Python之first script

1  A first script


1 # A first Python script
2 import sys                  # Load a library module
3 print(sys.platform)
4 print(2 ** 10)             # Raise 2 to a power
5 x = ‘Spam!‘
6 print(x * 8)                # String repetition

  this file:

  - Imports a Python module (libraries of additional tools), to fetch the name of the platform

  - Runs three print function calls, to display the script’s results

  - Uses a variable named x, created when it’s assigned, to hold onto a string object

  - Applies various object operations that we’ll begin studying in the next chapter

  2)  Run file

  Once save this text file, run it by listing its full filename as the first argument to a python command, typed at the system shell prompt:

% python

  The output result in my computer is

时间: 2024-12-25 12:44:29

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