English trip -- VC(情景课)3 D Reading



Read 阅读

My Family

My name is Gloria. This is my family . This is my mother. Her name is Natalia.

It is her birthday. This is my father . His name is Enrico. This is my husband,

Luis. This is our daughter, Lisa. This is our son, Tony. I love my family!

Gloria  格洛丽亚

Natalia  纳塔利娅

Enrico  恩里科

Luis  路易斯

Lisa  丽莎

Tony  托尼

My Wonderful Family

My name is Frank. This is my family. This is my wife,Marie.

This is our son. His name is Patrick. This is our daughter.

Her name is Annie. This is our new baby,Jason. He is a boy.

Patrick is his brother. Annie is his sister. I have a wonderful family.

Frank 弗兰克

Marie 玛丽

Patrick 帕特里克

Annie  安妮

Jason  贾森

# 第一人称常用提问                                                                                      # 第三人称回答

A: Excuse me, can I ask you some questions?

B: Sure.

A: What‘s your name?    What‘s her name?

B: My name is Kelvin.     her name is Iris.

A:How do you spell it?       How does she spell it?

B: K-E-L-V-I-N.     I-R-I-S

A: Do you have a big family?    Does she have a big family?

B: Yes.I do / No. I don‘t. I have a small family  No. she doesn‘t. she has a small family.

A: How many people are there in your family?    How many people are there in her family?

B: There are 3 people in my family.  There are 3 people in her family.

A: Who are they?

B: They are my father, my mother and I.  They are her father, her mother and her.

A:Do you have a cousin?  Does she have a cousin?

B:Yes. I do. I have 9 cousins/ No, I don‘t  Yes. she does. she has 3 cousins.

A:Thank you.


After you read 阅读回顾

Luis is Gloria‘s husband.

Natalia is Gloria‘s mother.

Tony is Gloria‘s son.

Enrico is Gloria‘s father.

Lisa is Gloria‘s daughter.



personal  个人

personality  per so na li ty   [p??s?‘n?l?t?]  n. 个性;品格;名人

shy  [?a?]  害羞

outgoing   对人友好的,开朗的;




teenager     [‘ti?ne?d??]   n.十几岁的青少年;十三岁到十九岁的少年

Youth [j?θ] festival [?fest?vl]      青年节



ex-wife  前期

new wife

half-brother    n. 同父异母兄弟;同母异父兄弟















worksheet    n. (学生的)活页练习题

divorce  离婚

break up  分手


Long time see you   好久不见了

You look good  你看起来挺好的

She is outgoing  她外向
He is shy  她外向

Vocabulary Worksheet: My Family

1. If I have a baby girl. she‘ll be my daughter

2. My son calls me father

3. My mother is my father‘s husband

4. My father is my mother‘s wife

5. My father has one sister. She‘s my aunt

6. My mother has one brother. He‘s my uncle

7. My grandfater  is married to my grandmother

8. My grandparents call me their grandchild

9. My aunt‘s husband is  my uncle

10. My sister is married. Her husband is my brother in law

11. My sister has two childern, a boy and a girl. Her son is my nephew and her daughter is my niece

12. My uncle and aunt‘s children are my consin

13. When I get married, my partner‘s mother will be my mother in low

14. My father has remarried. His new wife is my step mother

15. When I break up with my boyfriend(girlfriend). (S)he‘ll be my ex-grilfriend


1. 第一人称  I  we  / 我   我们    You / 你 你们  除了这3个以外全是第三人称

2.对 step mother   后妈(step继xxx)           mother in-law  丈母娘   (in-law法律上承认的) 容易搞混淆    同父异母的兄弟叫  half-brother

3.依然需要注意第三人称 have 变成 has    do 变成 does的习惯,以及 father‘s  父亲的       和   Yes. I do. I have 9 cousins  复数情况


时间: 2024-07-31 20:13:16

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