leetcode Interleaving String python 解法

Given s1s2s3, find whether s3 is formed by the interleaving of s1 and s2.

For example,
s1 = "aabcc",
s2 = "dbbca",

When s3 = "aadbbcbcac", return true.
When s3 = "aadbbbaccc", return false.


class Solution:
    # @return a boolean
    def isInterleave(self, s1, s2, s3):
        if len(s1)+len(s2) == len(s3):
            return self.DFS(s1,s2,s3)
            return False

    def DFS(self,s1,s2,s3):
        if not (s1 and s2) :
            if s3 == s1+s2:
                return True
                return False

        if s1[0] == s3[0] and self.DFS(s1[1:],s2,s3[1:]):
            return True
        elif s2[0] == s3[0] and self.DFS(s1,s2[1:],s3[1:]):
            return True
            return False



import Queue

class Solution:
    # @return a boolean
    def isInterleave(self, s1, s2, s3):
        if len(s1)+len(s2) == len(s3):
            return self.BFS(s1,s2,s3)
            return False

    def BFS(self,s1,s2,s3):
        q = Queue.Queue(len(s3))
        while(not q.empty()):
            (x,y) = q.get()
            if x==len(s1) or y == len(s2):
                if s3[x+y:] == s1[x:]+s2[y:]:
                    return True
                    return False
            if s1[x] == s3[x+y]:
            if s2[y] == s3[x+y]:

        return False


时间: 2024-08-24 09:11:38

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