POJ 3262 Protecting the Flowers【贪心】



Protecting the Flowers

Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 4604   Accepted: 1838


Farmer John went to cut some wood and left N (2 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) cows eating the grass, as usual. When he returned, he found to his horror that the cluster of cows was in his garden eating his beautiful flowers. Wanting to minimize the subsequent
damage, FJ decided to take immediate action and transport each cow back to its own barn.

Each cow i is at a location that is Ti minutes (1 ≤ Ti ≤ 2,000,000) away from its own barn. Furthermore, while waiting for transport, she destroys Di (1 ≤ Di ≤ 100)
flowers per minute. No matter how hard he tries, FJ can only transport one cow at a time back to her barn. Moving cow i to its barn requires 2 × Ti minutes (Ti to get there and Ti to return).
FJ starts at the flower patch, transports the cow to its barn, and then walks back to the flowers, taking no extra time to get to the next cow that needs transport.

Write a program to determine the order in which FJ should pick up the cows so that the total number of flowers destroyed is minimized.


Line 1: A single integer N

Lines 2..N+1: Each line contains two space-separated integers, Ti and Di, that describe a single cow‘s characteristics


Line 1: A single integer that is the minimum number of destroyed flowers

Sample Input

3 1
2 5
2 3
3 2
4 1
1 6

Sample Output



FJ returns the cows in the following order: 6, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5. While he is transporting cow 6 to the barn, the others destroy 24 flowers; next he will take cow 2, losing 28 more of his beautiful flora. For the cows 3, 4, 1 he loses 16, 12, and 6 flowers respectively.
When he picks cow 5 there are no more cows damaging the flowers, so the loss for that cow is zero. The total flowers lost this way is 24 + 28 + 16 + 12 + 6 = 86.


USACO 2007 January Silver

#define MAXN 1000000+10
using namespace std;

struct st
	int t,d;
	double ave;

int cmp(st a,st b)
	return a.ave>b.ave;

int main()
	int N,i;
	__int64 sum,min;

	return 0;
时间: 2024-08-06 11:43:17

POJ 3262 Protecting the Flowers【贪心】的相关文章

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POJ 3262 Protecting the Flowers(贪心)

Language: Default Protecting the Flowers Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4942   Accepted: 1973 Description Farmer John went to cut some wood and left N (2 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) cows eating the grass, as usual. When he returned,

POJ 3262 Protecting the Flowers 题解 《挑战程序设计竞赛》

题目:POJ - 3262 这道题,需要好好总结. 原来的思路是,依次计算出送走奶牛1~N会毁掉的花的数量,找出最小的,送走这头牛.然后又在剩下的奶牛中找可以使毁掉的花的数量最小的送走.如此循环直到全被送走. 对是对,只是也太繁琐了些,并且超时. 没有意识到其实这样的思路进行了很多次重复的比较. 后来看了别人的思路,发现可以先排序,一次就可以排好奶牛应该被送走的顺序. 刚开始觉得,这样很像之前做的Yogurt Factory题目,用动态规划记录每相邻两个牛的比较结果. 写完后发现不对,才发现又陷

POJ 3262 Protecting the flowers

http://poj.org/problem?id=3262 这道题和蝎子那道题是相同贪心思路 http://www.cnblogs.com/oscar-cnblogs/p/6329703.html //贪心方式一:列出函数关系式比较复杂//方式二:像蝎子那道题 先讨论两只 奶牛怎样送是最优的/*a1 b1a2 b2先送1 ans = 2*a1*b2先送2 ans = 2*b1*a2那么如果先送1 更优说明 2*a1*b2 < 2*b1*a2 --->> a1 / b1 < a2

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POJ3262 Protecting the Flowers 【贪心】

Protecting the Flowers Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4418   Accepted: 1785 Description Farmer John went to cut some wood and left N (2 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) cows eating the grass, as usual. When he returned, he found to his ho

[bzoj1634][Usaco2007 Jan]Protecting the Flowers 护花_贪心

Protecting the Flowers 护花 bzoj-1634 Usaco-2007 Jan 题目大意:n头牛,每头牛有两个参数t和atk.表示弄走这头牛需要2*t秒,这头牛每秒会啃食atk朵花.求一个弄走牛的顺序,使得这些牛破坏最少的花. 注释:$1\le n \le 10^5$. 想法:贪心. 两头牛i和j. 只考虑这两头牛的位置. 如果i在j前面,拉走i的时候j会造成$2t_i*atk_j$朵花.反之同理. 比较两者谁大就放在前面. 在cmp中这样写就行了. 最后,附上丑陋的代码.