- <?
- //设置路径(默认当前php文件所在路径)
- $basedir = "d:/inetpub/wwwroot";
- $textrows = "20";
- $textcols = "85";
- if(!$wdir) $wdir="/";
- //HTML的标头
- function html_header(){
- global $basedir;
- global $wdir;
- global $lastaction;
- echo "<HEAD>";
- echo "<TITLE>文件目录操作</TITLE>";
- echo "</HEAD>";
- echo "<BODY bgcolor=\"#fafad2\" link=\"#4C4C99\" vlink=\"#4C4C99\" alink=\"#4C4C99\">";
- echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"600\">";
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<th colspan=\"2\" width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#00bfff\">";
- echo " <font size=\"6\" color=\"white\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">文件操作系统</font>  ";
- echo "</th>";
- echo "</tr>";
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<td width\"50%\" align=\"left\"><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=root\"><font size=\"4\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">回根目录($basedir)</font></a></td>";
- echo "<td width\"50%\" align=\"right\"><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?wdir=$wdir\" title=\"Refresh current dir\"><font size=\"4\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">$wdir</font><img src=\"explore.gif\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
- echo "</tr>";
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<td colspan=\"2\"><hr></td>";
- echo "</tr>";
- echo "<tr>";
- echo " <td colspan=\"2\"><b><font size=\"3\" color=\"#4C4C99\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">$lastaction</font></b></td>";
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<td colspan=\"2\"><hr><td>";
- echo "</tr>";
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<td colspan=\"2\">";
- }
- //计算文件大小
- function display_size($file){
- $file_size = filesize($file);
- if($file_size >= 1073741824)
- {
- $file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . "g";
- }
- elseif($file_size >= 1048576)
- {
- $file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . "m";
- }
- elseif($file_size >= 1024)
- {
- $file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . "k";
- }
- else{
- $file_size = $file_size . "b";
- }
- return $file_size;
- }
- //文件列表函数
- function displaydir()
- {
- global $basedir;
- global $wdir;
- //Table标题
- echo "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" width=\"100%\">";
- echo "<tr>";
- echo "<th bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\"><font color=\"white\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">类型</font></th>";
- echo "<th bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\"><font color=\"white\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">名称</font></th>";
- echo "<th bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\"><font color=\"white\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">大小</font></th>";
- echo "<th bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\"><font color=\"white\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">修改时间</font></th>";
- echo "<th bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\"><font color=\"white\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">属性</font></th>";
- echo "<th bgcolor=\"#b0c4de\"><font color=\"white\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">操作</font></th>";
- echo "</tr>";
- //将子目录和文件存放在数组中
- //echo $basedir . $wdir;
- chdir($basedir . $wdir);
- $handle=opendir(".");
- while ($file = readdir($handle))
- {
- if(is_dir($file)) $dirlist[] = $file;
- if(is_file($file)) $filelist[] = $file;
- }
- closedir($handle);
- //首先存放子目录
- if($dirlist)
- {
- //目录排序
- asort($dirlist);
- //遍厉数组
- while (list ($key, $file) = each ($dirlist))
- {
- //
- if (!($file == "."))
- {
- $filename=$basedir.$wdir.$file;
- $fileurl=rawurlencode($wdir.$file);
- $lastchanged = filectime($filename);
- $changeddate = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $lastchanged);
- echo "<TR>";
- //建立回上一级目录的箭头
- if($file == "..")
