PPP is a protocol that is able to:

  • handle authentication,
  • compression,
  • error detection,
  • monitor link quality,
  • logically bundles multiple serial connections together to share the load

1. Serial Point to point Overview

There are three important serial communication standards affecting LAN-to-WAN connections:

  • RS-232 - Most serial ports on personal computers conform to the RS-232C or newer RS-422 and RS-423 standards. Both 9-pin and 25-pin connectors are used. A serial port is a general-purpose interface that can be used for almost any type of device, including modems, mice, and printers. These types of peripheral devices for computers have been replaced by new and faster standards such as USB but many network devices use RJ-45 connectors that conform to the original RS-232 standard.
  • V.35 - Typically used for modem-to-multiplexer communication, this ITU standard for high-speed, synchronous data exchange combines the bandwidth of several telephone circuits. In the U.S., V.35 is the interface standard used by most routers and DSUs that connect to T1 carriers. V.35 cables are high-speed serial assemblies designed to support higher data rates and connectivity between DTEs and DCEs over digital lines. There is more on DTEs and DCEs later in this section.
  •  HSSI - A High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) supports transmission rates up to 52 Mb/s. Engineers use HSSI to connect routers on LANs with WANs over high-speed lines, such as T3 lines. Engineers also use HSSI to provide high-speed connectivity between LANs, using Token Ring or Ethernet. HSSI is a DTE/DCE interface developed by Cisco Systems and T3 plus Networking to address the need for high-speed communication over WAN links.

Point-to-point links are usually more expensive than shared services.

Multiplexing refers to a scheme that allows multiple logical signals to share a single physical channel. Two common types of multiplexing are time-division multiplexing (TDM) and statistical time-division multiplexing (STDM).


TDM divides the bandwidth of a single link into separate time slots. TDM transmits two or more channels (data stream) over the same link by allocating a different time slot for the transmission of each channel. In effect, the channels take turns using the link.


STDM uses a variable time slot length allowing channels to compete for any free slot space. It employs a buffer memory that temporarily stores the data during periods of peak traffic. STDM does not waste high-speed line time with inactive channels using this scheme. STDM requires each transmission to carry identification information or a channel identifier.

2. HDLC Encapsulation

The following are short descriptions of each type of WAN protocol:

  • HDLC - The default encapsulation type on point-to-point connections, dedicated links, and circuit-switched connections when the link uses two Cisco devices. HDLC is now the basis for synchronous PPP used by many servers to connect to a WAN, most commonly the Internet.
  • PPP - Provides router-to-router and host-to-network connections over synchronous and asynchronous circuits. PPP works with several network layer protocols, such as IPv4 and IPv6. PPP uses the HDLC encapsulation protocol, but also has built-in security mechanisms such as PAP and CHAP.
  • Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) - A standard protocol for point-to-point serial connections using TCP/IP. SLIP has been largely displaced by PPP.
  • X.25/Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) - An ITU-T standard that defines how connections between a DTE and DCE are maintained for remote terminal access and computer communications in public data networks. X.25 specifies LAPB, a data link layer protocol. X.25 is a predecessor to Frame Relay.
  • Frame Relay - An industry standard, switched, data link layer protocol that handles multiple virtual circuits. Frame Relay is a next generation protocol after X.25. Frame Relay eliminates some of the time-consuming processes (such as error correction and flow control) employed in X.25.
  • ATM - The international standard for cell relay in which devices send multiple service types, such as voice, video, or data, in fixed-length (53-byte) cells. Fixed-length cells allow processing to occur in hardware; thereby, reducing transit delays. ATM takes advantage of high-speed transmission media such as E3, SONET, and T3.

The current standard for HDLC is ISO 13239.

HDLC defines three types of frames, each with a different control field format.


The flag field initiates and terminates error checking. The frame always starts and ends with an 8-bit flag field. The bit pattern is 01111110. Because there is a likelihood that this pattern occurs in the actual data, the sending HDLC system always inserts a 0 bit after every five consecutive 1s in the data field, so in practice the flag sequence can only occur at the frame ends. The receiving system strips out the inserted bits. When frames are transmitted consecutively, the end flag of the first frame is used as the start flag of the next frame.


