#Author:AXIN #Date:2017/5/21 17:07 #输入工资 #打印出商品号和价格 #用户根据商品号来选择商品,够就直接扣钱,不够就提醒不够,退出购买 #用户随时可以退出(按q),退出时,打印已经购买的商品和余额 salary = int(input(‘Please input your salary : ‘)) # print(type(salary)) commodity_list = [‘1.iphone se ---- 3288 RMB‘, ‘2.ipad ---- 2688 RMB‘, ‘3.G-shock ---- 1095 RMB‘, ‘4.BlueTooth Headset ---- 59 RMB‘] c_price = [3288,2688,1095,59] for i in range (4): print(commodity_list[i]) shopping_num = []#存放用户所选的商品号 # shopping_num.append(int(input(‘Please input your wanna commodity number : ‘))) i = -1 # # print(shopping_num[i]) # print(type(shopping_num[i])) # shopping_num.append(int(input(‘Please input your wanna commodity number : ‘))) # print(shopping_num) # print(c_price[shopping_num[i]]) # print(type(c_price[shopping_num[i]])) mod = ‘a‘ while mod !=‘q‘: shopping_num.append(int(input(‘Please input your wanna commodity number : ‘))) i= i+1 if salary >= c_price[shopping_num[i]-1]: salary = salary - int(c_price[shopping_num[i]-1]) print("You have already purchased the item :", shopping_num) mod = input(‘If you wanna exit ,input q .Press any key to continue‘) else: print(‘Your salary is not enough ...‘) shopping_num.pop() print("You have already purchased the item :", shopping_num) break print("Your balance :",salary)
#Author:AXIN #Date:2017/5/21 19:35 #老师讲的 product_list = [ (‘Iphone‘,5288), (‘Mac pro‘,12000), (‘Bike‘,800), (‘Watch‘,36000), (‘Coffe‘,39), (‘Python book‘,120), ] shopping_list = [] salary = input(‘Input your salary : ‘) if salary.isdigit():#判断输入的是否是数字,如果是数字,把它变成int类型的 salary = int(salary) while True: # for item in product_list: # print(product_list.index(item),item) for index,item in enumerate(product_list):#enumerate 能把下标取出来 print(index,item) user_choice = input("Your wanna product ?>>>") if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice <len(product_list) and user_choice>=0: p_item = product_list[user_choice] if p_item[1]<=salary: shopping_list.append(p_item) salary-=p_item[1] print("Added %s into shopping cart,your current balance is %s " %(p_item,salary)) else: print(‘\033[41;1mYour balabce only [%s] !\033[0m‘%salary) else: print("Product code [%s] is not exist !"%user_choice) elif user_choice ==‘q‘: print(‘--------------shopping_list---------------‘) for p in shopping_list:#python 中直接使用的变量初始化的 就是0,不用定义再使用 print(p) print(‘Your balance :‘,salary) print(‘exit....‘) exit() else: print(‘Invalide choice ‘)
时间: 2024-12-28 23:13:51