- {
- $downdir = dirname("$wdir");
- echo "<TD align=\"center\" nobreak><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=chdr&file=$downdir\"><img src=\"parent.gif\" alt=\"Parent directory\" border=\"0\"></a></TD>\n";
- echo "<TD></TD>\n";
- echo "<TD align=\"right\" nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . display_size($filename) . "</font></TD>";
- echo "<TD align=\"right\" nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . $changeddate . "</font></TD><TD align=\"right\">";
- printf("%o", (fileperms($filename)) & 0777);
- echo "</TD><TD nobreak>";
- echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=chdr&file=$downdir\"><img src=\"parent.gif\" alt=\"Parent directory\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- }
- //列出目录
- else
- {
- $lastchanged = filectime($filename);
- echo "<TD align=\"center\" nobreak><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=chdr&file=$fileurl\"><img src=\"folder.gif\" alt=\"$basedir$file\" border=\"0\"></a></TD>\n";
- echo "<TD nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . htmlspecialchars($file) . "</font></TD>\n";
- echo "<TD align=\"right\" nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . display_size($filename) . "</font></TD>";
- echo "<TD align=\"right\" nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . $changeddate . "</font></TD><TD align=\"right\">";
- echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=chmod&file=$filename\"><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">";
- printf("%o", (fileperms($filename)) & 0777);
- echo "</A>";
- echo "</font></TD><TD nobreak>";
- echo " <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=move&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\"><img src=\"move.gif\" alt=\"Move,rename or copy $file\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- echo " <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=touch&wdir=$wdir&touchfile=$fileurl\"><img src=\"touch.gif\" alt=\"Touch $file\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=del&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\"><img src=\"delete.gif\" alt=\"Delete $file\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //列出文件
- if($filelist)
- {
- //文件排序
- asort($filelist);
- while (list ($key, $file) = each ($filelist))
- {
- //检查文件格式并显示相应的图表和属性
- //图片文件
- if (ereg(".gif|.jpg",$file))
- {
- $icon = "<IMG SRC=\"image.gif\" alt=\"Image\" border=\"0\">";
- $browse = "1";
- $raw = "0";
- $image = "1";
- }
- //文本文件
- elseif (ereg(".txt",$file))
- {
- $icon = "<IMG SRC=\"text.gif\" alt=\"Text\" border=\"0\">";
- $browse = "1";
- $raw = "1";
- $image = "0";
- }
- //音频文件
- elseif (ereg(".wav|.mp2|.mp3|.mp4|.vqf|.midi",$file))
- {
- $icon = "<IMG SRC=\"audio.gif\" alt=\"Audio\" border=\"0\">";
- $browse = "1";
- $raw = "0";
- $image = "0";
- }
- //Web服务器文件
- elseif (ereg(".phps|.php|.php2|.php3|.php4|.asp|.asa|.cgi|.pl|.shtml",$file))
- {
- $icon = "<IMG SRC=\"webscript.gif\" alt=\"Web program\" border=\"0\">";
- $browse = "1";
- $raw = "1";
- $image = "0";
- }
- //Apache Web服务器安全设置
- elseif (ereg(".htaccess",$file))
- {
- $icon = "<IMG SRC=\"security.gif\" alt=\"Apache Webserver security settings\" border=\"0\">" ;
- $browse = "0";
- $raw = "1";
- $image = "0";
- }
- //Web页面文件
- elseif (ereg(".html|.htm",$file))
- {
- $icon = "<IMG SRC=\"webpage.gif\" alt=\"Web page\" border=\"0\">";
- $browse = "1";
- $raw = "1";
- $image = "0";
- }
- //不确定格式文件
- else
- {
- $icon = "<IMG SRC=\"text.gif\" alt=\"Unknown filetype\" border=\"0\">";
- $browse = "1";
- $raw = "1";
- $image = "0";
- }
- //文件列表
- $filename=$basedir.$wdir.$file;
- $fileurl=rawurlencode($wdir.$file);
- $lastchanged = filectime($filename);
- $changeddate = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", $lastchanged);
- echo "<TR>";
- echo "<TD align=\"center\" nobreak>";
- //产生文件图标以便预览
- if($raw == "1")
- {
- echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\">";
- }
- if($image == "1")
- {
- echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=show&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl&image=$image\">";
- }
- echo "$icon</TD>\n";
- echo "<TD nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . htmlspecialchars($file) . "</font></TD>\n";
- echo "<TD align=\"right\" nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . display_size($filename) . "</font></TD>";
- echo "<TD align=\"right\" nobreak><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">" . $changeddate . "</font></TD><TD align=\"right\">";
- echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=chmod&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\" title=\"Change permission level on $file\"><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">";
- printf("%o", (fileperms($filename)) & 0777);
- echo "</font></A>";
- echo "</TD><TD nobreak>";
- echo " <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=move&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\"><img src=\"move.gif\" alt=\"Move,rename or copy $file\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- echo " <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=touch&wdir=$wdir&touchfile=$fileurl\"><img src=\"touch.gif\" alt=\"Touch $file\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- echo "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=del&wdir=$wdir&file=$fileurl\"><img src=\"delete.gif\" alt=\"Delete $file\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- //如果文件可以浏览,则给出浏览图标