The address field contains the HDLC address of the secondary station. This address can contain a specific address, a group address, or a broadcast address. A primary address is either a communication source or a destination, which eliminates the need to include the address of the primary.


The control field uses three different formats, depending on the type of HDLC frame used:

  • Information (I) Frame - I-frames carry upper layer information and some control information. This frame sends and receives sequence numbers, and the poll final (P/F) bit performs flow and error control. The send sequence number refers to the number of the frame to be sent next. The receive sequence number provides the number of the frame to be received next. Both sender and receiver maintain send and receive sequence numbers. A primary station uses the P/F bit to tell the secondary whether it requires an immediate response. A secondary station uses the P/F bit to tell the primary whether the current frame is the last in its current response.
  • Supervisory (S) Frame - S-frames provide control information. An S-frame can request and suspend transmission, report on status, and acknowledge receipt of I-frames. S-frames do not have an information field.
  • Unnumbered (U) Frame - U-frames support control purposes and are not sequenced. Depending on the function of the U-frame, its control field is 1 or 2 bytes. Some U-frames have an information field.


Only used in Cisco HDLC. This field specifies the protocol type encapsulated within the frame (e.g. 0x0800 for IP).


The data field contains a Path Information Unit (PIU) or Exchange Identification (XID) information.

Frame Check Sequence (FCS)

The FCS precedes the ending flag delimiter and is usually a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) calculation remainder. The CRC calculation is redone in the receiver. If the result differs from the value in the original frame, an error is assumed.

3. PPP Operation

PPP contains three main components:

  • HDLC-like framing for transporting multiprotocol packets over point-to-point links.
  • Extensible Link Control Protocol (LCP) for establishing, configuring, and testing the data-link connection.
  • Family of Network Control Protocols (NCPs) for establishing and configuring different network layer protocols. PPP allows the simultaneous use of multiple network layer protocols. Some of the more common NCPs are Internet Protocol (IPv4) Control Protocol, IPv6 Control Protocol, AppleTalk Control Protocol, Novell IPX Control Protocol, Cisco Systems Control Protocol, SNA Control Protocol, and Compression Control Protocol.

There are many advantages to using PPP including the fact that it is not proprietary. PPP includes many features not available in HDLC:

  • The link quality management feature, as shown in the figure, monitors the quality of the link. If too many errors are detected, PPP takes the link down.
  • PPP supports PAP and CHAP authentication.

3.1 PPP Layer Architecture: Physical Layer

3.2 PPP Layer Architecture: LCP Layer

3.3 PPP Layer Architecture: Network Layer

3.4 PPP Frame Fields

3.5 PPP Sessions

时间: 2024-08-10 07:17:54



如果说下水道是一个城市的良心,那么厕所就是一座城市的门脸. 很多年前,人们就发现一个有意思的现象:一个城市的文明程度可以从其厕所的卫生程度得出,厕所越干净.城市越发达.但直到今天,大数据无法解释这背后的原因:究竟是城市发达了厕所自然就干净了,还是厕所干净了也会促进城市的发展. 对于这样「先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题」,还需要大数据加传统民调和小数据的结合才有肯能找到答案. 01 谷歌为何只猜对了一次? 感谢从维克托·迈尔-舍恩伯格到马云的孜孜不倦地布道,大数据现在几乎成了全球先进生产力的标志,而且几乎

实验16 PPP PAP认证

[实验名称]PPP PAP 认证[实验目的]掌握 PPP PAP 认证的过程及配置[背景描述]你是公司的网络管理员,公司为了满足不断增长的业务需求,申请了专线接入,你的客户端路由器与 ISP 进行链路协商时要验证身份,配置路由器保证链路建立,并考虑其安全性.[需求分析]在链路协商时保证安全验证.链路协商时用户名.密码以明文的方式传输. [预备知识]路由器基本配置知识.PPP PAP 知识[实验设备]路由器(带串口) 2 台V.35 线缆(DTE/DCE) 1 对[实验原理]PPP 协议位于 OS


