Comment file

  1 /// This is the head comment of a file.
  3 /*************************************************************************
  4 *\CopyRight:  2015.9.21-NOW,Feel free to use and modify those codes. And
  5 any modifications or copies shall remain these sentence for the purpose
  6 of further development and code sharing.
  7 *\Module/Sys: [M]/[S]Test
  8 *\Version:
  9 *\Description:Use for the describ of the functions of the file.
 10 *\Author:     CityForNaive
 11 *\Date:       2015.9.21
 12 *\History:    <Date>                <Dev>                <Behavior>
 13 *\            2015.9.21             CityForNaive         Build.
 14 *************************************************************************/
 16 #pragma once /// Use this as first option.
 18 #ifndef _COMMENT_H_
 19 #define _COMMENT_H_
 20 #endif // _COMMENT_H_
 22 /// Comments of the definations as follow.
 24 #define _TEST_SUCCEED            1 /** Test succeed. */
 25 #define _TEST_PARTIAL_SUCCEED    2 /** Test partial succeed. */
 26 #define _TEST_FAILED            0 /** Test failed. */
 28 /// This is the description of a class or a struct.
 30 /**
 31 *\Description:Use for the test functions.
 32 *\Methods:    1.SetTester : Set the basic param of the test
 33               2.GetTester : Get the result of a test.
 34 *\Other:      This is a C based class.
 35 */
 36 class TestClass
 37     : public TestBaseClass
 38 {
 39 public:
 40     TestClass( void );
 41     virtual ~TestClass( void );
 43 public:
 44     /**
 45     *\Description:Set function for the test class.
 46     *\Input:      1.const int& param1, the first param of the func.
 47                   2.const int& param2, the second param of the func.
 48     *\Output:     None.
 49     *\Return:     const int : _TEST_SUCCEED, succeed
 50                               _TEST_PARTIAL_SUCCEED, partial succeed
 51                               _TEST_FAILED, failed.
 52     *\Other:      None.
 53     */
 54     const int SetTester( const int& param1, const int& param2 );
 56     /**
 57     *\Description:Get the result of a test.
 58     *\Input:      1.const int& token1, the first token of the func.
 59                   2.const int& token2, the second token of the func.
 60     *\Output: result, the result of the test.
 61     *\Return:     const int : _TEST_SUCCEED, succeed
 62                               _TEST_PARTIAL_SUCCEED, partial succeed
 63                               _TEST_FAILED, failed.
 64     *\Other:      None.
 65     */
 66     const int GetTester( const int& token1, const int& token2,
 67         int& result );
 69 private:
 70     int m_iParamFrst;    /// The first param of the test.
 71     int m_iParamScnd;    /// The second param of the test.
 72 }; // TestClass
 74 /// The comments in detailed code lines.
 76 /// I intended that the implementation of a method shall be in another file.
 78 /** Set function for the test class. */
 79 int TestClass::SetTester( const int& param1, const int& param2 )
 80 {
 81     int rtnVal; // The return value of this function
 82     rtnVal = _TEST_FAILED;
 84     // Set the param of the test
 85     if ( param1 >= 0 && param2 >= 0 )
 86     {
 87         rtnVal = _TEST_SUCCEED;
 88     }
 89     else if ( param1 >= 0 || param2 >= 0 )
 90     {
 91         rtnVal = _TEST_PARTIAL_SUCCEED;
 92     }
 93     else
 94     {
 95         rtnVal = _TEST_FAILED;
 96     }
 98     m_iParamFrst = param1;
 99     m_iParamScnd = param2;
101     return rtnVal;
102 }
104 /** Get the result of a test. */
105 int TestClass::GetTester( const int& token1, const int& token2, int& result )
106 {
107     int rtnVal; // The return value of this function
108     rtnVal = _TEST_FAILED;
110     // Judge the token to decide the result
111     if ( token1 == m_iParamFrst && token2 == m_iParamScnd )
112     {
113         result = m_iParamFrst * m_iParamScnd;
114         rtnVal = _TEST_SUCCEED;
115     }
116     else if ( token1 == m_iParamFrst || token2 == m_iParamScnd )
117     {
118         result = m_iParamFrst / m_iParamScnd;
119         rtnVal = _TEST_PARTIAL_SUCCEED;
120     }
121     else
122     {
123         result = 0;
124         rtnVal = _TEST_FAILED;
125     }
127     return rtnVal;
128 }
130 /// For interface that we just write the brief of the function.
132 class __declspec( novtable ) ITestInterface
133 {
134 public:
135     /** This is a function of the interface. */
136     virtual void func( const int& param, const char* charParam ) = 0;
137 };
139 /// here we can also use EXTERN_C instead of extern "C" if under VS.
140 extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) ITestInterface* getTestInterface();

以上是换了一家公司之后,根据公司内部的 code rule 自己整理的自己以后进行编码的参考格式(当然,现在这家并不是做什么开源项目的:3>)

时间: 2024-08-04 14:36:03

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