- if($browse == "1")
- {
- echo " <A HREF=\"$wdir$file\"><img src=\"browse.gif\" alt=\"Browse\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- }
- //如果文件可以编辑,则给出编辑图标
- if($raw =="1")
- {
- echo " <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?wdir=$wdir&action=edit&file=$fileurl\"><img src=\"edit.gif\" alt=\"Edit\" border=\"0\"></A> ";
- }
- }
- }
- echo "</TD></TR>\n";
- echo "</TABLE>";
- //显示出不同提交的Form表
- echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
- echo "<TR><TD colspan=\"2\"><hr></td>";
- //文件上传
- echo "<TR><TD><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">上传文件</font></td><td>";
- echo "<FORM ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"wdir\" VALUE=\"$wdir\">";
- echo "<INPUT NAME=\"userfile\" TYPE=\"file\" size=\"40\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"upload\" VALUE=\"Go!\"></TD></TR>";
- echo "</FORM>";
- //创建新目录
- echo "<TR><TD><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">创建目录</font></td><td>";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"mkdirfile\" size=\"40\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"mkdir\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"wdir\" VALUE=\"$wdir\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"mkdir\" VALUE=\"Go!\"></TD></TR>";
- echo "</FORM>";
- //产生新文件
- echo "<TR><TD><font size =\"-1\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">新建文件</font></td><td>";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"file\" size=\"40\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"createfile\"> ";
- echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"html\" value=\"yes\"><font size =\"-2\" face=\"arial, helvetica\">(html template)</font> ";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"wdir\" VALUE=\"$wdir\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"createfile\" VALUE=\"Go!\">";
- echo "</TD></TR>";
- echo "</TABLE>";
- echo "</FORM>";
- }
- //用户点击CANCEL,取消提交
- if($cancel) $action="";
- //上传文件处理
- if($upload)
- {
- copy($userfile,$basedir.$wdir.$userfile_name);
- $lastaction = "上传文件到 $basedir$wdir";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- echo $html_ender;
- exit;
- }
- ################################################################################
- //开始处理actions
- switch ($action)
- {
- //没有$action变量则显示初始页面
- case "":
- $lastaction = "$basedir";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //回根目录
- case "root":
- $wdir="/";
- $lastaction = "$basedir";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //改变目录
- case "chdr":
- $wdir=$file."/";
- $lastaction = "$basedir$wdir";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- // 改动的对象
- case "touch":
- touch($basedir.$touchfile);
- $lastaction = "Touched $touchfile";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //调试报表
- case "bugreport":
- if ($send)
- {
- $lastaction = "Bug reported. Thank you!";
- html_header();
- mail("[email protected]","Bug report","Name: $name \nVersion: $version \n\nProblem: $problem");
- echo "<h3><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?action=help&wdir=$wdir\">Back to help</a></h3>";
- }
- else
- {
- $lastaction = "Bug report form";
- html_header();
- ?>
- <table>
- <form action="<? echo "$PHP_SELF?action=bugreport&wdir=$wdir&send=1"; ?>" method="POST">
- <tr>
- <td>Your name:</td>
- <td><input name="name" size="24" maxlength="30"></td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td>Your email adress:</td>
- <td><input name="email" size="24" maxlength="30"></td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td>Description of problem(s):</td>
- <td><textarea name="problem" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea></td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Send"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <?
- }
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //删除文件或目录
- case "del":
- //用户确认删除
- if ($confirm)
- {
- //删除对象是目录
- if(is_dir($basedir.$file))
- {
- rmdir($basedir.$file);
- }
- //删除对象是文件
- else
- {
- exec("delete $basedir.$file");
- //unlink($basedir.$file);
- }
- $lastaction = "删除 $file";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- }
- //显示删除提示
- else
- {
- $lastaction = "确实要删除<br>$file吗?";
- html_header();
- echo "<center><b><font size =\"5\" face=\"arial, helvetica\"><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?action=del&wdir=$wdir&file=$file&confirm=1\">YES!</A></font><br>";
- echo "<p><font size =\"5\" face=\"arial, helvetica\"><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?wdir=$wdir\">NO!</A></font><br><b></center>";
- }
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //改变权限属性
- case "chmod":
- //用户确认
- if ($confirm)
- {
- $level = "0";
- $level .= $owner;
- $level .= $group;
- $level .= $public;
- $showlevel = $level;
- $level=octdec($level);
- chmod($basedir.$file,$level);
- $lastaction = "改变属性 $file to $showlevel";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- }
- //提示
- else
- {
- $lastaction = "改变属性$file";
- html_header();
- echo "<font face=\"arial, helvetica\"><center><h4>Current level: ";
- printf("%o", (fileperms($basedir.$file)) & 0777);
- echo "</h4><FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\">\n";
- function selections()
- {
- echo "<option value=\"0\">0 - No permissions";
- echo "<option value=\"1\">1 - Execute";
- echo "<option value=\"2\">2 - Write ";
- echo "<option value=\"3\">3 - Execute & Write";
