Git Commands Notes


Push changes to remote. (If the remote doesn‘t have the branch, the branch will be created)

git push <remote name> <branch name>

Renaming a branch (a complete version of push command)

This can delete a  remote branch by providing empty local branch name.

git push <remote name> <local branch name>:<remote branch name>


时间: 2025-01-16 20:44:59

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Git Commands

当然,首先要先安装Git 安装命令:sudo apt-get install git 我在github上有个仓库,,那我们把它git到本地. 通过命令:git clone 如上图:远程仓库已经被clone到本地的-/Homepage中 这里我用的是ssh,当然也可以通过https,而https是需要输入用户名.密码,不太方便,但ssh第一次需要设置一下ssh key 设置可以按官方教程来,网址:

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fsck -y mtr IP cat/tac runlevel/tty eject /eject -t 开/关 mount -o loop *.iso /mnt --bind /root /mnt -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt uniq -u -c -d -s 跳过 -w 计算在内 export var / -f funcname dd if= of= bs=1k count=1024 w /who /finger lspci/lsusb -v od -xa / hexdump -C

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