UVA 10733 - The Colored Cubes(Ploya)

UVA 10733 - The Colored Cubes



思路:Ploya求解,正方体相应24种不同旋转一一计算出循环个数就可以。和 UVA 10601 - Cubes这题类似


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

unsigned long long n;

int main() {
	while (~scanf("%llu", &n) && n) {
		printf("%llu\n", (n * n * n * n * n * n + 12 * n * n * n + 3 * n * n * n * n + 8 * n * n) / 24);
	return 0;
时间: 2024-11-11 14:09:45

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