Lesson 39-40 Do you like your job?

一 Words

1 ought to 应该v

2 occupation 职业n,占用v eg. He is a teacher by occupation but a philosopher by inclination倾向,爱好.他的职业是教师,但他的本心是成为哲学家。

3 job satisfaction 工作满足够n eg. I doubt I’ll ever get rich,but I get job satisfaction.我想我永远都不会富有,但是我在工作上很有满足感

4 fringe benefit 额外福利n

5 entail 势必造成,使...成为必要 eg. Such a decision would entail a huge political risk.这样的决定势必带来巨大的政治风险。

           限定继承 eg. The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son.城堡和土地限定由长子继承

6 arduous 努力的,艰巨的adj eg. Take your ease, for the journey ahead will be long and arduous.好好休息一下,前面的路程远而艰难呢

7 esprit de corps 团队精神n eg. We need a strong leader to keep our esprit de corps intact.我们需要一位有能力的领袖,使大家的团队精神得以保持不变。

8 lifeguard 救生员n  bathing suit浴袍

9 sit around 闲坐,无所事事v eg. Eve isn’t the type to sit around doing nothing.伊芙不是那种喜欢坐在那里无所事事的人

10 skimp 节省v  eg. Many families must skimp on their food and other necessities just to meet the monthly rent.就为了交齐每月的租金,许多家庭不得不省吃俭用.

11 blow the whistle 揭发,吹哨 eg. Companies should protect employees who blow the whistle on dishonest worker or work practices.公司应该保护那些检举不诚实的工友及工作行为的员工。

12 prestige 威望,名誉 eg. Their prestige went sky high.他们名声大噪

13 resolve 解决,决定vn,分解 eg. She resolved to report the matter to the hospital’s nursing manager.她决定把这件事汇报给医院的护士长

14 noticeable 明显的,引人注目的 eg. This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients.这种作用在年轻一些的病人身上尤为明显。 eg. The most noticeable effect of these changes is in the way people are now working together.这些变化带来的最明显效果体现在人们现在一起工作的方式上。

15 feedback 反馈n

Lesson 39-40 Do you like your job?,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-08-08 09:27:15

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