hihoCoder 1233 : Boxes(盒子)

hihoCoder #1233 : Boxes(盒子)




Description - 题目描述

  There is a strange storehouse in PKU. In this storehouse there are n slots for boxes, forming a line. In each slot you can pile up any amount of boxes. The limitation is that you can only pile a smaller one above a bigger one, in order to keep balance. The slots are numbered from 1 to n. The leftmost one is slot 1.

  At first there is exactly one box in each slot. The volume of the box in slot i is vi. As a virgo, you decide to sort these boxes by moving some of them. In each move you can choose a slot and move the top box in this slot to an adjacent slot (of course you can only put it on the top). You should ensure that the limitation mentioned above is still satisfied after this move. After the sort operation, there should be exactly one box in each slot, and for each pair of adjacent slots, the box in the left one should be smaller than the box in the right one.

  Your task is to calculate the minimum number of moves you need to sort the boxes.





Input - 输入

  In the first line there’s an integer T(T≤6000), indicating the number of test cases. The following 2T lines describe the test cases.

  In each test case, the first line contains an integer n, indicating the number of slots. The second line contains n integers v1,v2…vn, indicating the volume of the boxes. It is guaranteed that all vi in a test case are different.

  Please note that n<8,0≤vi≤104


对于每组测试用例,第一行有一个整数n,表示槽的数量。第二行有n个整数 v1,v2 … vn,表示盒子的体积。保证一组用例中所有的vi都是不同的。



Output - 输出

  For each test case, print a line containing one integer indicating the answer. If it’s impossible to sort the boxes, print -1.



Sample Input - 样例输入

2 1 3
7 8
10000 1000
97 96 95

Sample Output - 样例输出



  开始时脑袋一抽冒了个2^(8*8)的状态表示,看到2^21后恍然大悟。 写完时没注意T,弄了个在线查询超时了……默默地改成打表


       [1--] [2--] [3--] [4--] [5--] [6--] [7--]


      用3位二进制标记第i小的数存放的位置,[0, 6]或[1, 7]的方式都差不多。 状态数2^(3*7)。






后面经过对比估计是VS和G++ STL的区别,VS不知道为什么这次queue特别低效。



代码 C++

 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <cstring>
 3 #include <algorithm>
 4 #include <queue>
 5 int n, ed, bit[8] = { 1 }, map[10005];
 6 unsigned int opt[2 << 21 | 1], data[8];
 7 std::queue<int> q;
 9 int red(){
10     int now, tmp[8], i;
11     scanf("%d", &n);
12     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", data + i);
13     memcpy(tmp, data, sizeof data);
14     std::sort(tmp, tmp + n);
15     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) map[tmp[i]] = i;
16     for (i = now = 0; i < n; ++i) now ^= bit[map[data[i]]] * (i + 1);
17     return now;
18 }
20 void setData(int d){
21     int i, j;
22     memset(data, -1, sizeof data);
23     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i, d >>= 3){
24         if (~data[j = (d & 7) - 1]) continue;
25         data[j] = i;
26     }
27 }
28 void BFS(){
29     int now, nxt, i;
30     while (!q.empty()){
31         setData(now = q.front()); q.pop();
32         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i){
33             if (data[i] == -1) continue;
34             if (i < n - 1){
35                 if (data[i] < data[i + 1]){
36                     nxt = now + bit[data[i] - 1];
37                     if (opt[now] + 1 < opt[nxt]) opt[nxt] = opt[now] + 1, q.push(nxt);
38                 }
39             }
40             if (i > 0){
41                 if (data[i] < data[i - 1]){
42                     nxt = now - bit[data[i] - 1];
43                     if (opt[now] + 1 < opt[nxt]) opt[nxt] = opt[now] + 1, q.push(nxt);
44                 }
45             }
46         }
47     }
48 }
49 void rdy(){
50     memset(opt, -1, sizeof opt);
51     int now, i;
52     for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i) bit[i] = bit[i - 1] << 3;
53     for (i = now = 0; i < 7; n = ++i, BFS()){
54         q.push(now += bit[i] * (i + 1)); opt[now] = 0;
55     }
56 }
58 int main(){
59     rdy();
60     int t;
61     for (scanf("%d", &t); t--; printf("%d\n", opt[red()]));
62     return 0;
63 }
时间: 2024-10-18 00:38:24

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