- echo "<option value=\"4\">4 - Read";
- echo "<option value=\"5\">5 - Execute & Read";
- echo "<option value=\"6\">6 - Write & Read";
- echo "<option value=\"7\">7 - Write, Execute & Read";
- echo "</select>";
- }
- echo "<p><h4>Owner<br>";
- echo "<select name=\"owner\">";
- selections();
- echo "<p>Group<br>";
- echo "<select name=\"group\">";
- selections();
- echo "<p>Public<br>";
- echo "<select name=\"public\">";
- selections();
- echo "</h4>";
- echo "<p>";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"confirm\" VALUE=\"Change\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"cancel\" VALUE=\"Cancel\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"chmod\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"file\" VALUE=\"$file\">";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"wdir\" VALUE=\"$wdir\">";
- echo "</FORM>";
- echo "</center>";
- }
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //移动文件
- case "move":
- //用户确认对象重命名、移动或复制
- if($confirm && $newfile)
- {
- //对象存在
- if(file_exists($basedir.$newfile))
- {
- $lastaction = "Destination file already exists. Aborted.";
- }
- else
- {
- if($do == copy)
- {
- copy($basedir.$file,$basedir.$newfile);
- $lastaction = "Copied\n$file to $newfile";
- }
- else
- {
- rename($basedir.$file,$basedir.$newfile);
- $lastaction = "Moved/renamed\n$file to $newfile";
- }
- }
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- echo $html_ender;
- }
- //提示
- else
- {
- $lastaction = "Moving/renaming or copying<br>$file";
- html_header();
- echo "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\">\n";
- echo "<select name=\"do\">";
- echo "<option value=\"copy\">Copy";
- echo "<option value=\"move\">Move/rename";
- echo "</select> ";
- echo "($file)";
- echo "<h4>To</h4>";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"newfile\" value=\"$file\" size=\"40\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"wdir\" VALUE=\"$wdir\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"move\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"file\" VALUE=\"$file\">\n";
- echo "<p>";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"confirm\" VALUE=\"Do\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"cancel\" VALUE=\"Cancel\">\n";
- echo "</FORM>";
- echo $html_ender;
- }
- break;
- //编辑文件
- case "edit":
- //用户编辑完毕,返回主页面
- if($confirm && $file)
- {
- $lastaction = "Edited $file";
- html_header();
- $fp=fopen($basedir.$file,"w");
- fputs($fp,stripslashes($code));
- fclose($fp);
- displaydir();
- }
- //在textarea显示文件内容
- else
- {
- $lastaction = "Editing $file";
- html_header();
- echo "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"file\" VALUE=\"$file\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"edit\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"wdir\" VALUE=\"$wdir\">\n";
- $fp=fopen($basedir.$file,"r");
- $contents=fread($fp,filesize($basedir.$file));
- echo "<TEXTAREA NAME=\"code\" rows=\"$textrows\" cols=\"$textcols\">\n";
- echo htmlspecialchars($contents);
- echo "</TEXTAREA><BR>\n";
- echo "<center><INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"confirm\" VALUE=\"Save\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"cancel\" VALUE=\"Cancel\"></center><BR>\n";
- echo "</FORM>";
- }
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //显示文件
- case "show":
- //以文本格式显示文件
- $filelocation = $wdir.$file;
- $lastaction = "$basedir$file";
- html_header();
- //如果是图片则显示
- if($image == "1")
- {
- echo "<center><img src=\"$file\"></center>";
- }
- //如果是文本,显示.
- else
- {
- show_source($basedir.$file);
- }
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //创建新目录
- case "mkdir":
- //如果该目录已经存在.
- if(file_exists($basedir.$wdir.$mkdirfile))
- {
- $lastaction = "$basedir$wdir$mkdirfile allready exists.";
- html_header();
- }
- //否则则创建
- else
- {
- $lastaction = "Created the directory $wdir$mkdirfile";
- html_header();
- mkdir($basedir.$wdir.$mkdirfile,0750);
- }
- displaydir();
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- //生成新文件
- case "createfile":
- $filelocation = $wdir.$file;
- //编辑完毕,返回.
- if($done == "1")
- {
- $lastaction = "Created $file";
- html_header();
- $fp=fopen($basedir.$filelocation,"w");
- fputs($fp,stripslashes($code));
- fclose($fp);
- displaydir();
- }
- else
- {
- //如果文件已经存在
- if(file_exists($basedir.$filelocation))
- {
- $lastaction = "$file already exists.";
- html_header();
- displaydir();
- }
- else
- {
- $lastaction = "Creating $file";
- html_header();
- echo "<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"file\" VALUE=\"$file\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"createfile\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"wdir\" VALUE=\"$wdir\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"done\" VALUE=\"1\">\n";
- echo "<TEXTAREA NAME=\"code\" rows=\"$textrows\" cols=\"$textcols\">\n";
- //用户选用Web页面
- if(isset($html))
- {
- echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">\n\n";
- echo "<html>\n";
- echo "<head>\n\n";
- echo " <title>Untitled</title>\n";
- echo "</head>\n";
- echo "<body>\n\n\n\n";
- echo "</body>\n";
- echo "</html>";
- }
- echo "</TEXTAREA><BR>\n";
- echo "<center><INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"confirm\" VALUE=\"Create\">\n";
- echo "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" NAME=\"cancel\" VALUE=\"Cancel\"></center><BR>\n";
- echo "</FORM>";
- }
- }
- echo $html_ender;
- break;
- }
- ?>
时间: 2024-12-27 13:48:34