Personal Resume

var resume={

"name": "XingXiaoYong",

"Sex": "Man",

"Birthday": "1990-06-17",

"WorkingYears": "2011-07—Now",

".Net Professional Technology": "、 Winform、 Mvc、 Linq to sql、 Entity Framework(code first)、Linq、Ioc、AutoMapper、

Log4Net、WebService、 Wcf、XPath、Regex、OData、Npoi、Http Protocol、Wpf",

"Web Professional Technology": "Css、html、Css3、Html5、Js、Jquery、Jqureytemplate、Konockout、Highcharts、handsontable",

"Used Database": "Sql Server、Mongodb、RavenDb、SqlLite",

"Other Directions": "Raspberry pie、Linux、Mono、Docker、Hadoop、Ios、Android",

"Other Encroach on Language": "C、Python、C++、Java",

"Code Source Management Tools": "Vss、Tfs、Svn、Git",

"Personal work": [ "", "" ],

"Work Unit": "",

"Post": "Full time development",

"Hobbies": "Tourism、Sports、Study",

"Tag": "Can complete the project independently;Like to solve problems。"


时间: 2024-12-28 00:08:34

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