PPP拨号连接建立虚拟网卡,并可以进行路由设置.几乎所有其他的连接服务都建立在其之上,PPPoE,PPTP,L2TP等等. 而其中一个最基本的话题可能被忽略了,PPP是如何工作的,如何使用PPP建立最简易的连接. PPP协议实际上非常简单,握手信号之后即进行数据交换,由于原来的PPP连接的使用都是基于电话MODEM的点对点通信,不考虑过于复杂的加密并保证传输效率,所以PPP的缺省设置是基于tty设备的,如果使用串口就是ttyS0-ttyS? 当然,使用pppd应用于附加服务并不必须使用tty设备

PPP 网络验证

R1-S1/1-----------S1/0-R2 相关说明:在链路建立的第2个阶段进行用户验证,最常用的认证协议有口令验证协议PAP和挑战-握手协议CHAP.口令验证协议PAP是一种简单的明文验证方式,这种验证方式的安全性较差,第三方可以很容易的获取被传送的用户名和口令:挑战-握手验证协议CHAP是一种加密的验证方式,能够避免建立连接时传送用户的真实密码. 初始:配置各路由器的IP地址. Router>en Router#conf ter Router(config)#hostname r1


PPP协议:点对点协议,是一种点到点方式的链路层协议,它是在SLIP协议的基础上发展起来的. PPP的主要组成及其作用如下: 1:链路控制协议(LCP):主要用于管理PPP数据链路,包括进行链路层参数的协商,建立,拆除和监控数据链路等. 2:网络控制协议(NCP):主要用于协商所承载的网络层协议的类型及其属性,协商在该数据链路上所传输的数据包的格式与类型,配置哇甘咯层协议等. 3:验证协议PAP和CHAP:主要用来验证PPP对端设备的身份合法性,在一定程度上保证链路的安全性. PPP验证: 一:

ppp pap和chap 认证

原理拓扑图 [实验设备] 路由器(带串口) 2 台 V.35 线缆(DTE/DCE) 1 对 [实验原理] PPP 协议位于 OSI 七层模型的数据链路层,PPP 协议按照功能划分为两个子层:LCP. NCP.LCP 主要负责链路的协商.建立.回拨.认证.数据的压缩.多链路捆绑等功能. NCP 主要负责和上层的协议进行协商,为网络层协议提供服务. PPP 的认证功能是指在建立 PPP 链路的过程中进行密码的验证,验证通过建立连接, 验证不通过拆除链路. CHAP(Challenge Handsh


实验名称:PPP PAP(CHAP)认证 实验目的:掌握PPP PAP(CHAP)认证的过程及配置 背景描述:你是公司的网络管理员,公司为了满足不断增长的业务需求,申请了专线接入,你的客户端路由器与 ISP 进行链路协商时要验证身份,配置路由器保证链路建立,并考虑其安全性.需求分析:在链路协商时保证安全验证.链路协商时用户名.密码以明文的方式传输.实验拓扑: (实验室的端口为s 2/0) [实验原理]PPP 协议位于 OSI 七层模型的数据链路层,PPP 协议按照功能划分为两个子层:LCP.NC


[实验名称]PPP PAP 认证[实验目的]掌握 PPP PAP 认证的过程及配置[背景描述]你是公司的网络管理员,公司为了满足不断增长的业务需求,申请了专线接入,你的客户端路由器与 ISP 进行链路协商时要验证身份,配置路由器保证链路建立,并考虑其安全性.[需求分析]在链路协商时保证安全验证.链路协商时用户名.密码以明文的方式传输. [预备知识]路由器基本配置知识.PPP PAP 知识[实验设备]路由器(带串口) 2 台V.35 线缆(DTE/DCE) 1 对[实验原理]PPP 协议位于 OS

实验十一:PPP PAP认证

注意:需要进入所在实验室的设备连线的端口. 在此次实验中,使用了 第一台路由器和第二台路由器 或 第三台路由器和第四台路由器 则 int s2/0.否则, int s3/0. 1.路由器基本配置 Router(config)#hostname Router A Router A(config)#interface serial 3/0 Router A(config-if)#ip address Router A(config-if)# encapsu

ppp pap认证

进入特权模式 进入端口,配置IP地址 配置PAP认证 当使用debug ppp auth验证 出现东西不能停止 验证是否ping通