
问题:The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.

You must restart adb and Eclipse.

Please ensure that adb is correctly located at ‘D:\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe‘ and can be executed.




时间: 2024-12-25 04:38:27


Ubuntu遇到Please ensure that adb is correctly located at '...adb.exe' and can be executed 问题解决方法

上次我们在SDK更新的到最新的Android L版本之后,我发现我的ADT和android指定的版本不对应,我的ADT是22版本的,android L需要23版本以上的,版本不对应的话就无法加载这个SDK进去,通过上网查一下说是修改Android SDK目录下tolols目录下libs目录中plugin.prop这个文件,该文件打开一看就很容易知道要修改的是plugin.version=23.0.0这个,把它改成22就可以了,我改之后加载还真的是可以了,但是一个麻烦的问题又混淆我了,在运行项目的

Android adb.exe程序启动不起来处理方法

经常遇到 Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\java\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed. 遇到问题描述: 运行android程序控制台输出 [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.[2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] You


调试的时候出现一下错误: The connection to adb is down, and a servera error has occured.You must restart adb and Eclipse. Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:......\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed. 对于这个问题,网上查了一下,有几种方法:1.确定platform-tools

解决Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\java\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.

遇到问题描述: 运行android程序控制台输出 [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.    [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] You must restart adb and Eclipse.    [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at


问题描述:执行Android应用程序时报错 错误信息如下: The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.You must restart adb and Eclipse.Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\adt-bundle-windows-64\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed. 首先先

VS2015 Could not locate the Android Debug Bridge (adb.exe).

VS2015 corvoda出现"Could not locate the Android Debug Bridge (adb.exe)." 是由于找不到adb.exe引起,Android sdk环境变量的问题 VS中Android sdk是在注册表中指定的,位置HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Android SDK Tools  键-Path 修改Path值为Android sdk路径,问题解决 注意:sdk路径下要有  \platfo

Windows 环境下adb.exe无法启动的解决办法之一

应用Eclipse开发安卓,更换工作空间之后会出现adb.exe无法启动的情况,其原因尚不明,但是经查阅资料找到了其解决办法之一,现在叙述如下. 操作步骤: 1:wir+R键进入Dos窗口下,切换到adb.exe文件所在的路径下面 Dos下面进入别的盘的命令:“盘符:”如进入D盘就输入“D:”(大写小写都可以): 在同一个盘符下面的文件之间的切换就可以类似于linux下面的操作 “cd 目录” 在dos环境下面操作dir命令会列出该目录下面的所有文件 同样的类似于Linux可以使用Tab键进行自

ADB not responding. If you'd like to retry, then please manually kill "adb.exe" and click 'Restart'

ADB not responding. If you'd like to retry, then please manually kill "adb.exe" and click 'Restart'Errors from ADB:ddms: 'I:\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe,start-server' failed -- run manually if necessary Try below steps: Close the Eclipse

adb.exe,start-server' failed

错误:The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.You must restart adb and Eclipse.   adb.exe' and can be executed.方案:先看看这个 不行就动手 查看 adb.exe 端口的 5037 打开命令行cmd 输入netstat -nao|finds