Linux shell get random number

the Shell Profile:
When a new interactive shell is started, /etc/profile, followed by /etc/bash.bashrc(if a
bash shell), ~/.profile, and finally ~/.bashrc are executed in that order.
You can set your PATHenvironment variable to tell the shell where to search for programs (and scripts)
to be run. The main system commands are in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin, but you may
have your own scripts in $HOME/bin, $HOME/scripts, /usr/local/bin, or elsewhere. Append these to
the PATHso that they will be found by the shell even when you are not in that directory:
ls aliases
Because it is such a common command, there are a few popular lsaliases, the two most common
being llfor ls -land lafor ls -a. Your distribution might even set these for you. Some popular
lsaliases include:
# save fingers!
alias l=’ls’
# long listing of ls
alias ll=’ls -l’
# colors and file types
alias lf=’ls -CF’
# sort by filename extension
alias lx=’ls -lXB’
# sort by size
alias lk=’ls -lSr’
# show hidden files
alias la=’ls -A’
# sort by date
alias lt=’ls -ltr’

# append, don’t overwrite the history
shopt -s histappend
# control the size of the history file
export HISTSIZE=100000
export HISTFILESIZE=409600
# ignore common commands
export HISTIGNORE=”:pwd:id:uptime:resize:ls:clear:history:”
# ignore duplicate entries
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

~/.inputrc and /etc/inputrc
/etc/inputrcand ~/.inputrcare used by GNU readline facility (used by bash and many other
utilities to read a line of text from the terminal) to control how readline behaves.
set completion-ignore-case On

http_proxy = serveraddress
proxy_user = username
proxy_password = password

echo "My name is  basename $0  - I was called as $0"
echo "I was called with $# parameters."
while [ "$#" -ge "1" ]; do
echo "Parameter number $count is: $1"
let count=$count+1

$ ./ one two three
My name is - I was called as ./
I was called with 3 parameters.
Parameter number 1 is: one
Parameter number 2 is: two
Parameter number 3 is: three

seq 10 -1 1
seq 1 1 10
seq last
seq first incr last
seq first last
RANDOM produces a random number between 0 and 32767.
if you want to generate data between m...n , write a function
function getrand()
let "RANGE=$MAX-$MIN";
if [ "$RANGE" -le "0" ]; then
echo "Error - MAX IS LESS THAN MIN"
return $(($RANDOM % $RANGE +$MIN))
getrand 1 1000
echo $?

if 判断中常用的一些表达式:
-d :判断制定的是否为目录

time format
echo ${date + %Y%m%d}

IFS is the Internal Field Separator: It lists the set of characters that may be used as whitespace. Its
default value is <space><tab><newline>
IFS=$(echo \t\n)

时间: 2024-10-20 05:43:04

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【转】linux shell实现随机数多种方法(date,random,uuid)

在日常生活中,随机数实际上经常遇到,想丢骰子,抓阄,还有抽签.呵呵,非常简单就可以实现.那么在做程序设计,真的要通过自己程序设计出随机数那还真的不简单了.现在很多都是操作系统内核会提供相应的api,这些原始参数是获取一些计算机运行原始信息,如内存,电压,物理信号等等,它的值在一个时间段可以保证是唯一的了.好了,废话我就不说了.呵呵. shell脚本程序我们有那些获得随机数方法呢? 一.通过时间获得随机数(date) 这个也是我们经常用到的,可以说时间是唯一的,也不会重复的,从这个里面获得同一时间

linux shell实现随机数多种方法(date,random,uuid)

在日常生活中,随机数实际上经常遇到,想丢骰子,抓阄,还有抽签.呵呵,非常简单就可以实现.那么在做程序设计,真的要通过自己程序设计出随机数那还真的不简单了.现在很多都是操作系统内核会提供相应的api,这些原始参数是获取一些计算机运行原始信息,如内存,电压,物理信号等等,它的值在一个时间段可以保证是唯一的了.好了,废话我就不说了.呵呵. shell脚本程序我们有那些获得随机数方法呢? 一.通过时间获得随机数(date) 这个也是我们经常用到的,可以说时间是唯一的,也不会重复的,从这个里面获得同一时间

Linux shell脚本基础学习详细介绍(完整版)一

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linux shell 编程

一.Linux中变量$#,[email protected],$0,$1,$2,$*,$$,$?的含义: 可以通过脚本测试来区分这几个变量的具体作用和用法. 脚本如下: # vim variable #!/bin/sh echo "number:$#" echo "scname:$0" echo "first :$1" echo "second:$2" echo "argume:[email protected]&q

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from:Sep 23 2016 mathematical operation: floating number,bc calculator: we can also use bc in shell scripts: if - then - else number comparison: n1 -eq n2 n1 -ge n2 n1 -gt n2 n1 -le n2 n1 -lt n2 n1 -ne n2 if - then - elif, notice that the second elif

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