
(function (f) {
    var A = f.Chart, t = f.addEvent, B = f.removeEvent, l = f.createElement, o = f.discardElement, v = f.css, k = f.merge, r = f.each, p = f.extend, D = Math.max, j = document, C = window, E = f.isTouchDevice, F = f.Renderer.prototype.symbols, s = f.getOptions(), y; p(s.lang, { printChart: "Print chart", downloadPNG: "Download PNG image", downloadJPEG: "Download JPEG image", downloadPDF: "Download PDF document", downloadSVG: "Download SVG vector image", contextButtonTitle: "Chart context menu" }); s.navigation = {
        menuStyle: {
            border: "1px solid #A0A0A0",
            background: "#FFFFFF", padding: "5px 0"
        menuItemStyle: { padding: "0 10px", background: "none", color: "#303030", fontSize: E ? "14px" : "11px" },
        menuItemHoverStyle: { background: "#4572A5", color: "#FFFFFF" },
        buttonOptions: { symbolFill: "#E0E0E0", symbolSize: 14, symbolStroke: "#666", symbolStrokeWidth: 3, symbolX: 12.5, symbolY: 10.5, align: "right", buttonSpacing: 3, height: 22, theme: { fill: "white", stroke: "none" }, verticalAlign: "top", width: 24 }
    }; s.exporting = {
        type: "image/png", url: "", buttons: {
            contextButton: {
                menuClassName: "highcharts-contextmenu",
                symbol: "menu", _titleKey: "contextButtonTitle", menuItems: [{ textKey: "printChart", onclick: function () { this.print() } }, { separator: !0 }, { textKey: "downloadPNG", onclick: function () { this.exportChart() } }, { textKey: "downloadJPEG", onclick: function () { this.exportChart({ type: "image/jpeg" }) } }, { textKey: "downloadPDF", onclick: function () { this.exportChart({ type: "application/pdf" }) } }, { textKey: "downloadSVG", onclick: function () { this.exportChart({ type: "image/svg+xml" }) } }]
    }; f.post = function (b, a, d) {
        var c, b = l("form", k({
            method: "post",
            action: b, enctype: "multipart/form-data"
        }, d), { display: "none" }, j.body); for (c in a) l("input", { type: "hidden", name: c, value: a[c] }, null, b); b.submit(); o(b)
    }; p(A.prototype, {
        getSVG: function (b) {
            var a = this, d, c, z, h, g = k(a.options, b); if (!j.createElementNS) j.createElementNS = function (a, b) { return j.createElement(b) }; b = l("div", null, { position: "absolute", top: "-9999em", width: a.chartWidth + "px", height: a.chartHeight + "px" }, j.body); c = a.renderTo.style.width; h = a.renderTo.style.height; c = g.exporting.sourceWidth || g.chart.width ||
            /px$/.test(c) && parseInt(c, 10) || 600; h = g.exporting.sourceHeight || g.chart.height || /px$/.test(h) && parseInt(h, 10) || 400; p(g.chart, { animation: !1, renderTo: b, forExport: !0, width: c, height: h }); g.exporting.enabled = !1; g.series = []; r(a.series, function (a) { z = k(a.options, { animation: !1, enableMouseTracking: !1, showCheckbox: !1, visible: a.visible }); z.isInternal || g.series.push(z) }); d = new f.Chart(g, a.callback); r(["xAxis", "yAxis"], function (b) {
                r(a[b], function (a, c) {
                    var g = d[b][c], f = a.getExtremes(), h = f.userMin, f = f.userMax; g && (h !==
                    void 0 || f !== void 0) && g.setExtremes(h, f, !0, !1)
            }); c = d.container.innerHTML; g = null; d.destroy(); o(b); c = c.replace(/zIndex="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/isShadow="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/symbolName="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/jQuery[0-9]+="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/url\([^#]+#/g, "url(#").replace(/<svg /, ‘<svg xmlns:xlink="" ‘).replace(/ href=/g, " xlink:href=").replace(/\n/, " ").replace(/<\/svg>.*?$/, "</svg>").replace(/(fill|stroke)="rgba\(([ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+),([ 0-9\.]+)\)"/g, ‘$1="rgb($2)" $1-opacity="$3"‘).replace(/&nbsp;/g,
            " ").replace(/&shy;/g, "­").replace(/<IMG /g, "<image ").replace(/height=([^" ]+)/g, ‘height="$1"‘).replace(/width=([^" ]+)/g, ‘width="$1"‘).replace(/hc-svg-href="([^"]+)">/g, ‘xlink:href="$1"/>‘).replace(/id=([^" >]+)/g, ‘id="$1"‘).replace(/class=([^" >]+)/g, ‘class="$1"‘).replace(/ transform /g, " ").replace(/:(path|rect)/g, "$1").replace(/style="([^"]+)"/g, function (a) { return a.toLowerCase() }); return c = c.replace(/(url\(#highcharts-[0-9]+)&quot;/g, "$1").replace(/&quot;/g, "‘")
        }, exportChart: function (b, a) {
            var b =
            b || {}, d = this.options.exporting, d = this.getSVG(k({ chart: { borderRadius: 0 } }, d.chartOptions, a, { exporting: { sourceWidth: b.sourceWidth || d.sourceWidth, sourceHeight: b.sourceHeight || d.sourceHeight } })), b = k(this.options.exporting, b); f.post(b.url, { filename: b.filename || "chart", type: b.type, width: b.width || 0, scale: b.scale || 2, svg: d }, b.formAttributes)
