Adding a prefix header to an iOS project

The iOS SDK API for New Relic Mobile requires modification of your project‘s prefix header. If your project does not have one, follow these steps to add it.
From your Xcode menu, select File > New > File...
From iOS template options, select Other > PCH file.
Name the file <target_name>-Prefix.pch, and then select Create.
From your target’s Build settings, select All, and then add the following to the Prefix Header field:

时间: 2024-08-08 09:40:20

Adding a prefix header to an iOS project的相关文章

iOS添加Prefix Header

1. 添加Prefix Header 注: Xcode 6苹果默认去掉prefix Header, 用以提高原文件的复用性, 便于迁移. 并且可以一定程度上减少Build Time. 解决办法: (1). 在工程中添加一个pch文件, 命名 XXX-Prefix.pch. (2). 设置Build Setting 为'Prefix Header' 添加路径 $(SRCROOT)/桌面文件夹/PrefixHeader.pch Precompile Prefix Header 设置为YES后, pc

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如何在Xcode6中添加pch(Precompile Prefix Header)文件?

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