HDU4768:Flyer [ 二分的奇妙应用 好题 ]



Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1718    Accepted Submission(s): 622

Problem Description

The new semester begins! Different kinds of student societies are all trying to advertise themselves, by giving flyers to the students for introducing the society. However, due to the fund shortage, the flyers of a society can only be distributed to a part of the students. There are too many, too many students in our university, labeled from 1 to 2^32. And there are totally N student societies, where the i-th society will deliver flyers to the students with label A_i, A_i+C_i,A_i+2*C_i,…A_i+k*C_i (A_i+k*C_i<=B_i, A_i+(k+1)*C_i>B_i). We call a student "unlucky" if he/she gets odd pieces of flyers. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky. Yet, no worries; there is at most one student who is unlucky. Could you help us find out who the unfortunate dude (if any) is? So that we can comfort him by treating him to a big meal!


There are multiple test cases. For each test case, the first line contains a number N (0 < N <= 20000) indicating the number of societies. Then for each of the following N lines, there are three non-negative integers A_i, B_i, C_i (smaller than 2^31, A_i <= B_i) as stated above. Your program should proceed to the end of the file.


For each test case, if there is no unlucky student, print "DC Qiang is unhappy." (excluding the quotation mark), in a single line. Otherwise print two integers, i.e., the label of the unlucky student and the number of flyers he/she gets, in a single line.

Sample Input

1 10 1
2 10 1
5 20 7
6 14 3
5 9 1
7 21 12

Sample Output

1 1
8 1


2013 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Changchun Online


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12940329 2015-02-12 17:35:01 Accepted 4768 78MS 1756K 1933 B G++ czy
  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstring>
  3 #include<cstdlib>
  4 #include<cstdio>
  5 #include<algorithm>
  6 #include<cmath>
  7 #include<queue>
  8 #include<map>
  9 #include<set>
 10 #include<stack>
 11 #include<string>
 13 #define N 20005
 14 #define M 205
 15 #define mod 10000007
 16 //#define p 10000007
 17 #define mod2 1000000000
 18 #define ll long long
 19 #define LL long long
 20 #define eps 1e-6
 21 #define inf 100000000
 22 #define maxi(a,b) (a)>(b)? (a) : (b)
 23 #define mini(a,b) (a)<(b)? (a) : (b)
 25 using namespace std;
 27 int n;
 28 ll a[N],b[N],c[N];
 29 ll num[N];
 30 ll ans;
 31 ll ma;
 32 ll cc;
 34 void ini()
 35 {
 36     int i;
 37     ma=0;
 38     for(i=1;i<=n;i++){
 39         scanf("%I64d%I64d%I64d",&a[i],&b[i],&c[i]);
 40         ma=max(ma,b[i]);
 41         num[i]=(b[i]-a[i])/c[i]+1;
 42     }
 43 }
 45 ll ok(ll l,ll r)
 46 {
 47     int i;
 48     ll re;
 49     re=0;
 50     ll t1,t2;
 51     l--;
 52     for(i=1;i<=n;i++){
 53         if(l>b[i] || r<a[i]) continue;
 54         if(l<a[i]){
 55             t1=0;
 56         }
 57         else{
 58             t1=(l-a[i])/c[i]+1;
 59         }
 60         if(r>b[i]){
 61             t2=num[i];
 62         }
 63         else{
 64             t2=(r-a[i])/c[i]+1;
 65         }
 66         re+=t2-t1;
 67     }
 68     if(re%2==1) return re;
 69     else return 0;
 70 }
 72 void solve()
 73 {
 74     ll l,r,mid;
 75     l=0;r=ma;
 76     while(l<r)
 77     {
 78         mid=(l+r)/2;
 79         cc=ok(l,mid);
 80         if(cc!=0)
 81         {
 82             r=mid;
 83         }
 84         else{
 85             l=mid+1;
 86         }
 87     }
 88     ans=l;
 89     cc=ok(l,l);
 90 }
 92 void out()
 93 {
 94     if(cc==0){
 95         printf("DC Qiang is unhappy.\n");
 96     }
 97     else
 98         printf("%I64d %I64d\n",ans,cc);
 99 }
101 int main()
102 {
103     //freopen("data.in","r",stdin);
104     //freopen("data.out","w",stdout);
105     //scanf("%d",&T);
106     //for(int ccnt=1;ccnt<=T;ccnt++)
107     //while(T--)
108     //scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
109     while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF)
110     {
111         if(n==0) break;
112         ini();
113         solve();
114         out();
115     }
116     return 0;
117 }
时间: 2024-08-05 19:34:30

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Flyer Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1632    Accepted Submission(s): 591 Problem Description The new semester begins! Different kinds of student societies are all trying to adv