,paperwidth=180mm,paperheight=230mm,% 2 body={390pt,530pt},marginparsep=10pt,marginpar=50pt]{geometry} 3 \usepackage{color} 4 \usepackage{enumitem} 5 \usepackage{fancyvrb} 6 \usepackage[bottom,perpage,symbol*]{footmi


在写paper时,经常遇到LaTeX排版指定行列的子图形.以2X2子图为例,代码如下: \usepackage{subfig} \begin{figure*}[!htb] \centering \subfloat[Location of Cell Towers]{\includegraphics[width=0.47\textwidth]{figures/geo_tower.pdf}} & \subfloat[Number of Records]{\includegraphics[width=0


使用Latex可以排版出漂亮的论文,尤其适合对含有数学公式论文的排版. 下面编写第一Latex源文件,实现对两个数学公式的排版: 新建文件first.tex: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{equation} \sqrt{x^2+y^2} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \int_{a}^{b} f(x)dx \end{equation} \end{document} 执行命令:pdflatex,可