        }, print: function () {
            var b = this, a = b.container, d = [], c = a.parentNode, f = j.body, h = f.childNodes; if (!b.isPrinting) b.isPrinting = !0, r(h, function (a, b) {
                if (a.nodeType === 1) d[b] = a.style.display,
                a.style.display = "none"
            }), f.appendChild(a), C.focus(), C.print(), setTimeout(function () { c.appendChild(a); r(h, function (a, b) { if (a.nodeType === 1) a.style.display = d[b] }); b.isPrinting = !1 }, 1E3)
        }, contextMenu: function (b, a, d, c, f, h, g) {
            var e = this, k = e.options.navigation, q = k.menuItemStyle, m = e.chartWidth, n = e.chartHeight, j = "cache-" + b, i = e[j], u = D(f, h), w, x, o, s = function (a) { e.pointer.inClass(a.target, b) || x() }; if (!i) e[j] = i = l("div", { className: b }, { position: "absolute", zIndex: 1E3, padding: u + "px" }, e.container), w = l("div", null, p({
                MozBoxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888",
                WebkitBoxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888", boxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888"
            }, k.menuStyle), i), x = function () { v(i, { display: "none" }); g && g.setState(0); e.openMenu = !1 }, t(i, "mouseleave", function () { o = setTimeout(x, 500) }), t(i, "mouseenter", function () { clearTimeout(o) }), t(document, "mouseup", s), t(e, "destroy", function () { B(document, "mouseup", s) }), r(a, function (a) {
                if (a) {
                    var b = a.separator ? l("hr", null, null, w) : l("div", {
                        onmouseover: function () { v(this, k.menuItemHoverStyle) }, onmouseout: function () { v(this, q) }, onclick: function () {
                            x(); a.onclick.apply(e,
                        }, innerHTML: a.text || e.options.lang[a.textKey]
                    }, p({ cursor: "pointer" }, q), w); e.exportDivElements.push(b)
            }), e.exportDivElements.push(w, i), e.exportMenuWidth = i.offsetWidth, e.exportMenuHeight = i.offsetHeight; a = { display: "block" }; d + e.exportMenuWidth > m ? a.right = m - d - f - u + "px" : a.left = d - u + "px"; c + h + e.exportMenuHeight > n && g.alignOptions.verticalAlign !== "top" ? a.bottom = n - c - u + "px" : a.top = c + h - u + "px"; v(i, a); e.openMenu = !0
        }, addButton: function (b) {
            var a = this, d = a.renderer, c = k(a.options.navigation.buttonOptions, b), j =
            c.onclick, h = c.menuItems, g, e, l = { stroke: c.symbolStroke, fill: c.symbolFill }, q = c.symbolSize || 12; if (!a.btnCount) a.btnCount = 0; if (!a.exportDivElements) a.exportDivElements = [], a.exportSVGElements = []; if (c.enabled !== !1) {
                var m = c.theme, n = m.states, o = n && n.hover, n = n && n.select, i; delete m.states; j ? i = function () { j.apply(a, arguments) } : h && (i = function () { a.contextMenu(e.menuClassName, h, e.translateX, e.translateY, e.width, e.height, e); e.setState(2) }); c.text && c.symbol ? m.paddingLeft = f.pick(m.paddingLeft, 25) : c.text || p(m, {
                    width: c.width,
                    height: c.height, padding: 0
                }); e = d.button(c.text, 0, 0, i, m, o, n).attr({ title: a.options.lang[c._titleKey], "stroke-linecap": "round" }); e.menuClassName = b.menuClassName || "highcharts-menu-" + a.btnCount++; c.symbol && (g = d.symbol(c.symbol, c.symbolX - q / 2, c.symbolY - q / 2, q, q).attr(p(l, { "stroke-width": c.symbolStrokeWidth || 1, zIndex: 1 })).add(e)); e.add().align(p(c, { width: e.width, x: f.pick(c.x, y) }), !0, "spacingBox"); y += (e.width + c.buttonSpacing) * (c.align === "right" ? -1 : 1); a.exportSVGElements.push(e, g)
        }, destroyExport: function (b) {
            var b =
            b.target, a, d; for (a = 0; a < b.exportSVGElements.length; a++) if (d = b.exportSVGElements[a]) d.onclick = d.ontouchstart = null, b.exportSVGElements[a] = d.destroy(); for (a = 0; a < b.exportDivElements.length; a++) d = b.exportDivElements[a], B(d, "mouseleave"), b.exportDivElements[a] = d.onmouseout = d.onmouseover = d.ontouchstart = d.onclick = null, o(d)
    }); F.menu = function (b, a, d, c) { return ["M", b, a + 2.5, "L", b + d, a + 2.5, "M", b, a + c / 2 + 0.5, "L", b + d, a + c / 2 + 0.5, "M", b, a + c - 1.5, "L", b + d, a + c - 1.5] }; A.prototype.callbacks.push(function (b) {
        var a, d = b.options.exporting,
        c = d.buttons; y = 0; if (d.enabled !== !1) { for (a in c) b.addButton(c[a]); t(b, "destroy", b.destroyExport) }
时间: 2024-12-25 03:09:32


EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics 问题

使用EXP导出数据时出现EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics错误信息,参考EXP-00091解决方法,查询到数据库的NLS_CHARACTERSET参数为ZHS16GBK,修改环境变量NLS_LANG为ZHS16GBK,重新执行EXP,则出现ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified错误,再修改环境变量NLS_LANG为"Simplified

csharp: Importing or Exporting Data from Worksheets using aspose cell

/// <summary> /// 涂聚文 /// 20150728 /// EXCEL /// </summary> public class ExcelHelperImport { /* http://www.cnblogs.com/wangrsh2010/archive/2012/03/21/2410182.html * http://npoi.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest * http://sourceforge.net/project


一.exporting属性说明 默认情况下,HighCharts支持将图表导出为图片或打印功能的.也就是在图表的右上角有两个按钮.打击即可进行相应的操作. 实现导出和打印功能需要引入相应的js文件,也就是exporting.js(该文件存在于highCharts压缩包的/js/modules目录下). 一般情况下,我们基本用不上该功能(不引入exporting.js即可去掉该功能),即使是使用该功能,也不用配置,默认的配置就可以. 二.exporting属性详解 参数 说明 默认值 button

[Node.js] Exporting Modules in Node

In this lesson, you will learn the difference between the exports statement and module.exports. Two examples are demonstrated, each accomplishing the same task but one using export statements and one using module.exports. You will also learn the basi


1.错误描述 2.错误原因 Java虚拟机内存溢出,导出出错 3.解决办法 打开IReport安装文件,D:\Program Files (x86)\Jaspersoft\iReport-5.6.0\etc,找到ireport.conf文件 修改黄色画的区域 default_options="-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m -J-Dorg.netbeans.ProxyClassLoader.level=1000 -J-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -J-Dapple.laf

xcode 6 exporting ipa 提示 Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate

在Product - Archive 包过程中,选择Save for Ad hoc Deployment模式[给内部人员测试],export包时,弹出了如下提示 自己遇到时候问题:首先adhoc需要本机上有公司开发的私钥,然后scheme编辑时候的archive选项要是release或者final(xcode6)然后工程的build setting中设置release为你adhoc对应的证书.然后就可以生成导出了.

Exporting RDBMS Table To A Flat File(CSV)

本文介绍如何将表数据通过ODI导成CSV文件. 一.源表准备工作 1.1 定义物理体系结构 定义New Data ServerODI->Topology->Physical Architecture,右击Oracle,选择"New Data Server",在Definition对话框中定义一个名称,输入Oracle实例名称以及用户信息,保存.接着在JDBC对话框中,选择JDBC驱动以及输入jdbc连接URL,可以通过点击"Test Connection"


结合网络.官网.手动查询等多方渠道,整理ceph维护管理常用命令,并且梳理常规命令在使用过程中的逻辑顺序.另外整理期间发现ceph 集群的命令体系有点乱,详细情况各自体验. 一:ceph集群启动.重启.停止 1:ceph 命令的选项如下: 选项简写描述 --verbose-v详细的日志. --valgrindN/A(只适合开发者和质检人员)用 Valgrind 调试. --allhosts-a在 ceph.conf 里配置的所有主机上执行,否 则它只在本机执行. --restartN/A核心转储


生成一般销售订单和退货订单所要使用的BAPI不同, 一般销售订单: BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 退货订单: BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CREATE 二者的参数基本一样. 以下为例: " tables for bapiDATA: gt_order_header_in   LIKE bapisdhd1.DATA: gt_order_header_inx  LIKE bapisdhd1x.DATA: gt_return            LIKE b